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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Those Numax's are probably bought from TAYNA https://www.tayna.co.uk/leisure-batteries/ I've used them several times their delivery is very prompt and Cheap. I will be continuing to use them. As an aside I took two of those batteries apart at the weekend, They were in use for many years. I can confirm they are sealed maintenance free with just one or two tiny pressure relief holes (which are taped over during delivery). I had to cut off the filling hole cover as it's glued on, so that I could drain them. Each of the cells had 19 plates. They have been cleaned of acid (in a bucket of bicarboate of soda and water) and a cloth mesh wrapped round each plate removed. They are now drying for the week to be melted into my keel.. Water and liquid lead are an explosive mix...
  2. Should be good for scaring the cats away.. Neighbours might complain though..
  3. It'll be like Saudi, I was at a barbeque, every time a Saudi Lady wanted to eat she pulled aside her face covering took a mouth full, then put the face covering back again..
  4. Take up model railways, It would be good for sticking down Static grass..
  5. TheQ

    My Day

    Traditionally I've always heard it for the first time in a year while out on the water for the 3 Rivers Race, But having been out gardening for several weeks I heard one about 4 weeks ago..
  6. Those who have had cancer, heart disease, and a myriad of other things, that had their operations and treatment cancelled to allow for the hospitals to gear up for covid.
  7. Technically not even a bureaucrat, as they shuffle the paper and sometimes do some work. He's a government Political Advisor.. If he advises on the broads we are in real trouble.
  8. TheQ

    My Day

    Morning All, Friday I went to the boat, and checked everything out. Topped up the batteries, 24 of the 25 that is, they seemed OK. However there is definately a problem as the drive system is not working and the solar panel not charging. I suspect there is a failed junction at one of the batteries or I have a battery failure. This is typical as I'm now back at work and do not have time to work on the boat. So I bimbled down to Boulters, and booked her in. She's due the BSS, a lift out and antifoul anyway. Of course all those who have been delaying their relaunch till relaxation of the lockdown had started, had beaten me to it.. So Boulters can't fit the boat in till mid July. I did give her a wash and brush up on the exterior, not that much needed doing, the lack of rain has reduced to normal amount of "greenness" that appears when you leaver her overwinter. just the solar panel needed a wash and the decks a wash off of dust. Next time she will be due BSS I will have been retired for 2 years So I can get her in a much more presentable state than she is now..
  9. TheQ

    Road Works 2020

    The A149 water works at the Catfield end have been removed, the works between Stalham staithe Road (Richardsons) and the Tesco turning were still there 2 days ago. They were removing cats eyes today on the same stretch of road, which suggests road surfacing is about to take place.
  10. No, it's rescheduled for 5/6 Jun 2021. The weekend is carefully chosen, long sunny days, during the No fishing season. Before the Schools break up and clog the broads with hire boats. Also the Snowflake Sailing Club which hires Horning sailing club, from 3rd week of October for six months every year has their own mini 3 Rivers Race called the Tri-icicle normally as the first or second race of their season. .
  11. K's? Tiny radar work continued with working on the skinning of the aerial.
  12. This week I and many others are carefully studying the wind for the Three Rivers Race. With the tide behind them everyone should get away easily, the tide making the apparent wind stronger. Unusually it looks like a solid easterly for the whole weekend, fairly light at 10 to 15mph, so 100ish tacking boats till the river Ant, which itself would be easy with beam winds as would be South Walsham dyke. Then tacking to Thurne mouth. Easy beam reaches down to the lower Bure buoy and back to Womack dyke then long tack short tack in the narrow river either side of Potter Heigham. to the turn to Hickling near Martham boatyard. After reaching the Thurne again, just about the rest of the way home would involve a easy run. I suspect many would like to try to get to the lower Bure buoy before the tide changes at about 12:40, at worst arriving 13:40, the slower boats maybe leaving the short legs till the way home. It will be race that favours the light wind boats, A Raters, Punts, and Broads Cruisers with tall topsails. Pity it's been virused off..
  13. I used to carry a donor card until.. I Got a medical tag round my neck... It says. Susceptible to Malignant Hyperpyrexia under Anesthesia . Not a good idea to transplant my bits into someone else.
  14. It depends on the period you model, pre WW2 the progression from locomotive cleaner to fireman to locomotive driver was long and involved. Passenger locos were well looked after. During and Post WW2, there were great shortages of manpower. Progression was comparatively quick, so in general only the mainline the passenger locos got well looked after, the odd loco in the 1960s was still running around with pre 1948 company lettering on them under the dirt, sometimes cleaned off by those who had realised nationalization had not provided the utopia they thought BR would bring. Once the dieselisation programme was up and running steam really got ignored.
  15. Many people use piano wire running in ptfe tube for manual. Point switching.
  16. This entirely correct, but also remember the distance, I've been building a model of a Type 84 radar, like the listed one still at RAF Neatishead. When working on it I see all sorts of errors and imperfections. However the other day I realised the viewers at an exhibition would be looking at a scale 600ft away and not see the detail. Here's a picture of the building and partly built support frame work taken from a scale 200ft away.
  17. TheQ

