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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The above road works are still in place with no apparent work having happened. There is another set of roadworks in Wroxham, between the Avenues and the flower shop traffic light controlled. single way working. On the Coltishall road between the NDR and Norwich, just the Norwich side of the Nursery, about 1/3 of the road is barriered off no warning signs, No lights. It suggests they were put there in a hurry maybe a collapsed drain cover or the like..
  2. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The cones in Hoveton disappeared I never saw them used.. Meanwhile just north of Hoveton on Stalham road, at the first left hand bend there is one way traffic light controlled traffic. They are rebuilding the access to telephone ducting in the road..
  3. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The road works outside Stalham Tescos has cleared, they appear to have partly installed a zebra Crossing, as well as building the new entrance to the MaCarthy and Stone homes site. The lights are covered up and there are no road markings yet. I note they've installed it in line with a road hump, a curved top road hump, that could be interesting for someone poorly sighted or on a disabled buggy... Meanwhile Cones have appeared in Hoveton, between the double mini roundabout and Roys, as yet they are stacked on the pavements along with narrow road signs I suspect works are about to start works there..
  4. I suspect for most landowners it would cost more to pay for a water bailiff to patrol their waters than it would provide in income. Horsey being a nature reserve, the landowners had EA backing so it cost them nothing..
  5. Almost every Broad is owned by someone, as it was solid (ish) land before they dug a hole in it, therefore the owners have the rights for fishing and mudweighting. This has nothing to do with being tidal or not. Rights to naviagation only apply if it was granted in the past. Hence no right to navigate on Wroxham broad as there was no staithe and therefore no need to navigate across it. Wroxham broad being closed 1 day a year to enforce the owners rights to non navigation. Horsey has rights to navigate the dyke and Waxham cut. Therefore each broad would need a separate permit, unless the landowners get together to organise something. The rivers are separate, they being natural, the landowners only have the rights to the land, not to stop fishing below the highest tidal point. So Overall: EA have the HMG granted right to charge you for fishing, The landowners have the right to charge you for fishing on a broad, not the rivers. The landowners have the right to charge you for access to a river from their land..
  6. His place of residence is Monaco, He has homes in Monaco, New York, Colorado. He does not pay taxes in the UK. Except for a very very tiny proportion . He has homes in Monaco, New York, Colorado. Note the picture below, all of those companies are not based in the UK so none of that money will be taxed here..
  7. But Hamilton doesn't live in the UK and doesn't pay UK taxes.. So until he does why should he have a say in anything in the UK..
  8. TheQ

    My Day

    Twice as a youngster when we moved each time for my dad's job, I was the one who found the overflow to the bath hadn't been connected.. I still like a full bath.... Well, another weekend nearly over, The keel was lowered to the floor, somewhat inelegantly, but it got there without damage to it , me , or anything else. The other side got cleaned off, and filleted. The garage workshop has most of the ring main complete, just an outside socket to reconnect. The remaining sheet of osb was demolished into pieces to clad the ceiling, on top of which fibreglass insulation was inserted. It needs about another 1 1/2 osb boards to complete. That allowed the second of three LED batten strip lights to be installed in the workshop, that's now working correctly from a light switch in a lighting circuit . The old lights were connected to the one mains supply rated for lighting that had sockets in it!!!! As someone said.. you couldn't make it up. Oh Yeoman nationals, Snowflake sailing club at Horning Sailing club, the weekend of 5/6 December, Boris and virus permitting. Expect up to thirty boats but sadly the virus may well make that a lot less..
  9. Being of strange mind the thread led me to believe it might be of A Great Western Star class locomotive. Or this a Star class keelboat on Wroxham broad Horning sailing club have radio control racing one afternoon/evening a week but they only race the laser RC model.
  10. The run across the road from the works to the pub at lunch time was famous.. Trying to drive down there at that time it was just a sea of people..
  11. Of course part of the problem is they've been cleaning up the water. so all vegetation such as water lilies etc are growing like mad these days.. So the solution is.... Bring back pollution!!!
  12. There were 3 patches of Knotweed in my garden when we bought it,, Now down to one and that's on it's way out. The most effective way is to inject stems with roundup.. From what I've read Floating pennywort is edible, and tastes A bit like it's relative.. celery. Giant knotweed on the other hand is very poisonous..
  13. TheQ

