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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Don't assume all sailing boats have engines, many don't, some of those that do, haven't used them in years and might not work..
  2. He must be driving a car then.. or so it seems every summer when the grockles come a visitin..
  3. I'm betting they actually used the same paint all over, but the previous paint has faded and the touching up is Showing up.. To me that means a full repaint..
  4. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

  5. They were, according to the Hemsby Lifeboat report, found "East of St Bennets Abbey" (Their spelling) though that could mean any where from Horning St Benets Abbey.. or up to Ludham Bridge. Plenty of places to stop..
  6. That's one thing I've never heard a model railway site described as... https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php https://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php http://yourmodelrailway.net/index.php?show=recent https://www.emgs.org/
  7. I don't have issues .. only problems.. Just about every site I go to is now showing up as " Insecure"
  8. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The temporary traffic lights on Wroxham road have moved to between the speed camera and the Green man pub, where they are actually digging a hole..
  9. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    New temporary traffic lights on Wroxham road, at the old road that used to go to spixworth. No one working there of course..
  10. Between Easter and The School summer holidays is best, less traffic on the rivers the weather is good. But if you want fishing that puts it after mid June , so really mid June to mid July is the best time.. Oh and if you make it the first week end in June you can see 200 mad lunatics in their sailing boats compete in the 3 Rivers Race..
  11. Ok I'm going to say it of no one else does.. You're going to have to learn how to cope with WAFIs... including me..
  12. TheQ

    My Day

    Mooring all, Saturday, First thing bleaching water stained decking on the boat, this was with a bottle of oxalic acid, that had been for a tour of Norfolk.. The 48 hour delivery took a week because it went... Leigh on sea, Chelmsford, Norwich, Attleborough, recorded out for delivery, a couple of days later, Attleborough, Norwich, a day later , Norwich, Stalham, a Day later, Stalham, Acle, Delivered to my house 4 miles from Stalham ( it had the correct details on the box) Anyway after bleaching some bit's were successful , some bit's needed a recoat, and some bits never did clean up.. That was washed off, and during drying time, the top 6 inches of the boat sides were sanded down, ready for next weeks filling / sanding /painting. This area was damaged during transport back from Saudi.. When dry the decks and stern were varnished, The jib club was given a sand down an a first coat of varnish applied, that really soaked in.. A mounting point for Little Baron has started being created on the rear hatch cover, this is a sunken area for his plinth to sit in and be locked in place. The plinth was given another coat of varnish too.. Sunday, Building more breeze block walls for the barbeque area.. that went well, Work on it will stop for a couple of weeks as I'm going to use the "table" as a work bench for cutting wood to repair the mobile homes eaves. Monday.. When you work on the above, you get lots of little scratches on your hands.. IPA hand wipes and sanitizer don't half wake you up in the morning as I clean down the equipment at work before starting..
  13. Window 4 .. The Blue Screen of Death, have you pressed reset?
  14. Oyster have been in or around Hoveton for years. They are however a Pheonix company, having risen from the ashes a couple of years ago. The old version of the company designed a Very big yacht who's keel fell off about 2015, that version of the company went bust early 2018. and the current company bought the assets a couple of months later.
  15. ah well local journalists up to date then...
  16. TheQ

    My Day

    Oh while I'm on this section I mentioned problems with registration of a boat, not yet ready for the water.. I've since been told you can down load the normal application form fill it in (crossing out payment section) and tell them that it is for registration only and not pay. Then they will send you your number so put it on your boat . and just pay when you launch.
  17. TheQ

    My Day

    No it's social distancing from tourists on the river / not attracting crowds on the river bank. With a limit on only 30 people on the Island by government rules, they don't want to attract people. Also we normally have up to 5 rescue boats out during regatta week now only one "patrol boat". Rescue boats spend a lot of the time guiding and rescuing tourists., I know from the last 40 years I always end up rescuing more tourists than sailors. The least contact with "furriners" the better.
  18. TheQ

    My Day

    Did i mention Horning sailing Regatta was possibly on... Then it was Off.. Now it's likely it's back on.. NO Non Club members, prebooked entries, of a limited number, and it's likely to all be on Black Horse Broad.. 1st -7th Aug 2020..
  19. Detention was often a good result. As the alternative was to be outside in the playgound, Heavy rain, hail , 3 ft of snow.. You weren't normally allowed in except for class work.
  20. Radio Norfolk this morning, reports Oyster are taking on 60 staff, so with any luck the Ex Richardsons boat builders will only have to travel to Hoveton for their future work..
  21. TheQ

    My Day

    Saturday, Building a new area for the barbeque, this included moving and installing 17.5Kg foundation blocks.. My back and arms are complaining. Sunday , Sanding, cleaning varnishing decks and stern of my boat "Blue Moon" .. which brings me to this.. Broads Registration Marks 7 private half deckers/ keelboats, (e.g. ybod, bod, wod, only) Rebel, Reedling, Yeoman, Squib, Flying Fifteen and traditional Broads half-deckers etc) [50 mm] options: (a) on both sides near bow (b) on board beneath bowsprit, visible both sides (c) on cockpit coaming facing outboard, both sides d) on foredeck, port and starboard, near deck edge but display not required provided the vessel is clearly marked with its registered name on both bows or on the stern (or in the case of vessels with long counters on the aft cockpit coaming) 8 private sailing dinghies, including those used for tuition commercially but which are not let out for unsupervised hire [50 mm] options: (a) on both sides near bow (b) on tabernacle both sides (c) on stern of vessel facing outboard provided clearly visible and never obscured by covers etc. while vessel is afloat. My boat is the size of a Dinghy, but is in fact a small Keelboat, when I designed it I took various styling clues from Broads designs of Keelboat, so it's a Mini Halfdecker. I think hopefully she will come under halfdeckers etc I want to keep the hull name and, if required, marks in a traditional style. This doesn't mean 2 inch high black vinyl letters. So do I come under Rule 7 , or Rule 8? Under 7 you don't need to carry registration marks at all. If she does have to carry a registration mark, then I'd go for the Stern option. Then in what form to paint the mark, the rules say "Characters must be plain, not stylised, and must be applied on a contrasting background". It will be in Blue against the golden timber background, so thats Ok. But the "Not Stylised" is interesting, I was for instance originally taught copper plate handwriting at school so is that stylised? as that's more normal to me than the issued plastic letters.. And finally on this topic, I'm going to put her Name " Blue Moon" on the stern under the last couple of coats of varnish It would be sensible therefore to put the registration mark on at the same time.. It appears to me there is no way of obtaining a registration Mark before paying.. and there is no way I'm paying a years broads tax before I launch next year..
  22. That stopped being issued in 1983... The stuff they've issued since, is not Andrex Supersoft by any stretch of the imagination , but it is vastly better than grease proof paper.
  23. You need to go to Brico Dépôt, now they are part of Kingfisher group...
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