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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. That big grey boat has been there for as long as I can remember . I always imagined it was stuck on the bottom!! , as it looks as though it requires deep water. Obviously not!! Cool place to have your sea cadet headquarters, but as the saying goes, nowt lasts forever.
  2. for sure that dosent make good reading. I would like to think that if an establishment serving food was in such a poor state , it should be forced to cease trading immediately until all remedial work was put in place. To say "your hygiene is poor but carry on serving to anyone who enters , including young children", is very worrying.
  3. To be fair, if you inspected any kitchens extract systems ( usually well out of sight, round back or on roof) then you would be eating only fruit for a long time.
  4. Good effort and well done, you certainly saved the day for them. But perhaps once they had asked you for help, and seen you change course in an effort to help them , they didn't ask anyone else? Where as some might not know what to do, and some are maybe too selfish to help out , I would like to think most folk would gladly help out in such a scenario. Maybe I'm deluded!! At least you helped them out , and hopefully the mechanics got to them and got them going again without too much drama.
  5. For what it is, I think it looks a fine boat. If the lighting is such a problem , it's quite easily , Inexpensively overcome. If you go to a 3 star hotel, you don't expect lobster and gold taps, if you pay for 5 star, your expectations are obviously higher. If it starts in the morning, stays afloat, keeps you dry and is clean when you pick up , you can't go wrong, you will after all be on the broads. Im not a fan of bathtubs , but when kids were young I had many a good holiday on them. Saying I'm not a fan, it's only the lowdown driving position which takes me to that conclusion .
  6. In all my many years visiting pubs, I have never known of someone being hit with a dart ..Pool tables and dartboards tend to be strategically placed . Ideally you have a bar for socialising, and a lounge for eating and being chilled
  7. yeah, god forbid people actually went into a pub to unwind and play some traditional pub games. They might even laugh and joke, we cant be having that.
  8. I believe ( information from here I think) that The Lion at Thurne has changed hands , and some changes have been made. Whos been? And what's your opinion on the grub and beer? Pool table? Dartboard? All info appreciated , I'm thinking of visiting when I'm down in 5 , yes only 5, that's FIVE weeks And is there only one pub left in Potter, which is about a mile walk into the village? The broadshaven was in such a perfect location and was a great size, such a shame ( to my knowledge) it appears gone forever. Cheers folks
  9. Hats off too that man. Hero for sure. Sends a shiver through you reading how easy it is for it all to go wrong, that's the last place you want to fall in .
  10. Thanks Ron . As nice as Nettishead is, it can be a bit crammed in type of feel about it. And I've never overnighted at Gays so fancied a change . cheers neil
  11. I hired from Alpha about 10 years ago. Old boat , but clean and tidy, everything worked and the people in the yard were fantastic. The chap ( Paul I think) reminded me of Russel Brand . ( But a nicer person!!)
  12. Tick tock I count the days down until spend a week aboard at the end of Sept. Had the map out and trying to loosely plan some stop overs. Don't think I have ever spent overnight at Gays Staithe , so was wondering how long a walk, and what the terrain is like from the moorings to The White Horse. The plan , you see would be to do a spot of fishing until it gets dark ( around 7pm), head out for some grub and a few beers, then return for some fishing in the dark( cause all the monsters come out after dark!!!) , accompanied by a couple of small golden malts. My sis and bro in law are also getting a boat, I have never spent the night on Womack Island because EVERYTIME I cruise past it is occupied , usually by a privateer, I think it's like hot beds!!! Can't blame them , I'd do the same , looks a fantastic place for two boats to spend the night. Sound bliss dosent it!!, I'm like a wee boy waiting for Christmas!!!! Thanks in advance for any info folks cheers neil
  13. Oops Just been pointed out about my spelling in the title!!! And I was sober, promise How embarrassing , that's what happens when you rely on auto correct!!!!! Its not even close , what an idiot!!!!
  14. My least faviroute I think . Too peaty and tastes like medicine for me. But that is the beauty of whisky, and life , we don't thankfully al like the same thing .
  15. I quite like my whisky, and as the years go on I'm getting more interested in what they actually are etc. I like almost all blends , with teachers maybe my faviroute , but top of my list for malts is Jura 16 year just now . I also like Irish whiskey , with Tullamore Dew very tasty , quite sweet , I would recommend these three. Lets hear yours , gives me a reason for trying something different next time . Cheers Neil
  16. If it's your first time on the broads, I would maybe consider giving Yarmouth a miss. By all means vist Yarmouth , but it's always an option to moor up river and take public transport , Acle, Stracey arms , Potter Heigham . The rivers are less harsh that way , and Yarmouth is let's say " unique " it's also a challenge boating wise for a novice. Dont want to put you off, I've had many a good night there , but it's not really the broads , in a relaxing idyllic way. Good luck, it's a wonderful holiday, and if you pick the right places you will come back for sure, ......then tackle Yarmouth and Breydon.!!
  17. They do indeed look like bargains. If I lived closer to the heaven which is the broads I would be hugely tempted . There's a lot of boat there for around the 20 grand mark, I'm sure also they have been well looked after and serviced. The added bonus being they could probably find their own way around the broads!!! I hope your looking after mystic horizon for my week late September , can't wait, it's getting closer .
  18. Tooting the horn in the car and waving at absoloute strangers, as they purposely wave back, often with a very quizzical look. Men are suckers for it, women not so much!! Always puts a smile on my face , and the further away from home you do it, the funnier it seems. Passed many a boring hours travelling when kids were younger and I would say " there's Archie, Johnny, Tam or Betty and toot and wave!!! Kids thought I knew everyone in Britain .
  19. I am slowly, in my old fashioned way, becoming accustomed to the self check out. Forced into it because the queues in the " manned "ones are usually are alike to Ludham bridge queues on a windy day!! However , my patience and usual easy going nature , was tested when it gave me 30pence in change , in two pences. I had a chat with the machine , explaining my displeasure but it's customer care was non-existent On that note, is it not time we done away with coppers ( not the wooden top ones who hound us for speeding ) Surely we could round things up or down to the five? We can't buy anything for a penny, penny chews are a long time gone Neil
  20. The service industry does struggle to attract the ideal candidates. The public want great service and products but are not really prepared to pay for it. Hence the influx of cheaper labour , who were prepared to work hard for a living wage. The Great British public have now chosen to vote against employing people who want to work , in favour of those who choose not too work , even though they can . Society works on all levels pulling their weight, I fear some have taken their eye off the ball here. Working hard in a busy kitchen , deserves a good wage, it's a hard shift I'm sure.
  21. Just watching this for the first time. An eccentric person for sure, who most definitely does not seem my type of person but I don't think their is any badness in him. Totally bemuses me how a person such as he can make a pound???? it just dosent add up . A colourful character for sure, mad as a box of frogs.
  22. How long a walk is it from the moorings to the village?
  23. If I stayed within a 100 miles of the broads , I would seriously think about having a boat. I can't afford one , but sacrifices could of course be made. I also would look at the possibility of hiring some budget boats for what would probably be 4 vists a year. A bit more expensive of course but no hassle. If I had serious tin, I would look at living aboard the summer months , with maybe a break during peak 6 weeks and the other 5 months of Nov to end of March renting a wee flat in some warmer climes. Thats pipe dreams unfortunately, but you just never know, my numbers might come up, or some mad football accumulator might just come in one day. Or my Nigerian friend who keeps emailing me might eventually come up with this money he is promising me
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