    My Day

    My mains water isolator is in the gravel path running down the side of the house and involves lying face down with arm at full extension to reach it... There are no Isolators in the house other than those I've fitted.. Some time in the future the bathroom will get a refit and individual isolators will be the first task.. Meanwhile.. My Day or rather weekend, was mostly spent making and fitting internal doors to the workshop being built inside the garage.. They are made, they work, but still need handles and catches. The ring main was extended to 3/4 of the workshop area, so there are now power sockets either side of the work bench. The cable at the back of the workbench, which will include a socket for the radio, is all that's left of that to do to form the ring. But ... There is a keel in the way.. So I backed off the keel bolts holding the lead lump to the wooden keel stub, filled the gap with thick bonding resin wound the bolts back up again, formed a fillet on the side I could get to, scraped of excess on the other.. Next week the adventure of getting 150KG+ off the work bench and onto the floor so I can do the fillet the other side before fibreglassing the whole assembly.
  14. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The road works through Wroxham have cleared..
  15. Like Vaughan my model railways have to be in their home area, not a board full of track. Being 1950s the two tracks into the field made by the wheels of the fergie and trailers are correct.. What many forget is before ww2 there should be 3 tracks, one each side for the wheels, and one down the middle for the cart horse... Wonderful modeling again Vaughan.. We Broadland Model Railway Club, have somewhat hopefully booked Hoveton village hall for our club open day in May 2021.. as well as the more likely jubilee hall, Aylsham for our full Exhibition in October 2021, Over the years a small model railway club in the Birmingham area called Warley, https://www.thewarleyshow.co.uk/index.html Gradually they developed their club show, it's now regarded as the national show, taking the biggest hall at the NEC with 20,000 visitors over the two days in November. This year of course it can't happen, so they are having a virtual show 28/29th November 2020. It will be streamed on http://youtube.com/c/WarleyModelRailwayClub with further content on www.facebook.com/WarleyMRC.Exhibition
  16. Messages is also used in central Scotland, as words for shopping. So my sister went for the messages to make her late hubbies piece.. which he sometimes blew up... translation, she went for he shopping to make her late husband's sandwiches...which as a mining engineer he was renown for leaving behind, at the site of the next big bang...
  17. Ok I'll give a link.. to a virtual model railway show... Now these guys are good.. almost to Vaughan's Standard.. https://www.scaleforum.org/layouts/
  18. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    Two sets of road works to report, should you be able to travel.. The Wroxham - Norwich road , in Wroxham outside the social club between the Bridge and the Avenues.. Hole in road plus traffic lights.. Stalham right outside the Tesco's warehouse entrance, traffic lights at the Macarthy and Stone misdescribed housing for the elderly, building site, I'm guessing to connect the internal road to the Tesco road. It's pretty chaotic at busy times at anyway, It's causing a nightmare for Artics trying to get into Tesco..
  19. Those are the maps I was looking at, but it's not on there, I did however find this.. https://claxtonpc.norfolkparishes.gov.uk/history/ which if you scan down has a piece of the track showing , supported by two posts behind.. That track type is called "Jubilee track", often used at the time, in quarries etc. It can be lifted and moved by a couple of men, a panel at a time, and was often placed on bare earth so there is often no trace left on the ground. With the comparative lack of information on this line it's definitely a case of "don't tell him Pyke"
  20. That's interesting, it would give more justification for building the line.. Old maps didn't have anything new . I'm about to try http://www.historic-maps.norfolk.gov.uk/1946-aerial-photography.aspx but it appears not to like this computer...
  21. That's the one Thanks, it shows the route, which I had guessed wrongly as being nearer the pub... I'm now looking at google earth, and can see where the main run of the line went from the farm, but the detail isn't enough at the river end.. it could of course be buried under more modern river embankments.. Now I know exactly where to look it's off to NLS maps to see if there is anything there , I couldn't find anything before.. No, the tramway is not as far as I can find on any official map.. So sometime I shall have to go for a walk along the river bank Thanks for your help..
  22. Just to revive this thread, I've just read a few notes about the Claxton Tramway. This ran from Staines barn near Claxton Church, through Claxton Manor farm to the river Yare, somewhere a little up river of the Beauchamp Arms/ Buckenham sailing club. Believed to have been 2ft (60cm) gauge it was for transferring sugar beet to wherries.., Built just post WW1 it probably used secondhand materials from the military, it went out of use just before WW2 and the track was lifted about then.. I've read an additional note it appeared on some Jarrolds maps, would be interested to see if someone has a map with that showing..
  23. The results are in, annoyingly for a year we couldn't compete in, it was a good year for the Yeoman class, 4 in the top 10. For pictures and a video it you're on facebook see here.. https://www.facebook.com/SnowflakesSailingClub/posts/1639313466221777
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