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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. I don't know if the model shop in Norwich does metal sections..http://www.greateasternmodels.co.uk/ or Buoys toys in Cromer (I also don't know if they've got metal sections) https://en-gb.facebook.com/buoystoysandmodels/ I don't think the Bure valley railway shop (Aylsham)does metal sections they are more of a beginners shop. But very good in what they do for buying commercial stuff from http://www.burevalleymodels.com/ A good UK mail order supplier is https://www.eileensemporium.com/materials-for-modellers/category/metal-sections I've used them many times for various bits not available locally. Squires tools have a strange collection of Items, I've only bought stuff off them at shows. but they were very good.. http://www.squirestools.com/
  2. RMweb is definitely the Biggest UK forum, although they have contributors from around the world. https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php There are specialist sections for American and Japanese railways. Narrow gauge and of course all the big 4 UK railways and BR in it's various guises up to the present day.. All gauges are covered from T gauge 1:450 scale up to 7 1/2 inch gauge live steam. If however you are modelling in N gauge I can also recommend the " N gauge forum" https://ngaugeforum.co.uk/ and in the odd chance you are modelling in EM gauge then https://www.emgs.org/ Should you live local, I can recommend Broadland Model railway club (I'm there most Friday evenings) the other main day is Tuesday evenings, although with covid there are 6 person bubbles most nights of the week. http://broadlandmodelrailwayclub.co.uk/ Railway clubs and shows throughout the country can be found on.. https://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/exhibitions
  3. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The Wayford road works have cleared, 3 days of traffic lights for..... Some manhole cover refitting .... on the pavement...(and there's some grass between pavement and road).
  4. Tesco's do the deliveries as well..
  5. Good timing, Wayford Bridge closes Nov 2nd for 24 hour road works. It will be a bit noisy then.. https://www.edp24.co.uk/motoring/road-closures-norfolk-stalham-wayford-bridge-1-6817276 Enjoy your holiday..
  6. Funnily enough they're playing the Devils Gallop by Charles Williams on the wireless at the moment.. (Theme tune for Dick Barton)
  7. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    New road works on the A149 near Wayford bridge., this time it's between the two road entrances of the Hotel with traffic lights either side.
  8. I too have sailed a GP14 a couple of times though not in Norfolk, it's a great boat to sail and good for the broads. If you get into racing, come up and join in our annual regatta at Horning, first week in August most years.. That will teach you about close quarter sailing!!
  9. Oh yes , anyone visiting Neatishead and the other sites, that were likely to go above ground level had to visit the control room for a briefing, for which they signed. It didn't work all the time though, we had painters in and one came in for the sign on next day. The other went directly to the aerial, one of the nodding height finders. He climbed the Aerial without permission. Anyone could have pressed an operate button and thrown him off, and those radars still transmitted when parked. So he was heavily radiated..
  10. Not quite true as once a month, we actually did do a full power run at Neatishead, normally at stupid O'clock in the morning. It wouldn't have blown the tubes, it would have severely interfered with reception. The T 85 At full power with everything fully tuned to max could put out 60 M Watts, we normally only ran on 2 of the 12 transmitters though.. The T84 at max power was only 5 M Watts, The HF200 nodding Height finders were only, 2.5 M Watts. As it was on Normal power I lived a mile away on the back road to Hoveton, and it interfered with my cassette deck. After Neatishead I was Posted to work on the T88 /T89 radars essentially a mobile T84 on the back of an Artic and it's sister height finder. There the Tea Bar was lined with tinfoil connected to earth and painted over as the radar would blow up the TV's Electronics. Luckily by careful positioning of the TV we could get it to see the TV Transmitter on Clettraval but be shielded from the radar.. We could see the Clettraval Transmitter from the base, you only needed a 2 inch piece of wire in the TV aerial socket to get a picture!! The electronics store room there was less than 100 ft from the radar transmitter and the fluorescent tubes used to come on as the radar swept through
  11. I thought I'd show you The Type 84 Radar as it is now,, lots of fiddly bits still to be installed the SSR750 on top of the T84, the waveguide assembly and the upper level walkway around it.. Broadland MRC reopened a couple of weeks ago, luckily we rent the building and so can come and go as we please. So most nights there are socially distanced groups of up to 6 in attendance. All sticking to their group.. So Friday we had 3 in, all working on different layouts, two more should join in next week after their Holidays elsewhere. In the days the Swan Inn in Horning was still a pub and not a restaurant that serves beer. I can remember a few lock ins there..
