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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. I hired Pacific Grayling ( which doesn't seem to be available anymore) a couple of years ago. I seen Breeze on hand over , and like all their boats it appeared to be in great condition , but of course it's not a modern craft, but I'm sure you are aware of that , and not what you are looking for anyway. It was a great yard to deal with, from booking to handing the boat back , it was all fast, friendly and professional . I am on Diamond later this year, can't wait.
  2. Is church fen the small mooring, past Brooms toward Norwich, where the path takes you over the railway ?
  3. Same for me , the smell of the diesel fumes mixing with the water reminds me where I am so associate it with being a happy chappy. Also , the smell of deep heat reminds me of being an excited wee boy , at the football with my Dad. The players obviously lashed it on pre match and the whole ground reeked of it . im not a horsey person, but stables often has a pleasant smell, especially considering what's in them!!!
  4. All the best , take it easy. You will need to go back and get that object removed removed from your head though .
  5. I had a hernia op three years ago , keyhole, then another two years later , open , as the first one had failed. It now gives me no problem at all ( touch wood) There really is nothing to it , and I think the first one failed because I felt fine after a few days and done too much too quick. Second time I put my feet up for a good few days , before easing myself in gently . Good luck , enjoy the rest !
  6. If it's scenery you are going for , I would stay North. Especially if you are only going for a week. Not that the South isn't scenic, it has its own beauty, it's just the cruise from around Acle to Reedham/ st Olaves is not the prettiest and takes around 5 hours . I don't tend to cross Breydon waters if I am only going for a week. Cruise to Wayford and if you can get under the bridge take the slow cruise up to Dilham which is a quaint little village with a good pub. Also if you can get under wroxham bridge go to Coltishall, a beautiful cruise with a few eateries close by. And if by magic you can get under potter heigham bridge , then go see the quiet waters up there. There is also a walk along some country path to a pub at south Walsham broad if you fancy stretching your legs. This is just a few suggestions of many. I don't like having a strict plan to follow, just a few targets and if I get to most of them , all good! Apart from that , take each day and the weather as it comes . You are never too far from a pub and stunning scenery on the broads. Have a great time and let us know all about it !
  7. Don't convince yourself into thinking you are being given the mother of all driving tests. There are many many many strange road layouts in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Glasgow , to name just a few. It's very much a London thing , I think. Centre of the universe mentally. Its actually easier driving in big cities, the traffic flow is so slow , you have an age to decide your next action . Trust me, there are aggressive drivers in every city , town and village If you convince yourself you are going to get it tougher than anyone else , then you create a hurdle before you even start. Good luck
  8. Apart from holidaying on the broads many many times in my 50 years , I know very little about boats . In the same sense as I know very little about cars despite spending my last 30 years attached to one kind of vehicle or another . What I mean is , I don't have the expertise to fix or maintain them . I have no idea what's involved , and though I have a manual/ building site ( electrician ) background , so I can use tools and have certain skills in that department. I can only imagine owning a boat ( especially one which could find its own way around the rivers!!!) is very time and money heavy. However, if I were to ever follow my dream and own a boat on the broads , I can see the sense in buying one from a yard such as yours , you are buying a craft which has been look after all it's days . There certainly seems like value for money in the boats you advertise for sale . Maybe one day , my numbers will come up, and I will fulfil my dream . In the meantime , good luck on the sales , and I hope whoever buys them has many a happy year cruising around , and realises how lucky they are.
  9. Is it a newly built marina? It really saddens me how " America like" we are becoming , with this lets sue for everything . I really don't know, but my guess is that marina has seen many a storm pass, with no issues . Mother Nature ( as I'm sure you are well aware) is one powerful unpredictable beast. In years to come , nobody will be prepared to do anything , with the fear of taking the blame outweighing any rewards.
  10. My radar is maybe on low alert, but I really don't see any abuse getting thrown about on here. What am I missing? Where should I look? Someone disagreeing with your point of view , is not a fight, it's a discussion surely.
  11. I'm liking your opening hours G !! Safe journey home .
  12. It's been a bad one ....... Work has been cancelled for 3 days . Pager went off this morning ( retained firefighter) 7.30. Lorry fire on the motorway. Had to dig my van out of drive, by the time I was on fire engine my hands and feet were like blocks of ice. Motorway was like the North Pole , horizontal snow , gear absoloutley soaking wet by the end . Got my first coffee about 10am , hence big headache. Back home to find my fence , which was already temp shored up , was almost over in the gales . A few hours trying to save it while the wind and snow totally bullied me . . It's kind of hanging by a thread just now, but if this wind keeps up ( which it will, ! )it's just a matter of time untill it is half way up the street . ( this is all the cause of a rotten post, it was a professional who put it up and did a good job ) Then my wife and daughter who are due to go to Tenerife tomorrow for a few days to see the outlaws, have had there flights cancelled. Of course my wife is gutted not to see her mum or get a bit sun. My daughter is stuck at her uni digs in Edinburgh ( 30 miles away) and all trains and buses are off, with police strongly advising no non essential travel. We have about 2 foot of snow with some of it drifting up to 3 feet. The snow continues to fall , the wind blows hard , my fence is waving about like a flag up a pole!!! My wife is understandably down in the dumps. On the plus side , I have plenty beers, what time is it acceptable on a Thursday afternoon to crack one open?!!!!!!!!!
