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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. We could spraff in the Doric Iain and the loons and quines would nae have a scoobie eh?!!!
  2. That's a braw post Grace
  3. Being a Hibby is one of my strong points Iain. And fine you ken that arra best mate
  4. 17 years not just the 2 of us. These pesky kids have got in the way. ive been on the broads once or twice , let's say during that time i am 48 year young. I have been on the broads , at a quick guess , 20 times, for a 900 mile round trip , I think that's not too bad, or sad however you perceive it!!!!!!!,
  5. It's 25 years since the gaffer struck it lucky and met me , so what better way to celebrate than have our first week away on our own for 17+ years than a week on Pacific Grayling , starting 30/9/16. The first holiday we had together was on an Aston boat about 23 years ago. How time flies!! Staying South and hitting the delights of oulton, beccles and Norwich , so if anybody happens upon us make yourself known . I might even let you buy me an ale . Just going to absoloute chill for the week, can't wait. Anybody else about? Happy days
  6. , really enjoyed that. Looks a lovely boat.
  7. Barton it certainly is me lady . Have you been once or twice ? And yes it was a salute to my precious daughter who was disturbing my dreams of hibs winning the cup again.
  8. We took a trip next day up to Ranworth and a walk up the tower. My first time, and a very claustrophobic climb, but very much worth it . Back to the boat for a fish and watch Andy Murray become Wimbledon champion for the 2nd time. Both times I have watched it afloat on my boat in the sunshine. I think he should just pay for me to go away on a boat every major tournament he enters. Are you listening Andy? A Chinese carry out in Horning then a night spent on little hoveton broad , with fishing , cards and a DVD , I'm sure you are all getting the routine now!! Next morning ( our last full day ) was choppy and dull, but once we got going the sun won, canopy down and the bar opened early ! The vote was our last night on Womack island( in your dreams folks) so it was a cruise via the abbey to Womack and early tea in the pub before attempting the island but the residents were still at home so back to our " own" spot ' just over from it , with fishing gear all set up on land , all bait thrown in and a last nights fishing . Then of course the dominoe and cards, and a night time chat on deck in the dark with my faviroute people , reliving our holiday and taking both physical and mental pictures. I was both happy and sad, if you ken what I mean A short cruise to potter in the morning to give them back my boat for them to look after for a year or so . Destination Blackpool for one night and next day at pleasure beach was at least a better thought than going straight home. Last two photos until I get the pretty ones (without me yes, before any other smarty says it ) Virtual coconut to first person who nails the venue. folks Neil
  9. I've found a few more pictures, I will post a few of the scenic ones ( which I don't have lust now) in a few days time For just now, my nice big pike , which thankfully I am managed to get the hook out in seconds and he was returned to the water in no time, and swam away smartly. Any guesses on the weight folks? Me trying to get a wee bo-peep Flowers at Salhouse, saying hello to the greatest.
  10. But will it get under potter bridge
  11. Loving your work Eric. Like myself, you seem to cover the miles and be on the move a lot. So many places need visiting is always how I feel!!!! Roll on the next one. Hope all is good with you. Neil
  12. I totally " get you " here cheesey. life is boring to the extreme without variety. And money is only a small commodity involved in the trial of life and contentment . if you have spare cash, spend it as you see fit is my , probably misguided advice.
  13. Good effort. one of life's good guys
  14. I know this thread wasn't intended as a dig and more an observation but I really feel I should add to it, to,say my small,piece. We are after all , quick enough to critisize . The last 4 times I have hired has been Herbert Woods , and of course the reason I do so is because I like the level of service I recieve. The boats for example are turned out absoloutley spotless. The damp warm summer we have had does make it hard I would imagine for a hirer to keep the outside of their boat clean. People are understandably on holiday for a rest and the thought scrubbing decks maybe just dosent do it for some , or it isn't practical. Id like to think I always hand my boat back in a decent condition, but it certainly isn't ready for the next lucky hirer to jump on board.