  12. I was in my room in Saudi and watched the second one go in live. The locals were all cheering about it.. The Saudi press said it was "The Japanese red hand grenade gang" that did it. Military flying training training was suspended as the British and American instructors were not taking out Saudis who were cheering on the event.. Security everywhere was very jumpy for a few weeks..
  13. Acle bridge at 12 ft is vastly better than the old one..
  14. Not quite , the modern concrete road bridge replaced the steel girder railway bridge which was removed 1968 . Wroxham Bridge was built 1619, and is currently covered by a steel load supporting road surface. It's listed as a scheduled monument. Potter Heigham bridge is believed to date from 1385. and is grade 2 * listed The arched Vauxhall railway Bridge in GY built 1850 is grade 2 listed. Haven Bridge GY built 1930 is not listed
  15. A quay side, quay heading, Dockside.. somewhere to moor up. From the old Norse "Stoth" a landing place
  16. You can see the lifeboat man trying to haul up the ineffective mud weight, I would therefore guess engine failure
  17. Noting of course , that's 3 Rivers Race weekend Normally.. Good viewing, but not good for the inexperience Motorboater trying to get somewhere.. http://www.3rr.uk/ https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/uk/three-rivers-race-norfolk-broads-sailing-a7061301.html https://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/three-rivers-race-is-a-tale-of-risks-great-escapes-and-a-punt-city-jam-1-5052268
  18. Diesel Electric , has been around for decades in big ships, and has moved down to smaller ones. I have a Diesel Electric 27ft boat. She has solar panels which charge up the batteries if it's just a short trip. For a long trip the generator is wound up to keep the batteries topped up. But she will do about 5-10 miles on just batteries if I wished, but that takes cycles out of the battery life.. I find electric throttle control Is infinitely more adjustable than a diesel which tends to have "favourite" throttle positions I believe some of the electric powered hire Boats also use the generator to produce electricity for cooking.. Mine will get shore power charging when I get round to it, I've got all the bits to do it.. Overall I think I save diesel in it's use. Mostly because of the many short trips I do..
  19. Wroxham is just a housing estate with a couple of Boat yards. Hoveton is well, Roy's town, almost Blackpool on the Broads in the shopping area. I prefer Horning, or Ludham or Hickling.
  20. Some In line fuel Polishing systems, will not meet the Boat safety test... I built my own portable polisher, Diesel fuel lift pump 12V, glass demijohn and bung, diesel fuel filter as fitted to engines (but made sure it was one with CHEAP filters), some copper pipe and some rubber pipe. and a wooden frame to mount it all on. A length of 1/2 inch copper pipe to reach into bottom of tank, A yard of rubber piper to the lift pump, Small section of rubber pipe from lift pump to small copper pipe into top of bung through to near bottom of demijohn. , Shorter length of copper pipe through bung 1/3 way down demi john to length of rubber pipe to filter.., Long length of rubber pipe back into fuel tank.. You can run this from your battery, but I use an old battery charger to power the lift pump. So when I'm down there next to an electricity supply, I just plug it all in and leave it running.. it took a lot of water out first time, it settles out in the bottom of the demi john. and went through several filters.. The rocking an rolling of the boat as the speeders go past, plus the cleaned fuel splashing dropping back in gives a good stir..
  21. Me.. haven't been out this year..
  22. TheQ

    Scalped By Bridge!!

    We all know how inaccurate the EDP is and you're discussing the reported age? it could be a female aged 6, with the abilities of the EDP these days..
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