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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. how do you now the satellite view was taken in August?
  2. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Probably tying in the housing estate they're building the other side of the church..
  3. Hmm, 8 garages 12 flats, so 4 will have to park outside. there are 18 spaces outside, some will be needed for staff. So maybe 10 for restaurant goers.. That going to be tight for parking.. and I bet many of the flat owners will fill their garage space with junk and park outside.. Also of course grokles will park anywhere and take spaces unless gated off.. Other than that it doesn't look too bad, it doesn't look like something the broads Authority would choose for themselves..
  4. Motor boating Always down the boat is stable so they only hit the water if there's a wave. Sailing always up except when moored, A, The boats are not so stable s the leeward side is always closer to the water, and you don't want the drag. B, You need every bit of river, that extra six inches can make a big difference, and you don't want a fender catching on the bank..
  5. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Both the road works at the top of the slope above the mini roundabouts in Hoveton and the roadworks north of Hoveton before the Barton Broad turning have cleared.. It's getting near roadworks on the Hoveton / Wroxham Bridge. The road will be temporarily closed from 9th March 2021 to 13th March 2021 (Night closures) from 18:30 to 06:00
  6. yep No one will know the real figures till a couple of years after everyone ish has been vaccinated . then they can look at the full totals of excess deaths over average number of deaths.
  7. I notice that the Omni vaccination calculator with my details typed in, has gone from how many people in front of me, to "contact here" (here being an NHS link) to arrange a vaccination.. I don't need to It's tomorrow
  8. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    There are signs covered up this morning, on the Stalham road north of Hoveton, for more road works. just before the Barton Turf turning. Norwich road, Sprowston just before the brickmakers roundabout single lane working with traffic lights.
  9. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    New Road works on the A149 Between Wayford Bridge and Stepping Stone lane (towards Stalham). Just before the Stepping Stone lane junction, as yet no sign of work just the single lane working lights..
  10. If, it all goes to plan, it looks good for the 3RR as the rule of six departs a couple of weeks before the race..
  11. When I used to live elsewhere, and come down to my boat, I never visited a pub.
  12. Merely vulnerable, but I take a multivitamin anyway, Metformin for diabetes, strips Vitamine B12 from the body which is not good for remaining compos mentis over a long time..
  13. 63 and also Diabetic, got my phone call yesterday, appointment Hoveton Village hall next Thursday (along with SWMBO 61 with Kidney problems). Being ex miltary we've both had many jabs, though my last update with 4 more reinforcement jabs was in 96 going to the Falklands as a civilian
  14. 'Cos they hope to sell to rich Americans..
  15. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The road works are at the Junction of Church road and Horning Road in Hoveton. Today Church road is blocked off (except for access) and Horning road is open.. They have however not taken the signs away from Horning road, just flipped them over, which means Horning road could be blocked again. If you venture to the big bad city, there was water pouring out of Vulcan road south (by KFC), down onto Boundary road. I suspect there will be a hole dug shortly and it may affect Boundary road traffic..
  16. I'm sure if you come to Horning 5th June 2021 for the 3 Rivers Race start at 11:00-12:30 or Regatta week 2- 6th August 09:30- 16:00 we can give you similar Entertainment. (virus permitting)
  17. Just to terrify a few. https://youtu.be/WOpGhAqFBqg https://youtu.be/FyWRwRd61Vw
  18. At the Cliffs The Maritime room will cost you £300 -£600 per day to hire, The Admirals £200-400 The Restaurant £300 -600 How do I know this? We were discussing hall Hire costs for model railways shows yesterday, on a model railway forum.. The Cliffs is way to expensive ..
  19. The Vulnerable to the virus are in group six, so there's a way to go, between 1.5 million and 8 million still in front of me.. According the the online guesser of when I'll get the vaccine.. There have now been studies that show, there is a 60% less chance of passing the virus on if Vaccinated..
  20. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    There is a road closed sign at the Mini Roundabouts in Hoveton, at the entrance to the Horning Road..
  21. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    I think they are trying to cut off Horning...
  22. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    They are digging up the pavement just at the top of the slope from the Mini roundabouts in Hoveton towards Stalham, They have of course taken 1 lane of the road and put in traffic lights. Interesting going through at 06:00 with an inch of hard packed snow on the road. According to a traffic web site there will be no less than 7 sets of road work on the A47 from the NDR to past the Stacey Arms, from today for the next 5 days....
  23. The cards are now little pieces of Plastic, "the bin" is now a laundry basket with a tall yellow sausage buoy punched through the middle of the basket.. The orange flashing light is now sat on the roof of the guardship, and if the same lights are used on the buoy next time, they are white flashing bicycle LED lights. I hope to have the pleasure of putting the buoy out on Hickling, as I have done for some years. Then counting them past, ticking off the boats on a check list, writing in the times, and radioing in times, back to the club.. Yep opposite the Pleasure boat / Hickling sailing club in the deep water channel, is my choice to place the buoy, so we can moor on the club pier.. then we can send someone off to get a hot supper when required!!!
  24. At the moment the committee are working on the premise it will go ahead. The final decision will probably be in early May depending on what the lockdown situation is.. Note, that on current predictions all the top 10 groups should have had their first jab by then and the top 4 groups maybe 5 will have had both injections.
  25. TheQ

    My Day

    Earlier on it was showing 47mph -2C that's -12C windchill from the official weather station at Weybourne. 55mph -14 wind chill late yesterday.. The afore photo'd Collie wanted to play outside when I took him for his morning walk at 06:00 No chance too Darn Cold.. Drove the car in from the coast near Stalham, to near the Airport, not a lot of snow on the coast maybe 1/2 inch, but in Norwich about 2 inches. Biggest problem, lockdown means not enough cars to melt a channel in the snow for the tyres.. A thought on lock down, how come on the previous two weekends lunchtime walks with the dog, about half a dozen cars would go past on the road section.. Yesterday in bad weather... None.. So were they really essential journeys the previous weekends? And as for this weekend, several shelves made painted and installed in the house. A section of the old flatbed on top of the trailer was cut to size outside, brought into the workshop for trimming up, de rusting, painting etc.. Problem.. In doors the angle grinder is darn noisy on metal.. Operations suspended Till I can find out where my ear defenders have hidden themselves.. (gloves, goggles, respirator, thick overalls were worn)
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