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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. Swimming pool at Horning also
  2. Had the tide most of the time, and with 4'willing drivers it wasn't a problem and certainly didn't feel like slog. Tunes , crosswords and beer help a lot!!,
  3. Tuesday morning was wet, had a coffee and caught up with the news for the 1st time since arriving.. A slow cruise up to Lodden where the girls went to the tea room and boys pub for a game of darts. Good bit of banters with the locals about my foreign accent, the beer was good. Bit fishing then took the tide all the way to Yarmouth . Not moored here for years, into Yarmouth for tea, ( the regent I think) it was excellent , more ten pin , few beers , back to boat for cards and bed about midnight . Another great day with lots crammed in. Yarmouth really feels like it's on it's last legs though. I suppose it has for a long time. Tide pushed us all the way to potter heigham where I had booked a dinghy from Maffets as HW didn't have any spare. They did however give us a day boat FOC to get under the bridge and pick it up. Very good gesture. CD player on boat was a bit dodgy so they replaced that, water running along the prop shaft was fixed and silenced, pump out and the drains which had smelt a bit on the odd occasion were cleaned out. This was all done by the time we came back with the dinghy. Great service, all with a smile. Can't speak highly enough of them. Up to Womack waters where of course the island was occupied but a wild moor just over from it was excellent. So,was the big pike I caught that night, pictures to follow for proof. Fun for all in dinghy , young lad got wet up to waist trying to get in from the island. We didn't laugh too much!! Watched the football, played dominoes, polished off my dark rum. Everything goes at such a lovely slow pace on the broads, except that is for the time which zooms by. Scarily we are getting near the half way point A very peaceful and picturesque spot we had this night,
  4. So, we moored opposite hardley flood. Lovely spot and caught some fish. Back inside for a game of cards , and just in time as we then got to watch a terrific lightning show in the not too distant distance. Very impressive. Was up " broads early " and had a coffee on deck in the glorious but cool sun. More fishing with lots of bites. Then it was time to set sail for Brundall. Was passing the beauchamp arms just at opening time , so in we went, it would have been rude not too! Unfortunately , and not for the last time on the holiday, it has changed from a pub with a great games room , to a restaurant which has an old clapped out pool table stuck away in an uninviting corner. Oh well sign of the times I suppose. canopy down and onward to Surlingham ferry , reports on here meant I had to try it, and I wasn't disappointed, food and portions excellent all at a fair price. Mooring up was tricky, wind and tide dictating my boat and catching me out stern on. Kept abandoning it and trying again, eventually got it right without too much embarrassment or damage!! All good practice ! Surlingham broad that night for fishing , dominoes, and a dvd of the excellent Kevin Bridges. We had the broad to ourselves after about 9pm and a family of geese had patiently waited about 3 hours for a 2nd feast , which they duly got , in a dark broad with a starry Norfolk sky. Next day was Norwich and I chickened out going under the bridge at Thorpe, it showed borderline but looked like I would manage no problem. Sensible head said no , another time!, Went to cathedral and market, ten pin bowling and lunch. I love Norwich, it has both a cosmopolitan yet still rural feel about it. It's been a while since I walked about the place, holds so many memories for me, as does all the broads to be fair. Went to the New inn at rockland for tea and moored just down from the broad afterwards, tied up to the side, very quiet where the fish were biting like mad. I caught about 6 but my lad got at least double that , not bad for under two hours. More cards more drinkies sleepy time again unfortunately. These broads days fly by don't they. Just a couple of random pics, my very busy teenage daughter still hasn't sent me the bulk of pics taken on her camera. Hope your enjoying my blethering. Neil
  5. So after another year away, family Wonderwall set off for the 450 mile trip to Norfolk on the 1st of July. Destination Kings Lynn for a night in hotel leaving us only an hour drive to potter heigham next morning.Journey was thankfully uneventful, McDonald's eaten and back in room to watch the highlights of that nights Wales game.. Bed, then Breakfast , Stalham Tesco, car packed to bursting and Herbert Woods reception desk by 11am. Boat was ready to go , ( my admiration for Herbert Woods grows and grows, I will explain in more detail later) All the usual taken care off, life jackets, unpacked bags, bags returned to car, fishing tackle bought, boat handover done on the river for around 1200 hours destination Reedham , low water at GY around 3 pm , it really couldn't have started any better. That first half hour cruise past the chalets and onto the Thurne mouth, I really am like a little boy at Christmas. The usual stresses and worries of life just leave you like the outgoing tide. I'm at the place I most want to be, with the people I most want to be with, beer in my hand , wife with wine 2 big kids with whatever they want, Stone roses playing on the tunes . If I ever get a boat ( unlikely) I might call it Sally Cinnamon. A song by the stone roses, if your not aware of the song, Google and listen to it, you will " get me!!" low revs and the tide pushed us all the way to Yarmouth , I was on the Breydon waters by 1530 I think, and just for the fun of it knocked backed the revs and the tide was with me again!! Amazing luck and timing. Everyone got a shot of the driving , the packing, the tunes , and bar duties. The atmosphere on the boat was magical. Reedham was made in no time it seemed, me and the young lad had 3 games of pool ( with him taking a 2-1 lead) a theme which was to repeat too often the coming week + . Our meal in the Ship was excellent, a sign of things to come,. Back to the boat and with still 2 hours at least daylight , the decision was made to wild moor up the Chet , near Lodden where it gets a bit wider. Off we went!! What a first day, all that waiting was worth it. I have a few tales to tell , I'm sure that's enough for now! Couple of pics of our first few hours afloat.
