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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. Thanks is there kayak hire near the yacht station?
  2. What's the consequences of a hire boat going beyond the sign? And would anyone know? Not that I would , I'm a bit of a boring stickler for the rules these days . Someone could not see the sign, not be able to read or not speak the lingo. The broads does love a sign though , does it not!!!
  3. Really enjoyed that David, brave and great decison on your part I think. Has put me in the mood for late June when it's my turn!!
  4. I'm about to hire a boat (Pacific Diamond) with bow thrusters for the first time. I have hired boats of various sizes and shapes many many times , and with experience have learned to use the wind and tide to my advantage. I do suspect that at first, this new to me aid, will probably catch me out , it's the fear of the unknown!! My plan is to find a quiet spot on the first day and try out my new toy. My usual tactic, when coming in side on , is to bring the stern on line late in the manoeuvre with a sharp blast of the revs . I suspect I will use the thrusters more for leaving a mooring . My young lad will no doubt master it before me and keep me right ! Old dog, new tricks type of thing!,
  5. Unlucky Paul, your goalkeeper certainly through a couple in the net , which was the difference between the two teams really. Is your goalkeeper Scottish Some goal from Bale , Ronaldo is a shadow of the player he once was. Enjoy the rest of your weekend .
  6. I'm not bitter. Not at all. I only posted an opinion. Players crippled and penniless? Really? 30 years ago players earned around 4 times the average wage, they weren't poor , far from it. If you agree with the rich getting richer , strong getting stronger , while the peasants stay in their box, looking in with almost no chance of ever breaking into the elite , then that of course is your perogative. Its not , in my mind view, what sport should be. Liverpool , was a club built on strong proud traditions , of being for the people , one of them , all in it together . Many working class Liverpudlians can no longer afford to go and see their club, while they pay their players many millions a year for the privelidge. I don't think Mr Shankly would be too impressed either. Enjoy the game . Good luck. Neil
  7. I'm afraid the champions league leaves a bitter taste for me these days. The money involved, is quite simply obscene. It's not a league of champions , it's a league of rich clubs getting richer. Italy , England, Germany , Spain and France all get 4 clubs straight into the league stages. Other " peasant " footballing nations champions have to play up to 4 rounds ( 8 games) before they can join the feeding frenzy. It's really not what sport and football in particular should be about. It has very much become the elite club, with Real Madrid faviroutes to win it for the 3rd consecutive year. I love my football, and I am very passionate about my team Hibernian, but I kid you not, if they started paying players obscene amounts of cash , I would walk away. It's the working mans game, or that was how it was.
  8. Just to make this clear, I also agree that if you need a boat free from any dog hair, then simply hire one that is just that. That is what we done , it was quite an easy choice. Dogs should of course be welcome on most boats, I absoloutley love dogs, and the ones, I have seen on the broads, like us all, seem so happy to be there.
  9. My kids both suffered badly from eczema when they were young . ( Both have grown out of it for the time being, thankfully). We simply could not hire a boat or caravan back in they days, which had had dogs on board. It's an absoloute deep cleaned required to remove all traces of dog hair etc. So I can understand the extra charge.
  10. Wonderwall

    Bye Bye

    I wish , I really really really wish , that all I had to fret about , was someone being rude, sarcastic, or opposing my views on what is a very reasonable polite forum . This is a nice place , and as someone has already said , if this place causes you offence , then I suggest , that Internet forums are not for you . Other forums I vist, are a lot less friendly than here. I quite enjoy the " banter " on them. Here it is different , it's a select few , who happen to love the broads, but it has evolved into a place where people help each other , in all sorts of ways . , The world is full of differing opinions , and that is how we never stop learning . I read some threads on here , and I am amazed that people choose to take offence by certain comments . It can be , for me, slightly amusing . And also bewildering . I love the broads , and like the people on here who also love it . That is why this place exists surely . There are so many decent human beings on here , they are however allowed to have differing views on the broads and the world in general. That probably only makes sense to me!!!!! All the best folks Neil
  11. im both a holiday boating dude, and a grumpy holiday fisherman. Id like to think that if a boat was heading in the direction of my line, I would draw it in. If it kept happening , I would fish a different spot. Likewise , if I was driving the boat and spotted the fisherman ( not always easy!) I would try and give the fisherman a wide berth. When approaching someone fishing, its not always easy working out if he is fishing close to the bank he sits on, or sometimes its the completely opposite side ( the grass is always greener!!) Its a bit like oncoming tacking yachts, you do your best to read their mind , but sometimes get it wrong!! If I get either of these decisions wrong, an apologetic wave is offered, if it still results in arms flailing , steam out the ears, I just smile and remind myself im there to be chilled. The broads is a big place, plenty room for us all.
