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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Not quite, the liquids are treated, and contaminants removed before discharge. The solids are then treated and spread on fields as fertilizer.. So your veg is grown in the stuff as it has been for millennia..
  2. There are only 50 cases of leptospirosis, reported in the whole of the UK each year. They are mostly among people who come onto close contact with rats and cattle. You have much much more chance of coming to harm on the roads just by travelling to Norfolk (or anywhere outside your house).. You your children and Dog, are extemely unlikely to come to harm swimming in the broads. Just chose your place carefully, not in a place of high speed water ie not near GY, And not near manouvering boats, so off the beach in Salhouse or car park by Wroxham broad are good places. Don't go off your boat unless you are sure you can get back on, Don't go over the stern If the engine is running.. Propellers often slowly rotate even if out of gear..
  3. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    In a spectacular piece of idiocy, Norfolk county council have allowed two sets of road works, one in Wroxham just up hill of the Faircraft Loynes Car park, the other in Hoveton between the mini roundabouts and the doctors surgery. The tail backs from each are feeding back into each other, so there is a line of cars stuck in the roadworks, when the go green for the cars going the other way.. I really , really, recommend Avoiding Wroxham and Hoveton for the next few days . Meanwhile it's gravel season, all sorts of roads I've seen from in Norwich out to Catfield have been hit by 20mph signs and layers of windscreen breaking gravel ,loosely put on tar.. be careful out there folks..
  4. 4 race series each at with up to 5 starts at 5 minute intervals, there should be a buzzer to start, and a different one to finish.. Some pictures of the sailing here.. https://www.facebook.com/HorningSailingClub Next weekend should have been the Horning Boat show on the Saturday, but that got cancelled till next year. On Sunday is a down river race, to Thurne, Three starts at five minute intervals, normally from Woods Dyke, Just down river of the Ferry pub, first start 10:30. In a case of light winds, the boats may be towed down river to Horning waterworks, to start from there..
  5. I would hope by now someone's put the buoys out, looking at the calendar, it's racing on the river outside the club house today. Ah.. Being still on semi lockdown timetable, with limited boats, the first race isn't till 10:30, instead of 09:30.. 4 sets of races last around 15:00 start. Wish I were there, instead I shall be drilling a hole through the hull for the first keel bolt...
  6. Noise for a start, that huge swarm of bees they power them, with is very intrusive when hovering over your head. And if I'd have had a shot gun, I'd have taken out the one flying down the backs of the houses on our street, looking in our back gardens..
  7. TheQ

    Water Depths

    It is an unfortunate side effect of having cleaner water, in the 40+ years I've been sailing here the water has got cleaner and the weed has got thicker.. The river From the Swan Inn, Horning upriver past Black Horse broad is now lined with water lilies, pretty to look at but it ends your race when you get one wrapped round your rudder..
  8. TheQ

    Economic Diesel..

    Greta who? Oh you mean she who had crew and family flying across the Atlantic and back, so she could go for a sail..
  9. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    A new set of roadworks outside the Wayford bridge hotel.. traffic lights as usual. There's a new set of temporary barriers being put up by Tesco's Staham for the retirement home I suspect more traffic lights soon...
  10. TheQ

    Water Depths

    Just noticed my bad typing.. that should say " you shouldn't end up like the 40ft plus broads boats sailing a continuous swerve from one tack to the other"
  11. TheQ

    Water Depths

    Tide, Normal conditions.. At Acle bridge you are looking at 18 inches level tide change at most, Increasing all the way to Yarmouth where you get a level change of what ever there is at sea. By the time you are at Horning or Potter maybe 6 inches to a foot depending on springs etc.. Really Exceptional conditions very rarely a 3 ft tide change as High as Horning or Potter. That's Northerly wind, Spring tides, high rainfall, raising the water to a foot above many quay headings, Switching to a southerly wind, no rain lowering the water levels to 2 /3 foot below quay headings.. You say Keel up, your draft is 3 ft , is that still sailable? or is that withdrawn into the hull? Whilst draft is one thing .. How good is your boat at tacking? For instance sailing from Acle Bridge to Potter Heigham with a northerly wind would require a tack every 30 seconds to a minute for 4 hours... If you have only a big genoa, that would be a handful, not for nothing are most Broads equipped with what today would be called a "Blade Jib". 26ft is a nice length for broads sailing, many broads cruisers are longer than that, you should end up like the 40ft plus broads boats sailing a continuous swerve from one tack to the other.. There is a lot of useful information on here.. http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/ Particularly in the Green book section.. Inside the green books site.. Oh do you now roughly when you come and get confused by us?
  12. Let them go, Ban any player / manager / Staff that joins the clubs from playing in the remaining leagues (except those currently playing for those clubs that might be taken across without their permission.) Very soon the group of 6 would be come a retirement home for Ex good players..
  13. It is noticeable that houses here in North Norfolk have been selling fast, I suspect a lot of townies particularly Londoners have decided to move to the countryside for good. So many companies have decided to keep working from home it's going to change working patterns. Even Norwich union announced they were closing two sites in Norwich , concentrating most staff in fewer buildings but allowing the majority of staff to work part time from home. It may bring life back to many villages which are full of second homers only at the house on the weekends.
  14. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    Sounds like Norfolk...
  15. TheQ

