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Everything posted by Wonderwall

  1. I agree HB is a fantastic yard in my experience. And if as you point out you take advantage of their perks , the price does come down. For sure there are cheaper boats out there, but if you get excellent service it sometimes pays. Ive never holidaybobs on Olympic ( I'm a tight Jock ) but I have boarded her to see how the other half live!! And she is very impressive. I'm sure you will have a ball. Im going late September this year ( Richardsons this time) so hopefully the broads will have restocked in beer and fish by the time you go Neil
  2. The Mods and Rockers , did I believe cause absoloute carnage throughout Britain 50 years ago. I suspect they were fuelled by more than Pepsi and smarties. Let's not rewrite history allowing nostalgia and our ageing outlook to cloud our judgement. Their is evidence that the youth of today actually behave better and take less risks than the one of my and previous generations.
  3. The symbolic gesture which confirms my broads holiday is over, is dismantling my fishing rod . You can't dwell on it though, lots of great memories will have been made which last forever. ( I'm getting all soft with it now )
  4. Hello Minifer, I live 500 miles from ranworth, I don't have a boat, I have never had a boat, and I doubt very much I will ever own a boat. Is it a real boat you have , or does it not have an engine Welcome to a great place with great people, just like the broads itself
  5. great effort what a bonnie lass
  6. I prefer mine raw . At its best about an hour after its shot, and only when in season
  7. The best idiot I have ever seen was on the programme pointless The category was assassinations, and the clue was "was shot in Dallas 1963" The contestant said JR, , I nearly chocked on my haggis. The two hosts were in tears also, I'm surprised I haven't seen it on the endless " it'll be all right on the night" stuff. Idiots are a godsend, they make us all look talented at times. We all have our moments , well I certainly do
  8. folks on the subject of idiots, and this I promise you is 100% true, I was trying to find a destination in Glasgow one evening and I had got lost Long before sat navs etc. Now, lets just say Glaswegians (weegies) are a different breed from the rest of us. Anyway , I pulled up beside a chap who looked reasonably sober, and asked him directions to my destination, and he uttered the absolute classic line "och, I woodnae start fi here laddie " There's not much you can say to that!!! Then him and his mate started arguing about the correct route. I drove off non the wiser!!!!
  9. Hello my fellow broad worshippers . I hope you are all looking after heaven on earth so it's in its usual state for me when I get down in September ( tick tock tick tock) Anyway , who's hid the webcams? And where have you hidden them??? Im sure I found them a couple of weeks ago , but my memory seems to play wee tricks on me these days , and now I canny find them Now I need my wee fix of wroxham , Bert woods boats and see how my wee bird in Norwiich is getting on. So use small words , pics would help and guide me to the hidden place muchas gracias amigos an amigas
  10. How very sad. Thoughts go out to all family and friends.
  11. Happy days , I've booked mystic horizon for a week late September. Just me and the gaffer but my sis and bro in law may get a boat at the same time . Spent a week darn sarf last year, so this time it's oop north, can't get under the bridges so just lots of lazy cruising , feeding some fish and I might taste the local liquids , So, any tales about the boat let me hear them, and anyone planning on being around then? Had a wee spring in my step today, so I did
  12. You've not had your troubles to seek as of late Eric. Thinking of you all , and sending you best wishes. Chin up mate.
  13. Do you know why there has never been a woman on the moon?........ It dosent need cleaned Ahh the safety of sitting inside your house on the Internet
  14. Every where I looked today, all I could see was people eating delicious looking cakes, , melt in the mouth chocolate or some fancy looking biscuits!! Its a cruel world we live in What I have learnt is , when hungry and out with meal times, just get busy, it's all in the mind I tell you.........well that and your taste buds and belly!!! Roll on Friday, not decided if my treat will be a bar of galaxy , or a sticky bun, oops , , I just dribbled on my iPad there
  15. I've been pretty fortunate weight wise. As well as being active at work , and playing a fair bit of sport, I have been able to pretty much eat what and when I want (within reason of course). While the pounds slowly over the years added up, the last couple of years ( as I charge towards the big five zero) my belly has became , let's say " more cuddly!" So at the turn of the year I decided to up my exercise and watch what I eat. While burning the calories is in my control , finding out what I'm putting in is a bit of a minefield!! So much confusing information out there. Reading labels on food , telling you how much fat , sugar , etc is all given via different weights. It's a bit like buying in sterling, dollars, yen and fag coupons all at the same time . For example , I thought honey was a "super food" Well apparently not in some quarters, while another site will tell you it's all good.Low fat yogurt has lots of sugar so is probably worse than full fat, again , so some say. Nipping into the shops for a few provisions for lunch is no longer a two minute task Some articles even question the benefit of fruit, FRUIT!!!!!! What's the world coming to Of course , they ALL agree that alcohol is a huge factor and should be avoided. Well, they would , wouldn't they Anyone else confused, do you feel my pain , or am I just a grumpy old man , who is in need of crisps, peanuts, chocolate and a big fry up folk
  16. Grace for queen, I'm all for that Maybe I am way off the mark here, but would a contribution of say a tenner a year make any difference? Throwing money at things sometimes seems to help? Just an idea, Non paying members maybe get limited access, PM,s etc? Just a thought, if I could help out techy wise I would, but I'm afraid my brains are in my hands and feet, ( if anywhere!) On a personal level , I've not been posting much, this is a combination of it being winter and the broads just ain't on my radar, starting a new job , and us losing Iain has all had an effect. I do plan to get my nbn head on again once the sun gets higher in the sky. Nothing lasts forever, but I'd be gutted if this place was to wynd down. It's been good to me in many ways. If I can help , though I can't think what , I hope someone asks me.
  17. I couldn't agree more. Thinkin aboot you big yin .
  18. What a tremendously constructed and spirited post. Big respect to you , seeing the good from something so tragic.
  19. I'm chuffed to bits. I think he would have loved it. Forever in our thoughts.
  20. I feel your pain!!! In a totally different environment, I was self employed for 20 years. And as most are decent people , there is a large % of the public who seem to be there just to p:$h you off. You will never please all the people all the time. Some people seem to get a perverse pleasure form being rude and arrogant. Once paid , I often found the fingers on ear , with tongue out giving it lalalalalalalalala works a treat. Unadvisable I reluctantly accept, but hugely satisfying '!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Sorry to hear your news , I haven't been reading the forum much, one can only take enough bad news in a certain time. Your humour and spirit has shown through this thread, a classy chap you are. Uncle A appears a character as well. I'm sure he made his mark on this world and a lot of people in it. Stay strong . neil
  22. I am absoloutley stunned and truly saddened by this sad sad news . In a short space of time , he became a very good friend of mine. Sadly I never met him, though plans were in place. He was of great help to me, and such a likeable character. I am going to miss him so much.
  23. Thinking about you and wishing all the best of luck and a change in fortunes.
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