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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    There are three turn offs from the A1151, towards Neatishead / Barton Turf etc.. Only the one in the middle is open, the roads nearest Wayford Bridge and Hoveton are showing road closed..
  2. The one I've seen on the broads had a tree cutter head fitted to the arm, It cleared the area opposite Horning Church and on the left going up above Horning..
  3. just what is Oldberkshireboy doing with an F1 spoiler, I believe they are meant to be attached to the front of the cars..
  4. Well, you all have an ID card number already issued.. Why? Because the National Health number everyone has, is a continuation of the 1939 ID number scheme.. (though they changed the format in 1996)
  5. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Stepping stone lane is now open but the road outside Tescos warehouse entrance in Stalham has traffic lights causing absolute chaos.. Especially when they have an artic to bring in.. I note they are razing the level of the car park for Faircraft Lyones, by about a foot, I wonder if that'll stop the floods of the main road there or turn it into a pond..
  6. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The hole in the road in Wroxham is now filled in and the road open.. Also The A149 near Stepping stone road is open.
  7. TheQ

    My Day

    Another weekend with time spent working on refurbishing the trailer, axle mounted, more derusting carried out. All other new and old parts collected up from storage, ready for individual zinc paint coating. The keel was moved down to the boat from outside the workshop, Easter weekend I hope to raise the boat up enough to get the keel under. Back to work again tomorrow, I had 9 weeks off last year, but have been now working as normal since June last year, I'll be happier with that when I get the second jab, I really disliked it before any jab at all. At least at work most of the time, I'm on my own in a air-conditioned and air filtered lab. Only about 390 working days till I retire..
  8. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The Road works up hill from the Wroxham Vets have cleared. In the Big Bad city, Norwich road Sprowston's road works are backing traffic onto the Brickmakers roundabout causing chaos.. There is also roadworks between BQ and Asda causing jams up to and on 5 ways and the other way onto the junction above Asda..
  9. Meanwhile Horning Sailing club is reopening April 4th, with Racing on Black Horse Broad, followed By a down river on April the 5th, the tide is a bit Awkward on the 5th so I'm not sure whether they'll sail to Thurne or Acle , That will depend on the amount of wind I think.. A lot of boats didn't get launched last year.. For instance even when sailing was permitted, there was a limit of about 30 at Horning due to covid.. This year we're all hoping the 3 Rivers Race will go ahead 5-6th June over 100 boats expected, Like at the 3RR preparations in the picture. Our Regatta week 31st July to 6th Aug 2021 has normally about 100 boats in it some years has reached over 150.. It's sad to see the Rebels sold out of Horning Sailing Club, as all 16 were in the club at one time.. But if they have to go Hunters is the best place.. I'm hoping to get my sailing boats feet wet this year, I'm desperately trying to get her finished for regatta week.. If She doesn't make it she will have to wait till the start of season 2022.
  10. I recognise those two culprits on the Yeoman!! and the two on the clubhouse roof..
  11. Grizzled Skipper Yare and Bure Number 56 , built 1938, was sold recently, It was listed for £12,000, But whether they got that, I have no Idea.. I don't recognize the the names listed as the current owners, so whether it has been sold out of HSC I don't know..
  12. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Along with Steeping stone lane being closed there are now lights about 50 yards further towards Stalham on the A149 another hole just off the road. Also a hole in the road in Wroxham more traffic lights just up the slope from The Vets..
  13. Appears to be Broads One Designs (AKA the Brown Boats) at Oulton?
  14. TheQ

    Day Boats

    I think that 5 miles came from the Welsh government which announced the change today or yesterday.. With the Llywodraeth Cymru minister saying the change was from "stay at home" to "stay local" meaning 5 miles, though he admitted those in the countryside would have to go further for essential shopping.
  15. it's not so much a dry period, as high air pressure lowers the North Sea, so the water can run out. and a good westerly or Northerly also pushes the water away from Norfolk.. and of course whether it's spring tides or not. Get the ultimate bad combination of a Northerly, Low air pressure , and spring tides, and all the chalets in Potter get their feet wet.
  16. Does Lovejoy come with a selection of dodgy antiques, a weird attempt at Norfolk accents and an equally dodgy sense of Norfolk Geography? PS a friend of mine said the first words on the TV series.. Cos' He be from Horning..
  17. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The Road works on the A149 just the Stalham side of Wayford Bridge have gone.. HOWEVER.. the signs have just moved to Stepping Stone lane, which is first left off the A149 after Wayford towards Stalham. Stepping stone Lane is to be closed for 5 days from the 15th of March...
  18. Marmalade for sale? Have you told Paddington?
  19. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Just a reminder Wroxham / Hoveton bridge closes for overnight works from 18:30 tonight till 06:00 tomorrow and the next three nights. There was a preparatory team removing yellow lines this morning, and there are signs in position from the mini roundabouts in Hoveton all the Way to the NDR. The official Diversion for vehicles under 12ft 6inches high is back to the NDR then up to Cotishall. For big vehicles, it will be via the NDR and Acle.. I can just imagine a big artic arriving at the bridge from Norwich.. and having to reverse back to turn round.. You can guarantee some car drivers will turn up at the bridge..
  20. Milton Keynes is a town where just about everyone is an incomer.. A quite strange place.. I didn't find it particularly multi cultural, we worked, based in a factory of over 1000 people. 99% white British, just a couple of Indian / Pakistani descent and one of more direct African descent. There were none of foreign Descent on the street we lived in.. The whole staff were mostly Londoners who'd moved out. (Note the company had security aspects, meaning yourself and your parents had to have UK allegiance, also the company itself had moved out from nearer London). We moved to Norfolk just over 20 years ago, from MK, before that I had moved many many times. Nowhere is home to me, but I do have likings for some places. Our choice was to move to Norfolk long before retirement. So we would be settled in before the time came. We certainly couldn't afford anything like the property we have back in MK, it would probably be in the million pound mark because of our land.
  21. I've noticed an out break of "for Sale" boards, I suspect a lot are trying to sell / move just as the restrictions end.
  22. My boss got the call two days ago, 63 no conditions.. There was an NHS lady on the radio this morning saying all over 60's in Norfolk should have had a call or letter..
  23. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The road works in Hoveton at the Horning road church road junction have gone.
  24. TheQ


    My tradition was to hear my first cuckoo of the year. while drifting along during the evening of the 3 Rivers Race the beginning of June..
  25. Received my Bill yesterday, they won't be getting any money till it's actually due. For my being rebuilt sailing boat they won't be getting any money till she's launched. She's within site of, but outside the defined broads area. Although the keel is still 50ft from the hull, I applied for and got her New Number so I could paint it on the stern, which it is. A few more coats of varnish required, on deck, unite the keel and hull, connect up the steering gear then I can come and worry you on the water..
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