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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I certainly remember, the lunch time charge from the carriage Works across the road to the pubs the other side.. They just poured out of the works not looking at the traffic just aiming to get a pint or two or three in lunch hour
  2. one thing I think people are missing is the transmission losses of hydraulic or conventional gears, This is quite substantial especially with hydraulics.. an electric motor does not have to be anywhere near the power of a diesel.. With hydrualic power you could be losing up to 30%. A mechanical gear box loses less but has frictional losses and sometimes it's own oil pump which uses power.
  3. Dark windows are quite see through from the outside when the lights are on....
  4. Still no fuel at Roy's actually in Wroxham, I guess as an independent they are down the list for refuelling.
  5. Probably no, it's convenient to be able to row across to it in the depths of winter and not have to de-winterise the engine just to move from the moorings to the club for winter work. Or in the summer just for a short journey say up to black horse broad.. the solar panels can look after charging the batteries for that. The boats permanent moorings are unlikely ever to get electricity, so I can't see not having a generator unless someone invents vastly better batteries and solar panels.. Eventually when I've finished the updates all cooking will be electric as well, though heating will be diesel.. as I don't wish to be tied to mooring at BA electric posts for heat in the winter..
  6. Interesting.. A, I wonder why the passing boat couldn't go alongside and take them off, that's what I would have done, though getting the older person off might have been a problem.. B I'm guessing that bit of bank is trees / nettles / reeds and they couldn't see a way to go ashore..
  7. oh reading the survey, I couldn't answer most of the questions because I'm not a hirer and I've already got an electric boat..
  8. Err Andrew said they were sailing along the right and left .. not out in the clear water...
  9. 6PM would of course be very late for a hire boat, most require would require you to be back at base by then at this time of year if a day boat .. A picnic boat would still have it's roof above the water line, there's standing headroom inside plus the v of the hull beneath the passengers feet. if the boat tilted then that would lever up one side.. If it was a private boat, for 8 to be comfortable on board it should still be big enough for all to sit on the roof. you would have thought the owner should have enough experience to head for the bank at the first sign of trouble.. it takes time for a boat to sink that far.. It would have to catastrophic hull failure to have started taking in that amount of water and not be able to head for the bank. The only thing I can think of is impacting the hull on a stake or Big tree stump. which would mean they were close to the bank anyway..
  10. My electric 27ft boat will make Horning to Potter on one set of lead acid batteries, I could squeeze in another set of lead acids to make the return journey. I could also fit in more capacity if I used lithium, but don't want to get a second mortgage.. So my solution, a generator (diesel) for the longer journeys and return that's wound up first..
  11. Which is what I was saying .. the depth at Belaugh on the hydrographic survey is 1.5 to 2M that would put the roof of any broads hire boat above the waterline, and the roof of an 8 berth Hire boat is huge.. So they were very unlucky to find a bit deep enough to sink below the roof line on most of the boat. The river's not that wide there either, so they must have been right in the middle..
  12. Looking at the hydrographic survey they were unlucky not the have the boat settle with the roof entirely above the water, likely to be down river of Belaugh as the river is deeper..
  13. ah yes they will keep some back for that, They know how much they use per day /week so will keep some in reserve.. probably a bit for police, fire and ambulances as well , They fill up at Tescos as well.
  14. fuel is automaticall Fuel is automatically ordered by computer, when the tanks go down to a certain level, the chosen level depends on the day of the week / time of year as all PFS have different loadings.. Stalham for instance requires more fuel at the weekends due to second homers and holidays makers needing fuel to get home.. Many PFS have to close to allow the tankers to refuel the station, as it's law they have to have a clear exit should refueling go pear shaped.. Three tankers at Blue boar? in normal times that's a couple of days fuel, but with the sheep getting every bit they can that's probably a days worth..
  15. Actually since the motor boats had clear deep water one side then constrained by draught does not apply. And Neither do Colregs One of the biggest problems is that New motor boaters don't realise when they are not being pushed into the side. if there is a sailing boat heading for the boats side and you are already going along the bank (generally within 6ft ) then don't turn into the bank the sailing boat will turn away when he gets close he doesn't want to break his boat.. If however he is tacking in front of you then it's your responsibility to stop. if he is heading towards you and there is clear water in the middle of the river then you should move out to the middle.. if there isn't, then just stop and let him sort himself out as to where he goes.
  16. May I suggest you read, https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/180631/Navigation_Byelaws_1995-1.pdf as it's rather important on the broads..
  17. Broads type sailing boats, or boats you might find anywhere? Well I just had a look at Horning sailing clubs timetable and it wasn't them, as they were on Black Horse broad for their Autumn regatta. I suspect it might be outsiders in hire sailing boats or an outsider group in their own boats.. insisting on Sail over steam.. As I don't know of any other broads club that sails down that way.
  18. Locusts oh they're queueing for fuel..
  19. I've had diesel bug on the boat, stainless steel tank, thick black sludge which made its way through and clogged the engine filter on the pump and the inline fuel filter.. When I pumped out the tank, I took several gallons of water out of the tank. I suspect the previous owners didn't keep the tank full, as I do when moored over the winter. Though before this I didn't add Additives as I do now. So I built my own fuel polishing system. The first few times removed more water from the fuel and some sludge. If I'm spending the day working on the boat i'll set up the polisher and leave it running, Just as a precaution.
  20. Well I went home via coltishall and....... The triangle filling station had fuel, queues there.. Wayford bridge had fuel, no queues.. Tesco's Stalham had queues, so they must have been refueled today.. as they had none this morning.
  21. I'll be going home via Coltishall then, the queue will out of "Roys actually in Wroxham" and over the railway bridge..
  22. Most roads in this country, are on land owned by someone else. Only for modern roads like motorways and other new roads was land purchased by the authorities, or on a modern housing estate handed to the council by the developers. I own the land beneath the road outside our house, sadly no chance of that ever being bypassed and returned to the property..
  23. Stalham Tescos now closed for all fuel. Blue boar was open but it took me Half an hour to queue and fill..
  24. if you want low water at the bridges, look to the weather forecast for Southerly / Westerly winds and high air pressure. The water levels will be higher than predicted with Northerly / Easterly winds and low air pressure.. Especially if it's been that way for several days..
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