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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Note, drain TAPS are illegal on fuel tanks according to the BSS, they must be drain plugs that require a tool such as a key or spanner to open. Rule 2.8.1 On my DIY diesel polisher I have a glass demijohn before the filter, So I have a 4ft, 1/4nch copper tube to reach the bottom of the tank. Rubber tube, Then the diesel fuel lift pump. (Doesn't require priming) Rubber tube, 1/4 inch copper pipe to the bottom of the demijohn, 1/4 inch copper tube from near top of demijohn to Rubber pipe Rubber pipe to fuel filter, Fuel filter to return rubber pipe. The demijohn allows much of the water to settle out before the filter. When I go down to the boat to work on it the polisher is set up and left running not much comes out now, but on the first run a couple of gallons came out..
  2. ? I don't think Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland are supporting England...
  3. Thanks, not up to me of course, I'll just be occupying one of the rescue boats again, as my sailing boat hasn't quite made it for the regatta, I've got the rudder on, but nothing to connect it to!! There are between 3 and 6 rescue boats out on the river for the regatta normally. The most being between 09:30 and 10:30 when the 8 year old beginners are let loose for their first regatta, we keep those in sight of the club as well. They all get training before of course, but the skill level isn't necessarily there yet.. Back at the club in the starters box there will be: The race officer, the assistant race officer and the time keeper, they have radios to keep in contact with the rescue boats. In the club house will be the two or three people who look after the race result charts, and take the entry fees (£1 a race) Then the galley slaves who will in various teams of 2 or 3 run the galley all day, from Bacon rolls and coffee from 08:00, through salad lunches, with snacks, tea, coffee, ice creams till the end of the last race, at around 17:00. Then the evening functions everyday with a Bar and some days food as well. The functions? quiz night, darts, a disco for the kids and various other things that change most years.. And the Staff?... All volunteer club members.
  4. Yes it's actually because of the reduced pollution we have increased weed growth, Hickling broad Is also bad this year.
  5. Summer of sport .. of course it is.. 25th July to 31st July Wroxham regatta week 31st July to 5th August Horning regatta week, 7th August to 8th August Breydon water regatta. 14th 15th August Hickling broad regatta 22nd August to 27th August Oulton week. 28th August to 30th August Barton Broad regatta. 4th Sept Broadland youth regatta Wroxham. And of course there is normal club sailing at up to eight clubs every day of the week though out the year.
  6. The house I lived in (in Hoveton technically) didn't get mains water till the 1970s..
  7. OK Then the times of our racing, note the first start of the race race is the time given, but fleets start at 5 minute intervals and there could be up to 8 starts, each race takes about an hour. Saturday 31st of July, the racing is on Black Horse Broad (Hoveton Little Broad), so the only interruption to river traffic is the fleet sailing up to the broad and back. This is normally in smaller numbers than during the week And would be expected at between 12:30 and 14:00. Two race series Saturday afternoon. Viewing can only be done by boat on the Broad, you are welcome to do so, please mudweight around the edges of the broad, the western (Wroxham ) end is normally the favoured end for mudweighting.. Sunday Racing from about 10:00 12:30 to 14:00 to 16:00 again on the broad, so on the river fleets going up to the broad 09:00 to 10:00: back 12:00 to 13:00 for lunch, then back to the broad 13:00 to 14:00. Then the final return 16:00 to 17:00. Two race series in the Morning two in the afternoon, the big sailing cruisers may have an additional race lunchtime and after the others main race. Monday 2nd August to 5th August, First race start 09:25 but the boats will be out 10 minutes before their start. Last race start about 17:00 in between there will be sailing boats on the water almost continuously. The main peaks are 10:30 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 15:00, the easiest time to go through is before 09:30, between 12:30 and 13:45 and after 16:00 Viewing, the only place to watch is from the Swan Green, that's between the Swan Pub and the Sailing club. Any questions? I'll be happy to answer them, if I can. A video of A bit of Horning Regatta 2010,
  8. Ok Folks it's that time again, Especially for those who haven't done so when extremely busy.. Gentle Hints about navigation through Horning during the above dates, Motor boats IT WILL AFFECT YOU..... It's Horning Regatta week which has been running for at least 113 years.. Up to 150 Different sailing boats from 8ft little Optimists with 8 year old children just beginning, to 100 year veterans sailing even older bigger boats up to 45ft.. The club is intending to run a full programme this year, So here we go.. PLEASE KEEP RIGHT, preferably within 6ft of the bank, any more than that and some someone will sail between you ad the bank. There are no underwater obstructions that will affect a motor boat even if you motor along 2 ft from the bank, all those sailing boats have 3 ft deep keels and sail within 6 inches of the banks.. Our competitors are told if you keep close to the bank then then they should turn away from you, they may turn only 6 inches from your side, but remember a sailing boat is a lot more fragile than a motorboat and they don't want to wreak their boat. DON'T PANIC, please do not weave around.. If a boat turns in front of you, you may have to slow down, they shouldn't do it too close to you, but remember: There are beginners who may get it wrong (in any sized boat) , There are non competitor sailors out there, who don't know what we have asked our members to do and will, insist on their "rights". Other vessels may force them in front of you.. Please try to keep your speed down, especially if it's very light winds as it causes the sailing boats to rock and roll making them more difficult to control. If you are following boats going your way, keep right and when a gap appears go forward please do not go out in the middle of the river to overtake there me many more sailing boats just about to appear in front of you. If the Sailing boats are coming towards you , slow down, keep right, let them sail around you they are a lot more manouverable than you are. Thank you for reading the above, the next post, times of races and best times to watch or avoid A video... the 1908 regatta.. http://eafa.org.uk/work/?id=1392
  9. I told you so.. As it is my Motorboat is Diesel -Electric, It has an electric motor powered by batteries which can be charged up by the generator and solar. Once I've finished it will also take shore power. But the system will also be needed for the microwave, kettle etc.. The quiet pack Generator produces a noise level of 54 dbA which according to a comparative web site is equivalent to a quiet conversation at home, just above bird song and below air-conditioning at 100ft.. As it is once I've finished there will be additional sound proofing fitted round engine bay, spare stuff left over from a jet engine test bay.. good stuff that.. There is also an extra exhaust silencer in very quiet addition to the output from the generator. Hopefully you won't be hearing from to boat..
  10. TheQ