  6. Well Saturady is the day I'm back in paradise. I always fish on the broads, and think my handling techniques and general respect for environment is quite good. I usually fish with a float , sometimes off the bottom with a ground feeder if the current is strong. Do the odd bit spinning for pike and caught one 2 years ago , about 8 pound which I released in good health. Ground bait and mixed maggots are usually my choice . Im looking for a few tips , a crash course I suppose in getting more success. Also, is it worth fishing at Reedham or Stracey? I've always found the current too strong and imagined it's a bit salty around these parts and usually wait until I am a bit further from Yarmouth Am I missing a trick here. Thanks in advance for any replies. See you on the water folks!!!!! neil
  7. Help Yorkshire , and welcome to the best forum on the net. My limited knowledge tells me you will be fine 2 hours after slack water , but it appears you know the drill.. Know your height, know how to read the bridge gauge, get both these right and you will be fine I'm sure. lets us know how you get on !! neil
  8. Thankfully I've never done it , but I have been scarily close on a couple of occasions. Cruising along with your broads head on , something distracts you and suddenly the bank is heading your way. Luckily I have spotted it in time to put on the brakes and avoid the embarrassment, but we are all human and capable of making mistakes. Anytime I see some poor soul in that position , I just thank my stars it ain't me!!,
  9. I ask the well informed in here, and thank you for any replies/advice. i am on the water , family of 4 , from the 2nd of July (Saphire light, if you see us, please come and say hello and share a beer ) i asked Herbert woods last week if they had any rowing boats for hire and the lass didn't think they had any available. She wasn't convincing me , so I will try again when I pick up boat. However, if they have none, where could I hire one for a few days/ week? I'm planning on going south for a few days , and not fussy to tow a boat over Breydon etc, but return to North for 5/6 days and would like to have a rowing boat from them onwards. So really looking for anywhere in the North who would hire me a rowing dinghy for a few days. Any advice? folks
  10. Very nice write up . Can I ask why you hand the boat back a day early? A week flies past for me without losing a day. Sounded like you done well to the chap out the water.
  11. Me, the boss, son and daughter are afloat on Saphire light from the 2nd July for 10 days. I will keep a lookout for you neil
  12. Lets not kid ourselves here. The behaviour of many fans at football tournaments is abhorrent. The behaviour of many nationalities abroad on holiday is like wise. But for every bad mannered Brit, Russian, German, swede, etc I have met , I have always come across more who are no different to myself, law abiding , respectful, polite and friendly. I have followed my football team , club and country , abroad a few times and 90% of the time I have had fabulous experiences . It's really no different than real life . i have even come across some boat owners on the broads who are down right rude and ignorant. Most however are friendly and polite. All the best Neil
  13. It's like an extract from a Stephen King novel reading that. Survival of the fittest at its most brutal.
  14. It's amazing how attached we can get to our pets. It's never easy losing them. You can have comfort in the memories and the fact I'm sure you gave her the best possible environment to enjoy her life. A lovely touching picture and anecdote about Ingrid . chin up Neil
  15. Wonderwall

    Seals ?

    I've read a few folk on here talking about watching the seals on the beach. Can someone tell me the best place to moor and then how to get to the beach. I imagine it either horsey or west somerton. From the 2nd of July , 10 days on Saphire light. If anyone comes across us, feel free to come and introduce yourself, There is always a beer in the fridge. neil
  16. Russian, and for that matter the old eastern block ,,football violence is in its prime just now. I am no shrinking violet who has lived a shelter life. Far from it, but I have always been bemused by the pleasure some seem to get from kicking someone in the head. The human race can continually surprise me with its crass obsession with violence. The working class choose football to show it, the higher class choose wars. It's depressing.
  17. I am not often known for sticking up for English football supporters, but from the little I have seen its the Russians who appear to be the instigators here. People who cause trouble at these festivals really are the scum of society.
  18. Payet goal was indeed a belter. If he plays his cards right he might get a game for the Scottish cup holders I have a sneaky feeling England could win it, or of course the Germans are never far away.
  19. How tragic. Nature is very cruel
  20. The 2 mile or so stretch of river above and below , and Breydon waters themselves are not the prettiest, so you really want the tide pushing you on, or none at all.
  21. Thanks Andrew and Iain . My air draft is low, I got through potter last year on same style of boat ( I'm on Saphire light this year) so I'm aware to keep my eyes open on the headroom but it should be fine. The rise and fall at Norwich can't be much is it? Ive been studying tides etc the last few weeks, but things never go to plan anyway do they. You get in that boat and broads mode and just float about until all too quickly it's time to come home. I do however lap up every minute I'm there. Norfolk heatwave July folks, you heard it first here
  22. Tick tock, as the 2nd of July comes into view my head is very much on picking up my boat and chilling out. Big time!! I haven't moored at Thorpe St Andrew for many a year , not even nipped in for a look with they small bridges, so I was just wondering if the moorings are plentiful round that way, and also a heads up on the local hostelitries , just on the small chance I might get a thirst on Nothing too posh for me, decent grub , dartboard or pool table is a bonus. Family friendly , quiz or juke box , you get my drift My very loose plan is to spend a few afternoon hours in Norwich then head there for the evening. Thanks in advance for any info folks.
  23. I wasn't a fan of the original. That to me was over scripted and usually not very funny. I never got the Love in with it all. It was never a show about cars, it was about clarkson and his two stooges . I realise I was in the minority of about one with that view!! Last night didn't change my mind about the show. Chris Evans is a hard guy to warm too. im not a fan of the show, I'm sure you've worked that out
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