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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. TheQ

    Skyhawk Has Moved

    Ah opposite DeerFoot almost, You can expect a lot of visitors, 5/6 June Next year... It's a good place to watch the 3 Rivers Race...
  2. OK folks time for a heads up. Next week on Sunday 25th is the Tri-icycle Race, run by Snowflake Sailing Club. If wind and conditions are right, the start will be at Horning Sailing club, some time between 10:00 and 10:30, the race goes to a bouy placed outside or near Oby dyke, and another outside the entrance to Womack, then returns to the club. If the wind is light the start could be anywhere down to St Benets straight. Alternatively either or both of the buoys could be moved closer to the start, it all depends on the wind and tide combination on the day. The normal Entry is around 30 boats, could be as high as 45, but in these covid days who knows!! The usual requests apply, If you find some tacking across the river towards you, please keep slow, and tight right to the bank , less than 6ft if possible, then they won't sail between you and the bank. Let them do the manoeuvring past you. If you come across a long line of boats coming towards you on your side of the river and they are not tacking, please then move across the river to let them through, they maybe struggling against the tide, and moving out might send them backwards. If you come up Behind a tacking boat, stick to the right hand bank, as they tack away from the right hand bank go forward as the gap appears. Coming up Behind a single boat running away from you, please do move out and gently pass. Coming up behind a wall of boats running away from you.. Err sorry, you're stuck until a gap appears and you can gently go through Coming into a wall of boats running towards you, keep as close as you can to the bank, slow right down , if possible stop, let them sort themselves out and go past you. Please keep it slow especially in light winds, causing them to rock and roll, just slows them down, getting in everyone's way. We apologise for any inconvenience to you, the best guaranteed viewing point if you are interested, is the St Benets straight
  3. I object to that second video, not just because it's titled with those words, but because its got a full front of me.... my face that is...
  4. outside of Norfolk there are plenty of churches built in valleys
  5. if you have children, or if you haven't but haven't read them The Coot club The Big Six both by Arthur Ransome, fictional based on the broads, some places are accurately described others are slightly disguised.. you can play spot the place while cruising around... Just watch out for the hullaballoos..
  6. More like back then they had sense and built the churches on the Higher ground. Much of the land we see today around the broads was marshes back then, without the drainages boards it would be again.. Also travel by land was by muddy difficult track, travel by water was easy, so you build your prominent buildings on high ground near water.. Hence all the old monasteries were on the coast or by water with connections, Lindisfarne, Iona Abbey, St Benets . I'll be on an Island if the tide comes in.. just sail to the sailing club..
  7. OOh beaten to it by Regulo From their own site.. "The National Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) applies to all boats with engines and/or cooking, heating, lighting, refrigeration and other domestic appliances, including open boats propelled by outboard motors with fixed electrical systems such as electric starts. It does not apply to open boats propelled solely by outboard motors and not fitted with any of the above appliances/systems." Me thinks someone at the ivory tower has made a mistake..
  8. TheQ


    There are more flying from Norwich now, since they closed the helicopter base at GY near the greyhound stadium.
  9. unless it's a seagull...
  10. Whilst not privy to everything that goes on at the club, there are several members of Horning on this and the other place. That could probably answer most questions to with anything about the club or sailing.. I suspect that there are members of other sailing clubs on here and there as well.. Although I am not an official of the club unlike Anne, so therefore cannot represent the clubs views..
  11. Horning sailing club is almost entirely run by volunteer effort, the only paid person is the cleaner who comes in after each sailing event. Only if there is no member with the necessary skills / equipment, are outside contractors used. This is why club membership is only about £130 for a family for a year. several times less than say Wroxham club. Ps If you'd have put the question on this forum I could have answered it for you...
  12. Noting this is sailing, The outer Hebridies on a inland Loch, The Broads, Cheddar Sailing club, The Broads, The North Sea off Scarborough. The Broads, Cheddar sailing club, The Broads, The Minch (outer Hebridies) The Broads, Kielder water, The Broads From Ullapool to Blyth, Northumberland The Broads Dovecot / Haversham sailing club (Milton Keynes) The Broads, Shotwick lake sailing club (Chester) The Broads Dovecot / Haversham sailing club Gull island Pond (the Falklands) Dovecot / Haversham sailing club The Broads North Hykeham sailing club (Lincoln) The Broads Then I moved to the Broads... Because of the best sailing..
  13. and as usual they got it wrong, the captain being knocked off with his conning tower...
  14. The Jarrold map does not show the Aylsham line which closed to passengers 1952 (1982 for freight). Nor the North Walsham to Great Yarmouth Beach station line which closed 1959, But it shows the old main road through Potter Heigham so it's before construction of the road and new bridge on the old railway line, the old railway bridge being demolished 1968. So it's pretty certain the map is 1960 - 1970
  15. The current Horning Sailing Club clubhouse was built in 1963, and I think the next section up river was cleared of BIG trees about the same time. So the photo itself is probably late 1950s..
  16. The max width depends on the rivers it wants access to , Part 1 (Beam Restrictions) (a) Vessels having a beam of 3.8 metres (12ft 6ins) or less. No restriction. (b) Vessels having a beam exceeding 3.8 metres (12ft 6ins). River Wensum: Upstream of Foundry Bridge River Yare: Upstream of Trowse Eye Bird’s Dyke and Surlingham Fleet Dyke Rockland Boat Dyke, Fleet Dyke and Short Dyke Langley Dyke Hardley Dyke River Chet: The entire waterway River Waveney: Geldeston Boat Dyke River Bure: Upstream of “The Rising Sun”, Coltishall Upton Dyke Hermitage Dyke, Acle River Ant: The entire waterway and its navigable branches including Barton Broad River Thurne: Upstream of Dungeon Corner Catfield Dyke and its branches Waxham Cut Meadow Dyke Candle Dyke Womack Dyke and Womack Water
  17. A careful choice of words he used.. The maximum size of boats hasn't increased, the number of maximum size and big boats has increased. There were always a few big ones, now there are many. They've often got much wider too.. Yes boats are taller some yards have deliberately given up any chance of a boat going through Potter or Wroxham Bridges.
  18. It was on the weeks forecast on countryfile yesterday
  19. There's another big storm forecast next Friday....
  20. TheQ

