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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. I'm not sure if it's only my doctors surgery, but if you phone up for an appointment , the receptionist always asks " what is it in relation too?!!" What a bloody cheek!! , there can't be many times when folk are willing to disclose that information, regardless of how mundane it may be. The receptionists are usually locals too!!! Is the norm?
  2. This place never ceases to amaze me. A font of knowledge, with lots of heartfelt folk more than happy to take a few minutes ( or more!!) to pass on their tips and advice. Its ( living aboard) obviously not something you could do without a LOT of thought and planning. It appears all or nothing .What to do with all the junk?! that lies about our gaffs , is a problem I never considered. My attic is full of " stuff" which I suppose some poor sod will have to chuck out when I depart this life!!, as I did my Mums "junk"!!! I think I could cope with the heating side, ventilation, insulation a heat source, and wearing layers is do-able for me. The physical and mechanical,side of the boat, is a bit more daunting. In short, I don't think I have the courage or sense of adventure to ever seriously try it . Or maybe I'm just not mad enough!!!! If finances allowed , I think I would be more tempted to take a low end hire from May to End of July , returning the boat every 3 weeks or so for a bit TLC. I am of course drifting into dreamland here, and probably just blethering on!!!! One is allowed to fantasise , it's good for the soul and the mood!!!! You never know, my horses, coupon or numbers might just come in one day. I don't crave millions, just a nice wee wedge to allow me out the rat race would be nice!!!, In the meantime, I will carry on putting in the hours , having a week/ 10 days afloat, and escaping to my dreams through this fine place Im away for a wee lie doon!!!!
  3. Sorry MM, I didn't mean to make light of your predicament. I hope it all works out for you.
  4. Not that it would ever appear practical that I could " live aboard" , but could someone give me a rough breakdown of the costs per year one occurs when they choose " the dream" Also, like most things in life , I'm sure there are many hidden downsides , apparent from the obvious ones . I'm really interested in the answers, but I'm too much a family guy, live too faraway, I wouldn't dream of asking my good lady to live aboard, as much as she adores the broads . Even if I was on my own, I'm not sure I could cope with my own company for days on end. Financially as well its a non starter, but one never knows what the future holds I suppose. It does however have a certain draw to it , I could cope with 10 months on the boat with a couple of winter months visiting " normal " people in their houses. One can but dream.............
  5. Just picked up on this thread. How touching in so many ways . Im sure you will all enjoy you r return. All the best
  6. How interesting. I bet you have a few stories to tell. Do you move around the rivers much, or do you tend to stay in the same bit? Dont mean to be nosey!!, just genuinely interested. By all means, tell me to mind my own business !!!!
  7. The Scottish government this week, announced that they are to make the " smacking " of children a criminal offence . Im interested in people's view on this. I think it's a great law. Unfortunately some kids need protection against their parents. I've always found it bizarre that it's an offence to hit an adult, but not a child?? It's stirred up a fair old debate up here, what's the views on here?
  8. The article started off quite interesting , but it ain't half long winded .
  9. Hands up who is getting a 3 % rise in their income this year Everything goes up,except my wages. The system must be close to bursting , ( society in general, not uniquely the broads) , they can't keep sucking all we have out of us , we will have nothing left Once upon a time , wages went up with inflation, that stopped a long time ago .
  10. I'm going to delay my next birthday, by 5 years
  11. And some people wondered why some Scots wanted to distance themselves from the Westminster elite. Better together we were told. Austerity and nukes were the way forward we were assured. Meanwhile , food banks are plentiful.
  12. Simon Cowell. Now that man makes my teeth itch He's false, he's smarmy , he exploits the weak , he's greedy , he's rude , he's arrogant, but apparently women think he's "it" That X factor rubbish will be looked back on in the future as the cruelest , cheapest most unimaginable production that we have ever had the misfortune to be bombarded with . I don't like it , I don't watch it , but it's almost impossible to avoid completely .
  13. Congratulations John. I do like a good news post . All the best to you all
  14. I'm not long back either, and every time my wife walks past and glances at my iPad , she just shakes her head , as it's usually boats I'm looking at!! what did you go for ?
  15. I got under potter in one of Herbert Woods Connisusseur range . Apparently they were built the other side of Wroxham bridge so were designed to get under the bridge in most conditions. . Great boats, I actually hired this type twice and would do again . ( there's not many boats I wouldn't like to be fair!!)
  16. Making a cup of tea for my good lady , was, not that long ago , a simple task . Oh, no , not now. She , you see, has taken to all these fancy teas. I kid you not , we have a variety of around 10 . So now I have to wait until her ladyship decides which tea one would like to choose. Then find the bloody thing, then put them all away . I make less cups of tea these days!!!!!!
  17. Because there has been a bit tension of late , I thought it would be handy to have a wee room where we could come and have a moan , shout , scream, tantrum , whatever , Here goes , I'm first , and it probably won't be my last, lots of things annoy me Automated switchboards , you know , press 1 , press 5 , press 2 , press 1 , press 4 , on and on and on it goes . By the time you eventually get to talk to someone they should know what I had for tea, let alone the nature of my enquiry. But oh no not a bit of it , you still have to explain exactly what it is you require , and they then have to put you through to another department , and the process starts again . Soul destroying torture. It really rips my knitting . Just get a human to answer in the first place , it did work almost perfectly back in the day . Is it all just a ruse to keep us on the phone so they can claim a bit back from BT? Surely not . Right that feels better , now let's hear yours Tune in the next time for litter louts
  18. I'm afraid I have some bad news for the forum , ...I am going to continue posting Nobody has picked a fight with me , nobody has been rude to me , quite frankly, most people on here are just so bloody nice too me and quite often like my posts . It just won't do, I'm feeling left out and I want in on the action . Joking aside, and I'm aware this is totally of topic from original thread, but it's almost like a bug has entered the forum , which has made people irritable and touchy , very thin skinned. Like most viruses , it will pass after about 48 hours , and it will go back to being the witty, informed , opinionated , helpful friendly place , it has been since the day I luckily found it . Im away to cut the grass, now that is worth moaning about
  19. Glad you enjoyed them. I'd be more than happy to enter a few pics, is there a thread dedicated to this? Cheers Neil
  20. Special flowers, at a special place for a special person.xx And more friends!!
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