  15. This is my take on it,probably at lot of codswallaop but here goes. Water is not a particularly good conductor of electricity. Pure water has a very high resistance. Add salt, minerals etc then it's resistance does come down. The path to earth for a human , in terms of electricity, is not a good one while standing on a wooden floor, floating in water , some 2 metres from the ground. It is not dis similar to the bird on a wire scenario. If everything metal was bonded , then during a fault you would have to be in contact with the shore and a live part to then become the path to earth. There are many people on here a lot more clued up than myself on this, so I'm sure someone will be along to put me right. I would welcome it, every day's a school day, and I've never given much thought to boat electrics before. I think people would be surprised at the amount of domestic installations which have ran without an earth for a long time and they have been non the wiser. I'd say I come across two or three a year which have lost their earth , or never had one.
  16. If being on the broads riled me as much as it appears to rile some on here , I simply would stop coming, or get another pastime or go somewhere else. Cars on the road speed, bad driving is common in all forms of transport. Some people in restaraunts are loud, some kids are poorly behaved, some staff in all walks of life are rude. Geez, even some family members annoy me. However most people in life are decent , polite and law abiding. My point is , if you let these people spoil your enjoyment then they really are winning and effecting your life. If only too many day boats and people going a bit fast on the river and on the wrong side were my biggest concerns.
  17. I once told my wife , my mince and Tatties were a bit salty ..
  18. Until I joined this forum, I never realised that running your engine at a mooring was deemed by some as bad manners. If someone was to run there engine I just assumed they needed too. The noise and smell of a Diesel engine on tick over was just part of the broads and not particularly offence unless it ran for a long time. I tend not too need to do it as I don't stop in one place for long, but since joining this forum I would certainly only do it if it was very necessary. I just thought it was the done thing, and if someone had let on that it was causing them a bit bother then I would have stopped. I suppose most folk are the same. people may not be aware for example that their fumes are invading someone else's boat. A polite word normally does the trick. Failing that, a crack in the jaw is quite effective .
  19. Hi all im a sparky to trade. Though marine electrics is something I have had very little dealing with. My take on the info so far is really not to mess about with it unless you totally understand what is going on. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. RCDs , when tested by the test button regularly are very reliable, branded ones of course. I would imagine the vibration on a boat could play havoc with terminations which then would require continual assessment. Water and electricity is obviously a dangerous mix which needs some particular respect. Id be tempted to stick at 12 volts. It is boating after all and most things will easily run on this. I'm a bit of a dinosaur though
  20. Dosent look too good. Hopefully it all gets sorted without too much heartache. Was the mud weight of the type which is suspended above the bow and hence sticks out further than the bow itself? Good luck.
  21. I'm still waiting on the majority of pictures , so rather than just chuck a couple in at the end, I will do my a summary of my holidays then go back and finish the tale. A bit wonky I know, but here goes. Firstly the weather, we were very lucky considering the summer we have had. 90% of the time the canopy was down while cruising. The sun was out most days , and yes it did hide behind clouds quite a lot but if someone had offered me the weather I got before I went, I would have bought it. Herbert Woods, professional, friendly, helpful, and service with a smile. I really can't fault them hence why I keep going back to them. Saphire light 2 , we had the almost identical boat last year so knew what to expect and that's what we got. There's always pros and cons with boats and this one had a few faults but were all fixed first time of asking. When I phoned about the sound of running water , they knew exactly what it was and offered to come out and fix it there and then. But because I was due in Potter next day I told them not to bother. The chap explained a temp fix for that night which was fine. Good boat would recommend it , but will try something different next time. Norwich, I forgot how much I liked the city. It has great feel of trendiness yet still has a rural feel about it. The city like its people is somewhat quirky. It holds many memories for me as my first vists to the broads in my single figure years started in Norwich as the night time sleeper train to London then early train to Norwich was the routine Going to the market and getting spoiled by my grandparent before picking up our boat or chalet .Happy days indeed. As is every broads holiday. The people of Norfolk, yet again impressed me. I like their friendliness, laid back , polite and helpful. Very much the majority of people made me smile. The pubs, the food was very good , as was the service all at a reasonable price, never had a bad meal and ate out either lunch or dinner every day. The pubs are changing however. Surely some places would benefit from just being a pub. Darts, pool, dominoes, cards, tv, and characters. Talking to locals and holiday makers alike. I miss that. Fishing .. Caught loads , my lad caught more than me , though I did get a decent pike , and when I started using worms I was getting less bites but when I did they were a good size. It's a wonderful pastime , having a few beers, taking in the scenery , sorting out the world with my young lad, and helping my daughter to catch a few. The broads, still holds its magic for me. All the family loved it too. It's not every 13 and 17 year olds idea of a holiday but both enjoyed it again and said they would be happy to come back. ( correct answer kids) My wife seems to fall for it more and more. And she liked it very first time I took her over 20 years ago!, I've said before she has good taste She deserves a medal for putting up with me, but I will treat her to the broads again I think. I thought the broads looked a bit busier than normal , but still lots of boats in boatyards . The beauty of the place as ever was a joy to behold., Some of the riverside properties and boats are stunning If I said I wasn't jealous I would be telling a fib, so I won't mention it It all just leaves me wanting more, and more and a little bit more. I Will post some pics with a round up of our last few days afloat as soon as I get sent them. All the best folks Neil
