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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Err Stalham ? Horning ? The Ingham Swan?
  2. TheQ

    My Day

    08:00 flags up as the cannon fired Then go out putting the buoys out. Today's programme. Races are about an hour long. 08:00 put the buoys out. 08:45 ish return to the club house for bacon butties and a muggacoffee. 09:15 out on the river for the first start, 09:25 Allcomers B dinghies 12 ft to 17.5 ft 09:30 Allcomers C experienced dinghy sailors in boats up to 12ft long 09:30 Allcomers C beginners in boats up to 12ft. 10:30 the bigger boats come out 6 starts at 5 minute intervals. 12:45 the really big boats come out , up to 45ft long for a 2hour race. 13:45 4 starts with bigger fleets as some of the above are combined. 15:15 6 starts. 16:15 the big yachts are out again for a 1.5 hour race. 17:00 a special juniors only race. 17:05 serviceman's and Ex serviceman's trophy. 18:00 I collect all the buoys 18:45 start putting the rescue boats back to bed. It's 07:05 time to get those rescue boats ready.
  3. TheQ

    My Day

    Mooring all, A couple of piccys 05:10 a misty morning @ Horning.. Up river.. Down river. It's now 06:30, I've been out with the big brush sweeping of the presents left by the geese from the deck, before it dries in the sun.. Muggacoffee number 2 is in progress, before starting getting the rescue boats at 07:00. Canon at 08:00 hopefully no misfire this morning, then buoys out time..
  4. TheQ

    My Day

    Evening Awl, Another day playing border collie to lots of floating grockles.. only had to shout at 2, one decided a good time to overtake was while the Keelboats were rounding a buoy, another who thought that a huge bow wave was 4mph. Generally most were well behaved. Did shout a couple of words to Maurice on NYX , it's not green yet I note.. and to another couple of words to an NBN flag wearer. A picture of how to terrify tourists.. fill the river with sailing boats..
  5. TheQ

    My Day

    Mooring I think.. 06:20 A very poor night's sleep someone has been playing rave music all night, from HSC it appears to be coming from the general direction of Bewilderwood. But I doubt it's them.. it went a bit quieter at 03:57, but it's still going... I've already had SSS and from the noises in the ladies facilities someone is doing the something in there.. ( the floors here are very noisy with footsteps) I'm now sat in HSC clubhouse waiting for the tea Urn to warm up.... Ah the boiling sound has stopped. Muggacoffee is now sat beside me.. one advantage of being on duty, free coffee for the duration. Yesterdays start of regatta week went well, a reasonable turn out for the first day with a forecast of showers, which did occur though none were heavy till after racing. Good sailing for the first race but during the second it slowed to a drift for a while.. I helped put the buoys out yesterday , and put the major regatta ahead signs out on the river. As we're on the broad again today, we've left the bouys out overnight.. no one to rescue so far. At 07:00 I'll go start getting the rescue boats ready, throwing line. Tow rope , boat hook, first aid hit, fire extinguisher, paddle, bailer, then top up the fuel tanks and install those. 08:00 flags up, no canon fire till Monday. Time for muggacoffee no2, bacon rolls later when the galley slaves arrive..
  6. Finally.. with the sailing events half over!!
  7. and the final Bump as tomorrow it All starts.. Unfortunately it looks a fairly damp one tomorrow, though storm Evert should have cleared through by then.. packing tonight... waterproofs... XXX awful weather Waterproofs... slightly damp weather.. Sun tan cream bottle... bought when I was in Saudi... I left in 2001 Anti mozzi "Avon Skin so soft".. used lots of that.. ETC If you wish to watch something better than the Olympics, please come along, As we're on Black Horse Broad Saturday and Sunday please moor round the edges of the broad unless you like being buzzed by very close sailing boats..
  8. The Uk is currently in line for 7 medals for sailing At the Olympics.. Have you seen any on BBC or even a mention?.. Thought not..
  9. TheQ


    In Norwich yesterday several short downpours... Out on the coast beyond Stalham, a little light drizzle for a short time and that was it..
  10. The international 2.4mR sailing class, wheelchair bound sailors can compete equally with able bodied people. It's an Olympic class but the Japanese didn't want Paralympic sailing this time. But.... You won't make much money. Sailing isn't good TV.. More importantly they can be sailed at Horning, we have a club member who just missed the Rio Paralympic team for them.
  11. Much more important than the Olympics or F1 is this weekend is the start of Horning Regatta Week. Don't watch Participate.
  12. No Idea, that's all handled by a contracted company who does out IT..
  13. That 's pretty good considering that, That is not the original design, they were designed to have a small cabin up front and you trundle your own caravan on the back.. Though the floor must be pretty solid.
  14. I work for a multinational company spread round the world, computers everywhere, I use 2 regularly and use up to another dozen, have 4 running at the moment.. The company uses... Windows defender..
  15. The refresher course went OK about a dozen of us on it this time. We've had our social events programme issued, No disco this year, not that I attended that anyway, all events arranged to be socially distanced . Still keeping one way systems through the club house and masks on inside. Monday to Friday is the traditional programme, first race 09:25, last race about 17:00 start. 23 programmed one hour races per day, but some starts such as the juniors may be split into 3 starts, as so many turn up.
  16. One week tomorrow so it's time for a bump of this thread.. Rescue boat refresher time tomorrow, though I spend more time rescuing tourists that competitors..
  17. it's still a lot more than £10 and hour though and any school leaver today is looking at 52 years till retirement, I'm sure computers will be in use long before then..
  18. A bit out of date on the wages , the average salary of a lorry driver is over£29,000 and HGV over £32,000 There is however a better reason for a school leaver not to become a lorry driver... In a few years the lorry driver will be a computer..
  19. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    The Long running road works By the Church in Hoveton for the new housing estate have finally gone. I note there is a drain cover slowly collapsing on the Norwich bound side just up hill from the car park . It's been covered in paint marks which suggests action soon. Also the same direction just over the railway bridge another drain cover is collapsing , so far with no markings on it..
  20. Technically Cockshoot broad is the wrong side of the river for Horning, The Ferry Moorings south side of the river are in Woodbastwick Parish, and most of the Cockshoot is in Ranworth Parish, the border between Woodbastwick and Ranworth appears to run down the dyke but which side I'm not sure..
  21. Yep, remember the big boom was post war, a lot of those yards when the owners retired, the builders put in the biggest offer for the site and built houses on them..
  22. In just two weeks tomorrow I'll be playing Newfoundland to the sailing boats and Border Collie to the motor boats.. That is, fishing '\em out and rounding 'em up.. Two weeks to go to the regatta...
  23. I'll bet there's builders of "Executive Homes" sniffing around the site wondering who to bribe...
  24. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Roadworks signs on the NDR at the Wroxham road roundabout and the Coltishall road roundabouts. Both indicating works from the 19th on the NDR..
  25. only if that cap requires a tool or key to remove it.. 2.8 Fueltank connections 2.8.1 Is the fuel tank drain fitted with a plug or cap which can only be removed with tools? R Check each fuel tank for the presence of a fuel drain facility. If present, check the drain outlet for the presence of a plug, cap or blank. If present, the outlets from fuel tank drains and drain valves must be terminated with a ‘tools‐to‐remove’ plug, cap or blank. NOTE – the provision of a fuel tank drain facility is not a requirement. NOTE ‐ The plug, cap or blank must be of proprietary manufacture and/or metallic and it must be fixed in place by a screw mechanism which requires a tool to remove it.
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