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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. What that doesn't say, is peat digging for local domestic use, went on till around the first world war.. Sailing boats were around long before and long after peat digging, there is some evidence that the Norfolk Wherry via the Norfolk keel goes back to the Viking vessels which invaded ,from 793-1066. There would have been sailing vessels before then in Norfolk.. dugout canoes have been found going back over 3000 years.. Not so much pirate vessels but smugglers would have been common, avoiding taxes on import of wine and brandy was a local sport.
  2. TheQ

    Boat Show

  3. Sadly I have too many projects already, or I'd have been very interested..
  4. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Maybe it's a hole to Funnel away the semi permanent flood there.. (actually it's the other side of the road..)
  5. Yep here we go again, A new set of road works has appeared, they are digging a hole just outside the laundrette in Wroxham, the lights are from just south of there to the precinct in Hoveton, with a third set on the side road to Bridge Broad. it was south bound chaos yesterday at about 16:00 jams back past the mini roundabouts in Hoveton and all the way up Church Road. The road closed is still there on the Avenues. There are extra traffic lights on the A140, Boundary Road junction for Digital cabling holes in the road, this extends to the Boundary road past Screwfix, where the road is singled but there are no extra lights.
  6. The latest from an HMG minister is that there will be (eventually) a vaccination centre within 10MIles from anyone... I'm 10.1 miles from Hoveton... We shall see.. vaccinations to date.. 2.4 Million..
  7. I see HMG is as geographically challenged, as those that travel over 100 miles to see the seals.. Of the 7 major mass vaccination centres, The East of England centre is in....Stevenage.
  8. If you live in a big city, five miles, could well be to the first area that you could park, with enough space for a safe walk. Restricting people, to just parks or city streets would mean closer contact than in a supermarket.. However 130 mile round trips is taking the p...
  9. I've never seen that and in all the articles I've read they they reported what I said..
  10. Ha Meantime beat me to it.. Angling is now permitted..
  11. it's 95% effective against catching the virus, so far no one has had serious complications from catching the virus even after just the one jab.
  12. Most of the sailors on the broads sail in ever decreasing circles..
  13. I don't think so, Waxham cut went to a brick works
  14. One definitely missing is the Hundred stream which at one point would have been navigable from just below Ludham Bridge across to the Thurne below Womack.
  15. There are also about 30 missing Broads, many of them small or not connected to the river system. but some could have been useful. look up Faden's Map of Norfolk
  16. TheQ

    Boat Show

    Many shows moved out of London, both Earl Court and Olympia was / is a pain for the exhibitors to transport show items too.. The NEC is more central for most of the country, though worse for those of us in this side of East Anglia for time to get there. The problem these days, is there are few suitable places for exhibitions, there is no exhibition centre in Norwich and if you built one the charges would also be huge. Even For a small show Like Broadland model railway club's show, we've looked around and there are very few suitable places , that don't charge a fortune..
  17. TheQ

    My Day

    I admired the spiders webs in the workshop, they positively stood out covered in dust sanded off the keel, As I was to.. Yes mask gloves, goggles, overalls were worn. This is over the last two weeks holiday in the workshop everyday except Christmas day. Various doors were made for the workshop, which kept some of the shelves clean of dust.. I then had to brush everything down, including me let it settle, brush everything off the floor, let it settle, do the floor again.. Then take the mask off . So the keel has now got two coats of glassfibre all over, covered in surface tissue, and up to 7 layers on the bottom of the keel. It was then filled , sanded, filled, sanded, etc. That cleaning up was done before one side had two coats of topcoat with a light sand and wash down between. Next week it will be turned round to top coat the other side, once done, the bottom needs the same. Also while in the workshop, two shelving units were made, well, one is built, the other is still a kit of parts that I cut. Both the motor Scooter and the landrover are on trickle charge at the moment, and the motor boat has solar panels on the roof to keep the drive batteries charged up..
  18. TheQ

    Not Good

    I'm guessing townies organised thinkinh out in the countryside there'd be no one around to here it. But hearing a live band at "the dog " Ludham while sailing down the st Benets straight it's obvious any noise out on the marshes can be heard for miles..
  19. ps, 1 million have had a vaccine injection in the UK, in one month, there are another 6 months till the race. The easier to issue Oxford vaccine starts being injected on Monday, which is when they'll start issuing to local GPs and the rate of vaccination will increase rapidly.
  20. No, at 8ft long and a single handed, Optimists don't meet the race rules on both counts..
  21. Well time for those of you with tall or short masts to visit 3rr.uk... The 2021 entry forms are now available.
  22. TheQ

    Boat Show

    Not only do the NEC halls have no character it's hugely expensive. For instance the ticket price for entry to one of the cheaper Shows, Warley Model Railway show was £18..plus £12 to £20 parking..
  23. TheQ

    Boat Show

    There is only one boat show.. Provisionally booked for 1st May 2021 Horning Boat Show.. https://m.facebook.com/Horning-Boat-Show-135842329892678/
  24. Correct from what I've read, after various mergers and bout outs they became part of , James Fisher and sons who still exist. https://www.james-fisher.com/
  25. The first Ellen M was torpedoed off lowestoft at 22:44 1st Feb 1940 with the loss of all hands . The second Ellen M there's little Info on , here's a sister ship.
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