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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Acceptance emails were sent out on the 13th May, If you've entered and not got one, check your spam folder, If it aint there, time you contacted the race organisers bor...
  2. Just another bump to keep this visible..
  3. Had my second jab yesterday, Pfizer at Hoveton village hall.. The "stabber " was a retired theatre Nurse with knowledge of Anaesthetics.. ,, No stickers issued other than the label applied to the card which says what you've been stabbed in the arm with.. She was most surprised when on her asking me am I allergic to anything, I replied " I'm susceptible to Malignant Hyperpyrexia under Anaesthesia" in her career I was the first she'd met.. Though she'd had training on the problem... I was going to say I had no reaction to the second jab except a sore arm... But since I started typing this I'm beginning to feel exceedingly hot.. But the temperature of the lab is 23.08C well within the 23+- 0.5C it's allowed.. Ah the instrument I'm to measure has finally settled , time to get to work..
  4. TheQ

    My Day

    Just received a threatening letter from BA, prosecution within 2 weeks, for not having broads MOT... Pity I emailed them the first time they sent a letter it was in Boulters having work done including the BSS and they replied BSS not necessary till it leaves the yard.. Pity I sent them an email when the Broads tax was due that it was still in the boat yard and they replied BSS not needed while in the yard.. Tried twice this morning sending a stroppy email to the "safety team" and the email was bounced email address not known..
  5. Depends where you are in Norfolk , much of Norfolk is Hard water too, particularly Norwich where the water is drawn from the chalk layers below..
  6. With Boris's comments today, it looks like we're on for the race. I'm confirmed as being on the guardship on Hickling broad, but my crew will be different this year, my previous crew have moved off to be on a guardship in their own right.
  7. Oh boats on the 3 rivers going under that bridge. https://youtu.be/xi1W2FSoM4g
  8. Low water Potter is when THEY DON'T want to get to the bridge, it means they have fought the tide to get there and will be fighting the tide to get back . So you'll be safe if you go to Horsey, Catfield, or are out in the broad itself. A few will get to potter bridges by about 14:00 on the Saturday at the earliest, there's always some who choose an odd course. Unless some A Rater decides to go there first, they could do it by 13:00 if they are first start and the conditions are right. I suspect the majority of boats will go down to Acle first with the tide, hoping to hit the lower Bure mark at low tide around 16:20, then come up to Hickling, so not likely to be at Potter before, 20:00 On the Saturday. So this year the bridge watchers will not see much until maybe 19:00 then lots through till midnight. Low water Potter is about 05:00 on Sunday, so really if they've timed it right that's when they should be at Thurne mouth heading up to Horning, By Sunday it should be mostly quiet, most boats need to be back at Horning before 12:00 on the Sunday, with the tides as they are, anyone left after say 07:00 at Potter is unlikely to make it. Yes the boats go into Hickling broad, if the wind is good, I'll be up the top by the Hickling sailing club , with the buoy . If there's not much wind, I could be not far inside the entrance to the broad.. Outside of those legs, the early fast boats will do the short legs to Ludham bridge and south Walsham before Acle, the slow boats will do those legs on the way back.
  9. Just a bump to keep this in view, till the event.. I shall be in my normal position on Hickling Broad counting them all past..
  10. TheQ