    Road Works 2021

    All the road works I've previously mentioned are cleared. However there is a new set in Sprowston on Wroxham road, about half way between the roundabouts.. I note for those that travel north , the Lincoln Bypass is open. Built like the NDR with a roundabout at almost every junction, it goes round the east of the city joining the old northern Bypass.. It will certainly help me heading north as an alternative to the very busy section of the A1 from Newark to Pontefract.
  16. I think the BA will measure a bridge , find the absolute lowest point a boat might go under then take off a couple of inches for safety. The boat yards will measure their boats air draft and add on 6 inches for safety.. And some still manage to hit the bridges...
  17. We have an Elysian 27 Centre Cockpit, i personally don't use a ladder to get in or out, but when we have elderly (80+) relatives visiting , we had a step of about 1 ft high, which we used, really could do with a 2 stepper. It's not whether is a pontoon , it's how high the boat is above the bank / pontoon. When the water is level with the bank edge , it's a big side to get over.. Also you'll never haul anyone up over the sides from the water it's just too high, a side ladder is definitely needed.. The toe rail is just too shallow to use for the ladder on it's own. I have one but haven't yet found a quick fit way to attach the ladder solidly when needed.
  18. I had my first ever McDonalds in MK too.. in the centre shopping place... In fact my only ever McD, Sweet buns with burgers ...yuk... and those "fries " are a waste of time.. There are now 9 grams of sugar in a Big Mac, and only 3 grams of that are in the BUN!! That place is lethal. especially to diabetics..
  19. Boris permitting, the Race is still going ahead, you have about 1 month to get your applications in.. http://www.3rr.uk/3RRapplicationform.html
  20. The 3RR competitors are warned about the correct use of lights.. But I'm guess the problem is after dropping the mast 4 times during the race they get disturbed.. But it is a thought I haven't made provision for lights on my little sailing boat and while I won't be doing 3RR in her I may get caught out after dark somewhere in the future... As for 3RR, I've just committed to guardship duty, for this years race 5/6 June 2021. Planned start time 11:00. Get your entries in now, they close early May.. Forms and details on http://www.3rr.uk/3RRapplicationform.html
  21. That makes sailing seem Cheap... club membership divided by about 100 hours sailing a year. £1 an hour, For the last 20 years I've been sailing and crewing other peoples boats so that was it.. If you buy a second hand sailing boat and look after it,, you should get back what you paid for it, at the end, so purchase cost in negligible. New set of sails every 5 years for the boat I'll be sailing about £1500 /100/5 =£3. Insurance + broads tax about £300 per year = £3 Maintenance maybe £100 per year £1 So the must pays for my future sailing £8 an hour, less per hour once I've retired and I can sail more..
  22. With for the moment these being only hire vehicles insurance etc will be covered by the company. However if they become popular for private owner ship. I'm pretty sure that like many canoeists there will be some that have have neither tax nor insurance. The few canoeists I've spoken to on the river banks knew nothing of Broads tax or navigation regulations. My other concern is lack of leg power. I'm not on Horning Sailing club rescue boat duties that much, but have rescued two hire canoeists out of the water and another two hire canoes needed towing back to their base, as they couldn't make headway against the wind.
  23. Those picture of Grendel's appear to show old practice trenches left over by the army. Back in the 90s Ynsmons trip along the old Newport Pagnell line, he would have come across 5 Rough Collies and a Border Collie as we walked our mob. We tended to walk the loop of the canal round top top of MK before using the NP line back to complete the loop. Today don't we don't have a special exercise walk, we just have another Border Collie, he tells you when to go for a walk. He's now sat on my lap giving the hint it's time to go out for his morning short walk.
  24. no.. definitely , not... Never..
  25. I know that place, Hope to take a trundle down there sometime this week.. HSC Start racing this Sunday, on Hoveton Little Broad, and a down river on Monday to Acle or Thurne.
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