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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I'm from the west country, via many places, it's the normal term for tourists, If you Choose not to like it . fine.. no different from them talking about NFN or Norfolk webbed fingers..
  2. it would take a lot to hole one of those day boats below the water line, and having sailed all over that area the only possible point would be in the entrance to the Broad, there's a couple of hidden stumps under the water on the left after the gate as you go in. My guess however ...failure of the raw water inlet, and the grockles not knowing how to shut it off..
  3. The 15 metres rule is simply, the point at above which all craft are considered by inland waterways as "limited by their size to manoeuvre " So even in a motor boat, Broads reg 23 (1)(A)(ii) Sailing boat Broads reg 24 (1) (A), You also have to give way to a boat of over 15m
  4. Wroxham broad there won't be a problem, It's a private broad, the sailing club rents, any one else on that broad is by the clubs permission , they can just tell the paddle boarders to Bxxxxxx off. Anywhere else????
  5. TheQ

    My Day

    I've spent the week repairing the eaves of the mobile home in the garden, later it's time to water proof it all. The heat should help that. But first I'm off down to the boat yard to see how the boat test/ antifouling / service is going on. Horning sailing club's, very limited regatta on black horse broad appears to be going well. Sadly I cant go down due to the limited numbers allowed.
  6. TheQ

    My Day

    Towing tin cans on a string might slow you down..
  7. We've always had collies rough or border. Our rescued border is snoring in his bed at the moment. We are intending to get a rough collie next, I've just reviewed rough collie rescue, no dogs available . Various sales sites, no dogs available, specialist exhibition breeders sites, no dogs available . We are not in a hurry anyway, so we'll just wait till the stupidity is over.
  8. You can always add a special character OT your common word.
  9. If you go on line and search "quiet time Morrison's " plus your branch location, it may well come up with a chart showing when it's busy, I've used that for BQ and Tescos, and just checked it worked for Morrison's GY. We went into GY early Monday, the wearing of masks in most stores was surprisingly good, only one customer not wearing a mask, however towards the end of the visit, all the grokles started appearing and it was getting crowded on the streets, so we then started wearing the masks outside as well. The place to avoid were the market food / coffee stands, neither staff nor customers wearing masks, many customers leaning on counters and definitely not distancing.. Officials want you to wear masks to not infect others, however if you are breathing in, through a mask, any airborne particle must stand a chance of being captured by the cloth, especially since the virus is carried by the damp breath of the exhaler. We use the so called disposable masks, however they are disposable because that's what the NHS do as its cheaper than washing them. We have several each they are stored on the car dashboard between uses. By the time they are needed again for the next weeks shopping the will be clear of any virus. After a couple of uses they get thrown in with the wash. They won't last many washes but it extends their life.
  10. All my passwords are different, at each site, using a formula, a common word and something in a sites name. You would need access to several sites passwords to work out the formula. There is a different formula for sites where I purchase items, and a third formula much more complicated for banking. For example, though this isn't my formula, your special word might be "broads" and for this site your resulting password might be sdnabofrb . IE broads spelt backwards with nbf inserted forwards. Or for a company that's no longer with us called Track Shack, sdtaroarb, using the first three letters of track.
  11. Don't assume all sailing boats have engines, many don't, some of those that do, haven't used them in years and might not work..
  12. He must be driving a car then.. or so it seems every summer when the grockles come a visitin..
  13. I'm betting they actually used the same paint all over, but the previous paint has faded and the touching up is Showing up.. To me that means a full repaint..
  14. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

  15. They were, according to the Hemsby Lifeboat report, found "East of St Bennets Abbey" (Their spelling) though that could mean any where from Horning St Benets Abbey.. or up to Ludham Bridge. Plenty of places to stop..
  16. That's one thing I've never heard a model railway site described as... https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php http://yourmodelrailway.net/index.php?show=recent https://www.emgs.org/
  17. I don't have issues .. only problems.. Just about every site I go to is now showing up as " Insecure"
  18. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The temporary traffic lights on Wroxham road have moved to between the speed camera and the Green man pub, where they are actually digging a hole..
  19. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    New temporary traffic lights on Wroxham road, at the old road that used to go to spixworth. No one working there of course..
  20. Between Easter and The School summer holidays is best, less traffic on the rivers the weather is good. But if you want fishing that puts it after mid June , so really mid June to mid July is the best time.. Oh and if you make it the first week end in June you can see 200 mad lunatics in their sailing boats compete in the 3 Rivers Race..
  21. Ok I'm going to say it of no one else does.. You're going to have to learn how to cope with WAFIs... including me..
  22. TheQ

    My Day

    Mooring all, Saturday, First thing bleaching water stained decking on the boat, this was with a bottle of oxalic acid, that had been for a tour of Norfolk.. The 48 hour delivery took a week because it went... Leigh on sea, Chelmsford, Norwich, Attleborough, recorded out for delivery, a couple of days later, Attleborough, Norwich, a day later , Norwich, Stalham, a Day later, Stalham, Acle, Delivered to my house 4 miles from Stalham ( it had the correct details on the box) Anyway after bleaching some bit's were successful , some bit's needed a recoat, and some bits never did clean up.. That was washed off, and during drying time, the top 6 inches of the boat sides were sanded down, ready for next weeks filling / sanding /painting. This area was damaged during transport back from Saudi.. When dry the decks and stern were varnished, The jib club was given a sand down an a first coat of varnish applied, that really soaked in.. A mounting point for Little Baron has started being created on the rear hatch cover, this is a sunken area for his plinth to sit in and be locked in place. The plinth was given another coat of varnish too.. Sunday, Building more breeze block walls for the barbeque area.. that went well, Work on it will stop for a couple of weeks as I'm going to use the "table" as a work bench for cutting wood to repair the mobile homes eaves. Monday.. When you work on the above, you get lots of little scratches on your hands.. IPA hand wipes and sanitizer don't half wake you up in the morning as I clean down the equipment at work before starting..
  23. Window 4 .. The Blue Screen of Death, have you pressed reset?
  24. Oyster have been in or around Hoveton for years. They are however a Pheonix company, having risen from the ashes a couple of years ago. The old version of the company designed a Very big yacht who's keel fell off about 2015, that version of the company went bust early 2018. and the current company bought the assets a couple of months later.
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