    My Day

    Well the big event was down at the model railway club behind Haines Boat builders on Friday night, I could hear the asbestos roof coming adrift and bits sliding across the roof before crashing down behind the building. Luckily that's the landlords responsibility. During the evening there was a big crash from their yard, as something big got blown over. Didn't stop me planting about 200 individual 4X 4 inch fence posts (in 1:148 scale) (that's 0.6mmX0.6mm) probably over a 1000 to go....
  21. TheQ

    Hit And Run..

    well, they are available elsewhere and on the internet.. Richo's I think should at least get a copy as it was both their boats involved.. It's behavior I've seen many times particularly on the moorings between the Swan Pub in Horning and the sailing club. I've several times had to go over and show tourists how to get a boat off a lee shore, and even when the wind is not blowing how to get out from between two other boats. I bet many other club members have also done so over the years..
  22. Interesting report on TV this morning. In China the area that makes most Christmas "tat" and decorations, report orders down 30%. I think this is going to mean a shortage come the time, as parents will throw money at it, to make Christmas "special" for the semi locked down kids..
  23. TheQ

    My Day

    My day? well my weekend including Friday evening Came home dodging broken branches and soggy roads.. to find in our garden: Several healthy branches of an oak tree pinning down the mains triple twisted insulated cable to next door and the farm beyond. The biggest was over 18 inches in diameter.... (power stayed on!) Next doors telephone cable snapped on to the ground, The marquee the boat lives in, stripped of it's covering which was wrapped up with ropes by SWMBO. During a first cup of coffee, something flashed by the front window of the house.. On donning full waterproofs and riggers boots I went outside to find we'd lost three leading edge roof tiles and they'd taken down the front of house guttering which was what I saw go past. I retrieved the plastic gutter from the road, but the clay tiles were destroyed on impact. A survey of the garden, now I was rigged up, showed a tree stump demolished, many branches down. Some smaller fir trees that had survived years are now at 45degrees.. UK power networks were phoned.. lots of questions including a request for photos, and repeated warnings to stay away from the cable.. Saturday, Cleared branches under cable as they were on the cess pit covers, on which I then placed big plant pots, I didn't want UK Power coming in with a Hiab and parking it on the covers, fishing one out of the cess pit would be awkward.. Covered the boat with plastic, weighted and roped down, cleared the area of anything of value and the wood supplies were removed to the garage and wood shed.. While going round to the neighbours to discuss tell her that UK power was organised, noticed we'd lost another 3 tiles one landing almost intact, that was retrieved and now needs measurement so I can find replacements. It appears not to be a common tile. From about 16:00 till 21:30 the power went off, we were just preparing to sleep in the living room, as the multifuel stove meant it was the only warm room when the power came back on.. Sunday, UK Power arrived a bit later than forecast, as they found another tree on the cables of our road on the way to us.. As it was they decided to remove the branches with large pruning saws on fibreglass poles which plug together. unfortunately the last branch cut released the tension in the wire and catapulted onto and destroyed one of the plant pots, but at least we weren't fishing for it in the cess pit... the guys were from Sussex A bit later found two electricity hiabs outside our house, went out to see them, they were lost, trying to find a certain house without power, which was the farm a bit further on. These guys were from Wales!!! So I then informed the neighbour it was cleared, so she phoned (by mobile) to get the telephone people out.. They arrived 20:00 and unbeknown to me laid a temporary cable across the garden.. which I tripped over when taking the dog for his morning patrol at 06:00 this morning..
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