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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. As would the old bridge at Acle previously shown,, that would have made much more fun to watch the boats going through a full flood tide..
  2. It was shut yesterday as well as the previous Monday.. It appears to be they are working a 5 day week, Wednesday to and including Sunday.. I'm guessing that while you can get enough volunteers for assisting in 7 day running, medical staff are limited and need a day off..
  3. TheQ

    My Day

    This weekend was just sanding the keel weight spreading board, Putting up more shelving in the future library, painting the next set of shelving and making a stack of blanks for the section after that. Painting the New axle for the trailer, and more planning of the Modifications to the trailer. AKA the cutting plan for the old flat bed that sat on the old trailer, to make the new bed for the keel to sit on.. Plus I decided to make a new trailer board, the old one is in the region of 40 years old and a bit the worse for wear. The new one will be all LED and meet the latest spec's. Parts have been ordered..
  4. A pink house internally, a bit Barbara Cartland isn't it?
  5. Used to be our works pub, on the way back to RAF Coltishall from RAF Neatishead... Back in the days when you were marked down for "team spirit" if you didn't go the the bar with the section.. Now they get marked Down if they go to the bar to often.. Especially going to a bar in Uniform..
  6. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Strange to be moving a boat to North Walsham, I can only think it's going to Windboats marine for a total rebuild. Or its actually a mould for a new boat.. Travelling today? NHS staff, farm workers, police, factory workers, people going to a supermarket, Amazon, parcel farce, and a myriad other couriers, utilities workers, builders, repair men. TV and radio staff ( crew as well as presenters), take away staff, and many many more.. You don't need to be travelling the whole route, just a bit of it the wrong time. For instance my factory is open 7 days a week, and if I were working today, I'd use just the section of the route from Stalham to the North Walsham junction of the A149 / A1151, and be on earlies or lates so travelling when the load could be going through..
  7. I try to keep my address away from public sites in case I accidentally mention we're away.. As it is you'd have to be 124 years old to have been alive when it finally closed.
  8. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The roadworks on Norwich Road Wroxham have reappeared, just down between the vets and the boat yard car park. as is usual these days. The hole is in the pavement, but they've taken half the road and put in traffic lights..
  9. I just found my house... or to be more precise the foundations of my house, which is half built on the foundations of a listed pub on the website pub.. There is an error on the website as two roads have been confused. I have a concrete sign which was dug out of the garden, which may tie in with the old pub.. I also have some more details which will passed to the website when I've taken some pictures of the sign.. and a few fancy bits of terracotta .
  10. Same as Andrew, Diabetic classed as vulnerable, but due the jab in Group 6, I'm getting very worried about people campaigning to jump the list when the first 4 groups are done.. Teachers, Police , meat packers, Footballers..etc..
  11. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    I've been meaning to say for a couple of days, the road works in the Avenues in Wroxham have gone.. I note they're pile the edges of the quay in Wroxham from where the floods go across the faircraft loynes car park and onto the main road.. I don't think it will make much difference to the floods though..
  12. When you reach Hoveton Bridge.. was my final Marker, turn right up Church street and head for Horning. The Elvedon Memorial, and Sutton Bridge were just markers enroute, Like Scotch Corner, joining the A17, the Dereham and Swaffham roundabouts.. These days, it's Catfield, Ludham, Ludham Bridge, Horning upper street, Horning Crossroads turn left down to the club..
  13. I noticed the Hoveton Village hall Vaccination Centre was closed on Monday, I do hope it's just giving the medical staff a day off, after working all weekend and not a shortage of vaccines....
  14. TheQ

    My Day

    Well my weekend started with moving the keel outside, someone insisted in getting in the picture.. That's as far as I got with the keel, it's got another 50 ft to go to get to the boat, but the ground is too soft, I need to get some thick sheets of ply or OSB to stop it sinking in.. So the keel, or to be more precise the trolley beneath is now protected by a big sheet of plastic until it can be moved. Between the keel and the boat will be an weight load spreading board. This has been made and glassfibred, it needs a good sanding down then comes the joy of lying on my back beneath the Boat getting it lined up and attached, then drilling through the hull for the keel bolts.. The keel all up weighs about 180kg, but the volume it takes, gives around 30kg buoyancy.. That hits the target 150kg...
  15. It won't be 3 months, unless they change the list of who to do next.. On current predictions it will be early to mid February for a 74 year old with no illnesses
  16. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The traffic lights and road works at Wroxham Hoveton bridge have gone. The leak at green man rackheath has been fixed, but the lights are still there. The road is closed at school road East Ruston, for another water leak.
  17. I know it's only a guide line. Living in North Norfolk, we are way behind as for some reason the oldest aged population district in the UK, was left till last week before Vaccinations started.
  18. The "when will I get vaccinated programme" has been updated to 2 million a week now, which has brought my vaccination date forward by a month. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/vaccine-queue-uk
  19. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    There are now traffic lights at the water leak, however they've placed the set coming from Wroxham immediately after the blind bend, be very very cautious.. The road after is very flooded..
  20. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Not roadworks yet, but.. Just the Norwich side of the Green Man pub on the Wroxham road, there is I think a burst water main coming out of the pavement, water is pouring out over the road. That will add to storm Christoph arriving tonight / tomorrow..
  21. There are many pushing for the restrictions to be reduced after group 4 is done, which leaves me in group 6 for three reasons very worried..
  22. Navmii.. A free navigator programme that covers the UK roads (and for a very small fee Europes as well) it also displays your speed and ETA at your average speed so far on the journey. if you use it on a phone then you get road traffic reports / indications as well.
  23. This might give a clue.. https://www.omnicalculator.com/health/vaccine-queue-uk
  24. One the other forums I go on has a GROAN emoji... I think it may be needed here..
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