  13. I was looking forward to the living aboard thread, it was mentioned ages ago. I was also modded for giving my opinion on something , it was light heated and not aimed at anyone , just my take on something. I thought it harsh , but really got over it quickly , it's not worth fretting over. Same as if someone is rude to me online, I really struggle to get offended . Some online warriors are really quite entertaining, it's almost a step away from real life , and the written word can and does lose its tone somewhat. I hope you stick around , healthy debate is good , a lot to be learnt from differing opinions and characters. It would be a boring place and world if we all wanted and agreed on the same things. Good luck
  14. The shed is a great wee pub. Its got a a proper pub feel as well as being a bit quirky. More importantly , it has a pool table, a dartboard , a jukebox , sells food, beer, and spirits , and it's on the Norfolk broads. I wouldn't be on that side of Yarmouth and not go . If you haven't tried it , give it a go . As they say in these parts, it's the berries!!
  15. My month report could say " good effort, room for improvement!) ive had a beer or whisky on an odd school night, but not much at all. Peanuts are my downfall, and I like a biscuit, but again , I have reduced both by around 70% there a bouts. Step count is over 10000 everyday almost, but have only managed 15000 about 5 times. Best result is my swimming which I have managed100 lengths + every week. Got 26 in tonight. So, not bad, have probably lost a couple of pounds and slight shrinkage on the mid rift , Onwards and upwards, must keep it up next month. interested to hear others gains and fails, it ain't easy getting on !!!
  16. 2105 the winner should make a donation to the RNLI or some other broads related charity .
  17. I could easily be persuaded to have a " wee gold felly " tonight is our much missed friends memory. . He passed on a lot of common sense to me when I was feeling a bit down , and while he is no longer available for a chat , whether it be sport, the broads , our profession ( sparkies) our just a bit banter , I still read back the messages we sent to each other if ever I need reassurance about things we discussed. So , in a way , he does live on . Without wanting to blow my trumpet , I do get satisfaction that it was my request we should change the name to " broadscot lounge" I also wrote a poem about him , which I think is still kicking about on here somewhere . I'm not saying it was any good!!!! , but it was my Rabbie Burns attempt at a bit acknowledgement for the fine man . Oh , and he did play cricket in his younger years , he had the battle scars on his knees and back to prove it!!! All the best big yin, forever in our thoughts.
  18. Good luck, I hope the lowlife scum who have taken it get their comeuppance . Might help if you give the area from which it was taken? Chin up, don't let the you know what grind you down.
  19. If they require anyone to take any boats out for a few trial sleepovers, then they can get me on here . No problem All the hire yards I have had dealings with over the last ten years , HB , Richardsons and Pacific have been on the top of their game . Both in boats and customer service. Norfolk folk in general ( on my experiences) seem a good friendly bunch. Certainly adds to the holiday experience.
  20. And a great big happy birthday from me
  21. All these byelaws, rules , regulations , do's and dont'ts can make all this cruising on the broads seem perplexing. Ive been coming to the broads for nearly 50 years, without knowing pretty much any of them. Common sense has however has served me well , as it has most others. If you come up behind a boat , who is going slower than you, pass on the least inconvenient side to your new friend , give them a wave and continue on in paradise.
  22. Okay, I comprised Had my retained fire brigade training tonight. Came home and went down pub about 2 hours after everyone else . Still managed to sink 3 foaming ales , but it's nice to be nice . Is it not!!!! Done 30 lengths earlier today , so I feel I've already paid my penance !!!!!! So , the 3rd day and I've regressed already , no surprise I suppose . It's hard be a sociable type!
  23. My resolve is already being tested. A friend has called to see if I fancy a couple of beers tonight ( I'm still on holiday) When I said I wasn't sure , he was bemused , " have you got something else on? ". " is everything ok?" " are you scared I might beat you at darts? "!!!!!! I could of course drink orange juice, but that's just double torture . I have the breaking strain of a kit Kat , so let's see what happens. At this moment in time , I'm staying in
  24. So Grace, All you want to do , is stay the same I suppose what they say is true,.....if it ain't broke and all that
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