    My Day

    A bit more work on Blue Moon My sailing boat was down over the weekend.. the hull painting is finished.. yes it is a very light Blue. OK just why does this forum just send me a message I'm a newbie and that I've won an award for posting?
  11. After my pre 3RR selection how about this years race. https://youtu.be/d1kUBHj4XF8
  12. One of my late Aunt's, used to pay a large part of her mortgage each year by renting out her house in Wimbledon for the fortnight and going on holiday...
  13. until they appeal, change the plans appeal, refer to the minister incharge and eventually enough money is spent ? then they'll get planning permission. The flood risk is a red herring, that piece of land is way above the surrounding fields so that will get shot down on appeal..
  14. I reckon we need a video of that going out through the door..
  15. Oh they try they, definitely try.. Well the hullabaloos do.. Rephrased and illustrated just for you I can see hire companies having to fit weed cutters to their propshafts Sailing boats will have to fit weed cutters in front of their rudders...
  16. Oh they try they, definitely try.. Well the hullabaloos do.. Rephrased just for you I can see hire companies having to fit weed cutters to their blades. Sailing boats will have to fit weed cutters in front of their rudders...
  17. Some other forums have the advantage of a GROAN emoji..
  18. It depends on the situation.. What I tend to do is: Point to me, then to where I want to go, if the motorboat is not at present in the way. or point to them and then where I want them to go.. if the Motorboat is in the way. It doesn't work all the time so you do have to be prepared..
  19. That's what I tend to do point to me then to where I want to go, or point to them and there I want them to go.. it doesn't work all the time so you do have to be prepared.. All this nature conservation and cleaning up the rivers is a disaster.. The weed and Lilies are growing up everywhere.. it's a hazard to Navigation.. Now what are BA going to do about it.. Seriously though the weed will slow river flows and cause more mud to drop out of the water causing more shallowing. I can see hire companies having to fit weed cutters to their blades, and sailing boats in front of their rudders...
  20. It's not a case of taking miles to turn, but when you approach a bank, you gently curve up paralleling the bank before pushing the rudder slightly more to tack away. You have to slowly persuade that large lump of lead hanging beneath to curve round. It doesn't want to change directions. Remember to look at the tide tables, how you sail with the tide is different than against. With the tide is a slightly sharper tack, Against the tide is keeping it a long tack along the bank in the slowest part of the tide.. and all tacks are an S bend once you are finished one you are into the next there generally isn't a straight line between. Unless it's very long tack short tack along the river. Stay inside the posts on Hickling, there are places outside the posts you can go, but unless you are a regular sailor at HBSC you have no chance of knowing where they are. Have a look here http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/ at Diary Dates to see what club is sailing where and when to avoid them if you wish.. There is a sailing event going on somewhere on the broads every single day. Always assume a motorboater is an idiot, if you signal where you wish to go there's a chance they'll go there, if you signal where you want them to go there's a chance they'll avoid it.. Be prepared.. If they are an accomplished motorboater, they'll anticipate where to be anyway.. and you won't then have a problem. There's normally a shortage of moorings in Potter, the most available are the Martham side of the bridges.. Moor there and take a wander down into Potter.
  21. Acle bridge is also available here, https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams/ Normally soon after the 3 Rivers Race the pub will turn the camera to cover their grounds and the river.
  22. TheQ

    My Day

    An S160 Steam loco.. wouldn't have looked like that during WW2 when hundreds were shipped to the UK from the USA.. Temporarily used here they were later shipped to the continent after D day .. They were a dull plain Black... S160's were famous for blowing up their boilers, normally with fatal consequences to the crew. Due to an odd water gauge arrangement.. I need a 4mm scale model for my model railway but no one makes one...
  23. But the alcohol does not meet the race requirement for food and drink for 24hours for each person on board.
  24. Thanks Liz, More boats than I expected managed to finish, about 1/3 of those that set out, and a good variety of different boats .
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