    My Day

    After much upping and downing of the boat, and levering a keel into position, while kneeling down beneath the boat. The keel bolts are now showing through the hull in the right places.. Next week a trial lift of the keel into position, if that's ok, lower, cover the top of the keel with sealant, and lift the keel with Eye nuts attached to the keel bolts. 200+ KG of hull sitting on the keel, should give the sealant a good squeeze. Then put blocks under keel, lower the assembly onto the blocks. Prop the boat up, go inside, do up the nuts.. clean off excess squeezed out, leave to set..
  11. When we looked for a house up here in Norfolk, it was outside the Not A National Park, because it was cheaper and fewer planning restrictions. Big garden for the dogs needed.. As we were effectively cash buyers, we caused the chain above us to suddenly advance.. Usual problems with incompetent Solicitors.. I drove 1500 miles on 3 trips from MK up and around Norfolk, house hunting, not much online then.. Had to go from estate agent to estate agent.. Found this place on the last trip.. Within sight of the Broads from our garden.. close enough. hope all the moves mentioned above go well..
  12. I would add even the hire scooters are not allowed on the pavements, they must be used on on the road hence the licence requirements. Also the scooters are only allowed in certain towns and cities as it's a trial, Norwich is one and I believe GY is to join in soon.. Current electric Bicycles must be fitted so they cannot proceed unless your are pedaling with some pressure . (some of the older ones didn't have that.)
  13. You might be safe there... Unless a competitor gets lost...
  14. Oh another point Horning sailing club and the 3 Rivers Race are run by volunteers, in their spare time. There are no paid officials waiting on a phone line to talk to you. If you have a direct club or race query see the clubs website https://www.horning-sailing.club/ or the 3 Rivers website http://www.3rr.uk/
  15. Oh the above times are dependent on the wind, if there is no wind but there is wind forecast later the start may be delayed. If there is too much wind but less forecast later, the start may be delayed.
  16. Please, if you're on a motorboat , or sailing or canoeing or paddle boarding 5th-6th June read this. It will either make your day or frighten you to death.. There will be 105 + sailing boats leaving Horning sailing club by the Swan Inn from 11:00 on the 5th in roughly 10 boat groups every 5minutes. They can chose to go round the course in any order, but must go to, Ludham bridge without going under it and turn round. South walsham broad. Some where below Acle bridge , Normally the Strachey Arms aka a Hindu meeting house. And to the top of Hickling Broad.. Places I'd advise avoiding if afloat, you have the total right to use them, but even I as an experienced competitor would avoid them at these times on 5th June if not competing. Horning, the start line 10:45 to 13:00 The river Ant, from where it joins the River Bure to Ludham bridge, the first boats should get there about 12:00 normally there will be vast hoards and it's a small river, should be ok after 15:00. The dyke down to South Walsham broad, also narrow, again give it a miss from 12:00 to 15:00. Potter Heigham bridge, especially if you want to go under it, from 14:00 onwards, I can't predict when the main rush of boats will be but it is chaos when they arrive. Places to watch the race, Anywhere down river of the club in Horning if you can find a mooring, Cockshoot broad entrance, moorings limited, St Benet's straight, plenty of moorings, South Walsham dyke, some moorings Just down or up river of Potter Hiegham bridge, limited moorings. Up river of Acle Bridge some moorings. If on foot, the grass between the club and Swan Inn, the pubs in Horning, the river bank in ludham , Potter Heigham and Acle bridges. Advice afloat at Horning during the starts, Going up river Keep Right, go forward if there is a gap. Going down river, the starts are every 5minutes follow a fleet through, Keep Right, the fleets almost always tend to go left after the corner, then you'll have a gap to go through. Advice if you meet the fleet or a single boat coming at you, Slow down as much as you can , preferably stop, that's within 6 ft of the right hand bank as you face forward in the boat. That way you won't get boats all round you. Let them go round you, their boats are much more fragile than a motor boat, they won't hit you if they have a choice, they will get very close maybe less than 6inches away. Only if it's a single boat or a few coming steadily down your side, only then go to the other side of the river.. only if it is clear.. Advice if they are overtaking you, Keep steady to the right hand bank within six foot, let them do their thing. Advice if you are overtaking them, Keep right, if they are tacking side to side on the when a boat leaves to go the left hand bank , go forward, always pass behind them. If they are sailing down the river with you behind them, keep right and go forward when there is a gap. Only go to the other side of the river to pass, if it is clear and nothing coming the other way. Do not speed, it will cause the sailing boats to rock and roll all over the p!ace. If it's a log jam of boats, sorry there's not a lot they can do, we can only apologise, and ask you to wait for a gap to appear and then slowly go through it.. Notes, it is unlikely, but if you are involved in an accident with one of the racing boats. Our boats have a red and white tape flying from the back of the boat, no tape, it's not one of ours. Each boat has its own insurance, it's them not the club you have to deal with. Make a note of the number and symbol on the sail and its name on the back of the boat. Some boats will have temporarily board on the side saying X or H followed by a number make a note of the number and letter. If you got that and the boat hasn't stopped to confer with you ( they may not have noticed or are too intent on their race) then pass the information to the boat yard if you are a hire craft. If you are a private boat, then contact the club they will then try to put you in contact with the competitor. It may take time, they are from all over the country and in a normal year some from abroad. Please enjoy the boats sailing by, you'll only be inconvenienced for a short time. Any questions? I'd be pleased to answer them..
  17. As far as I know mudweighting is permitted on Black Horse Broad, it's the fishing and shooting rights that are reserved for the Blofield Family and whoever they wish to permit to do it. Wroxham Broad has been leased by the sailing club from Trafford Estates since 1937, There is no right of Navigation on the broad and normally it's officially closed for 1 day a year. However the club do allow navigation, I don't think they'd be impressed if you mudweighted in the way of the sailing though. Who has control of the fishing rights I don't know.
  18. Note, I didn't insert a certain vessel into it at 1:19..
  19. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    I saw the "Load exceptionnel" Vans Parked in a layby just north of Hoveton a couple of days ago, I think they must have slept in their vans... A gentleman had a seizure on board a boat in Wroxham.. or later a lady broke leg on a house boat at Wayford bridge.. That's what's been reported By Coast guard Broads Call outs..
  20. Being tidal has nothing to do with it. It's whether or not there is a right of access gained in the past.. The landowner can set the rules as to fishing whether or not you have right of access. These are man made Broads therefore the landowner has all rights except right of access . For instance, Black horse broad open to the public but see the bottom of the sign..
  21. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The good news is the road works in Wroxham have gone, the bad news is those in Hoveton are still there, but at least the traffic jams will be reduced..
  22. There quite often doesn't need to be a reason for a bomb crater, if you've still got some left over from a raid, you just get rid of them over the enemy on the way home. Just about every village in Norfolk was hit in some way as aircraft dropped remaining loads on their way home.. Also if you've come under attack , you might drop them and make your aircraft lighter and easier to manoeuver.
  23. Roland's Mill, Aka Chapman's Mill
  24. No it's in the normal ball park. What generally happens you get a bad year, say pouring with rain all race or no wind, and you get less entries the next year. If you get a good year or even better several good years in a row and the number slowly build. As for this years entries, it will be interesting to see if there is any trend toward smaller boats, rather than multi crewed big Broads cruisers. A lot of the younger crews will not have had the vacinations yet. I as heading toward retirement, should have had my second jab a couple of weeks before the race. Most of the guardship crews are in a similar situation.. I suspect if this year is a good one, and those that haven't got their boat in yet, do so for next year , we may get an increase then..
  25. Well, that's it folk's entries are now closed, except for a few in the post or you're really good a grovelling to those in charge. 105 Entries approved so far..
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