  22. This thread has went off topic. The posts are irrelephant.
  23. Next day was the lovely cruise up to Dilham, with a stop over in wayford. The cruise up to Dilham is pretty much just a canal, very pretty and tight.Again the water becomes so clear you can see all the wildlife in the water. The staithe was empty , so we turned the boat, then went to th pub. Again , the great games room with 2 pool tables, dartboard and juke box had made way for table and chairs for dining. Such a shame, but I suppose the business must do what it must to survive. So a bit fishing , and with the young lad very keen on a game of pool we headed off to Sutton Hotel, which has the games room to top all games rooms. .....err not anymore , they have a dartboard above a table which serves dinner!!. Had a lovely meal though , then wild moored towards wayford but couldn't get going for all the weeds ! Watched the football on tv and played cards. Not our most luckiest day afloat, , but still very enjoyable. Sat down and asked everyone where they wanted to go tomorrow, " wherever you decide Dad is good with me" was the routine reply as always!, Our moorings in some trees was beautiful, I don't think another boat passed all night.
  24. The next day was a vist to Salhouse broad, flowers laid on the spot where my Mums ashes were scattered 10 years ago. Hung around for a little while with my thoughts and memories , then it was time for lunch in the New inn. The sun was out again and the usual welcome from Gus, a game of pool in the sun and another lovely meal,was had. Next destination was Ludham bridge with the plan to stop and watch the usual mayhem, but never stopped as it was quite busy so carried on to my faviroute bit of the river and on to Neatishead with a game of darts in the pub the plan. We arrived at the narrow staithe and there one space left in the far corner, very tight but in we squeezed . Here we came across our only undesirable neighbours. It was around 3/4 pm and they had a party in full swing. Loud music , swearing, cursing and enough alcohol on board to sink the boat. Now,I am as far removed from a snob as you could get I think, but we decided to move on. Goodness knows what state they would be in by night time , and I certainly wasn't on the broads to get stressed out by some ignorant folk with no respect for other people. Why do these people not just go to Magaluf? A slow tight but successful reverse out the staithe , with over people commenting on how,they don't blame us for moving on Some people even offered us to come on board their boat! The Hibenian flag we were flying was making us friends!! Headed up to Barton Turf , peace and quiet, good fishing , where my daughter had a few hours fishing while I helped her and also had a shot in the dinghy. Some kind lad who was handing his boat back next day gave me a huge tub of juicy worms , which I used for the rest of the holiday and caught a few big uns . Late supper on board with Al Murray comedy DVD watched and more cards played. A late night drink on deck with Elaine , soaking it all up , trying to forget I had to leave this place in the near future. Id love to do some night cruising, maybe one day . It must be lovely to have the revs right down and cruise in darkness and almost silence. Flowers at Salhouse, saying hello to the greatest X
  25. I didn't notice any problems a few weeks ago when we cruised up there. It certainly is one of the most picturesque hours cruising to be had . Because the water is so clear , you can see all the " under water rhubarb " ( maybe they are water lilies!) but nothing that will cause you a problem with a little bit of common sense. My limited knowledge tells me you should get under the bridge all things being normal, on Tobago light. Good luck and enjoy.
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