    My Day

    Just been told I'm back at work from the 1st June.. It will only be 40 hours though the department I work for doesn't have an overtime budget, I'm the only one in the department that earns so little I could claim it. I've not done as much to my sailing boat as I'd hoped during the lock down, I'm still working on the keel. I really do need to strip and revarnish the deck this summer.
  18. I've cruised and raced all my sailing boats, some were built for cruising, some were built for racing. I just want to finish off the rebuild of my boat to get back on the water. I think the recession the world has been pushed into by the virus will have more effect than the virus itself. We were coming up to another recession anyway, they happen every 10 years or so, but this one I fear will be deeper than longer than most. Pubs have been on the decline anyway, most are no longer pubs, but restaurants that serve beer . With a recession they are going to struggle. Boat yards, not that there are many left, will struggle with reduced custom. Their problem will be too many boats for the business they have, but selling off old boats will become more difficult.
  19. DIY, is what I've been doing, 80ft of Berberis purpura trimmed, Double garage roof cleared of Ivy , old patches on roof repaired, which was built with secondhand sheets of corrugated asbestos cement sheet by the previous owners That also showed the lean to log shed built by the previous owners against the garage about 50years was about to Fall down, so after emptying , I helped it. The area is now being cleared for a new shed. Many bricks blocks and slabs moved to make new trailer park. More slabs to move. Much melting of lead for the keel, still some to do. 150kg total needed. The final land scenic board is under construction for the model railway, that will leave the sea and pier to do. As a diversion I'm building Type 84 radar for the layout, that's the old one you can still see at Neatishead.. With the change in the rules, I'll be going down to the boat soon to check the batteries, I need a couple of new corks though, the ones in the rowing dinghy will have dried out and shrunk.
  20. If all else fails phone the Chinese in horning, they deliver, as do some other takeaways..
  21. Luckily the camera missed us going through that year.. It's easier to shoot the bridges, in a proper broads cruiser or something like a White boat ( Yare and Bure one design) , the tabernacle is designed for it. That year ( and many others) I did the race in a Yeoman, shooting the bridge in one of those is only really possible in very light winds, as if it's more, the wind pressure will twist the mast in the small deck mounted Tabernacle causing breakages.. On 30th May at around 08:00 I should have been getting a Hickling sailing Club rescue boat out, loaned to the race for the duration.. Taking the turn mark, radios, lights signs, safety equipment and food for 24hour to the end of the Hickling SC pier to await the arrival of the guardship loaned to us by Martham boats. We would then load up the the guardship, move out onto the broad, deposit the turning mark, set the guardship a short distance away. Set the rest up and do radio checks back to Horning Sailing Club before the start of the race, which this year would have been 10:30. We then settle in for a relaxing morning on the broad, till the fleets start arriving, listening in to the radio, for the positions of boats in the race. When the boats round the buoy leaving a tag in a basket attached, they call out their race number, which is listed with time passing on our charts, because we are "an end " they don't have to say to where the next guardship they will pass. Every 6 to 10 boats we radio back to control, " Race Control, Race Control, this is Hickling guardship, we have boats for you" on receiving , "Go ahead Hickling" we list the race numbers of the boats and the times passing. So it continues, till either we run out of boats to record, or those that have no hope of finishing, have been persuaded to retire. Once the guardship and rescue boat has been returned, I take all the equipment back to Horning SC, where we, the guardship crew meet up for the Famous 3 River Race Breakfast . A similar day will have occurred for the others in the dozen guardships, each having 4 crew and their own rescue boat . As it is the 60th 3 Rivers Race has been cancelled this year, and will be run on 5th / 6th June 2021.
  22. A neighbour walked back from Sea Palling yesterday, the car parks are closed, so there were cars parked all over the place, a police car was seen heading in that direction. I saw more cars / cyclists / walkers head past us along the coast than on a normal bank holiday...
  23. I've not read every post but a thought that maybe has been brought up. I can see boat hire being available before pubs and eateries open. So if you pre booked a boat some time ago, and now cannot cancel. Then are of the type of person who eats out every night and or treats the broads as a pub crawl what are they going to do?
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