  12. I come to the broads because I love boating , and I love fishing when I'm there. Please don't change it .
  13. What exactly am I missing here? it all seems somewhat over complicated. You come across a boat which has broke free from its moorings, it appears unoccupied, and likely to become a danger to itself , other craft, people's property , and possibly people themselves. Option 1 Secure boat if possible, contact the relevant authority, leave your name and number, carry on with your day, happy you have done a good deed. option 2 carry on with your day. I know which option I would take, which is the same I would hope a.n. Other would if it was my boat or I had property in the vicinity. Maybe I'm missing something here?
  14. The skippers of them sailie things must take a bucketful. They are all over the place, it's an outrage. These folk have obviously been to the pub, as the folk going to the pub in the other direction seem to take a much straighter line . . Outrageous behaviour , how do I ban them.
  15. Our much missed and fondly remembered friend Broadscot, faviroute football team today won their league and promotion today. Just thought I would put a smile on the faces on here , picturing Iain looking down , with a big grin and large whisky . I think I will have one for him later . I still often think of him , he was a top top lad. The mighty Hibernian scored 5 today , are still unbeaten in the league this year, and are in with a shout of finishing 2nd . If the Norfolk broads Hibs supporters club could send them some good vibes for the final 3 games , I would be much obliged. Once again , miss you big yin , you made a lasting impression on me , glad your team have come good.
  16. The statement is slightly contradictory in that it states (roughly) call the services and seek help from passers by. If you are having a stroll along the river bank and are summoned by a cry of " help my ---------------- is in the river and cant get out" then I doubt they are looking for verbal support. I aint no hero, but I would imagine I would enter the water at Norwich after weighing up the options, Yarmouth however , is of course another matter. Staying calm and thinking straight is the answer of course, easier said than done however.
  17. Pubs and fishing is my Broads specialist subjects The fishing is usually good wherever you are. If you have a reasonable knowledge of fishing, then you can't go wrong really. All local fishing tackle shops are more than happy to pass on any hot spots or best bait.. The Kings arms at Womak water is a great pub, 10 minute from the moorings.Stalham is often overlooked, but has a few pubs and eateries, Richardsons yard have a few nice spots for mooring. S Walsham broad has quite moorings and the pub is a good 15 minute hike along a path. If you pass a pub and it's open , you must stop, that is a rule of the broads, sometimes they are giving the stuff away for free You can't go wrong, as Gracie said, take it easy, and you will have the best time ever. Look forward to hearing and seeing all about it.
  18. My mother in law dosent know this mooring exists
  19. What a place , really what a place this this is . It restores faith in human nature . It's shown me kindness in the past for which I am forever grateful. I would love to help, but the 500 miles is a bit of an obstacle!! I'm on the broads (south) for a week from the 29th June. Should some help be needed that week for any unfinished tasks , I would be more than happy to help out in away I can , just let me know . This place has had a few rocky months , but cream always come to the top.
  20. How about we embrace this event and enter a team. Griff might even swim it backwards . Grace could use her monthly shoe and wine allowance and sponsor it . JM could market it as the first swim in a national park. Robin could film it , this could be a goer Who else can fill a slot? I could hand out the" refreshments" at the end. One for you, one for me, one for you , one for me
  21. I do like to try different beers, and of course some agree with me more than others. But I can't recall a single beer making me unwell , regardless of its consistency. Over indulgence , is a different tale !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. How sad. He was very brave and appeared to carry himself with great dignity and not a little humour. My thoughts and best wishes go to his family.
  23. I for one have wanted you to post a " living aboard " thread. Would have been interesting how you got through the cold months , maybe you could back date it a bit!!! Im glad you stayed around, the world needs diversity, you appear to wear your heart on your sleeve. Now get typing !!!
  24. All joking aside, if the government want us all to drive electric cars, where do they expect all the electric to come from ? The grid is already maxed out , adding to it , isn't reallly a viable option .
  25. I would love to see a big cat in its territory, without it it knowing I Was there . Im not sure financially, or practically it is possible. Stand under the equator. ( 2 mins would do , I don't love the heat!!)
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