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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Hi Jay, Please pass my good wishes to Grace and her Mum and Dad. Helen
  2. Monday 15th October We left Bramerton this morning shortly before 9am. The wind had dropped again but there was a fine drizzle which continued virtually all day. Pretty gloomy really. Seren has figured out a way of seeing what's ahead. We didn’t see any other boats on the river until we were passing under the Novi Sad bridge. Moored up in Norwich Yacht Station around 10am. We were lucky again and found more than 80p left on one of the posts. We had coffee with Graham before Harry and I set off for a wander around Norwich, whilst Graham took Seren for a walk. By the way, Harry pointed out that the same graffiti that graces (um?) the Postwick Viaduct can also be found near to top of the old gas works near the Yacht Station. I'd never noticed that before...what a mad graffiti'ist! On our way across Bishop's Bridge. Harry and I went up to the Cathedral from Pull’s Ferry and spent over an hour looking around. The organ was being tuned, which got a bit wearing after a while! Went to The Goulash House (Hungarian Restaurant on St Stephen’s Road) for lunch. It was a bit of a trek from the Cathedral, but well worth the effort as the food was good and very reasonably priced. I had Chicken Bakonyi (chunks of chicken breast and mushrooms in a creamy paprika sauce) with Hungarian dumplings and Harry had their traditional Beef Goulash, also with dumplings (you can have boiled or mashed potatoes instead of dumplings if you wish). Not bad for £7.99 each including a (non-alcoholic) drink. They don’t have a licence but don’t mind you taking your own wine if you wish. I recommend! After lunch we had a wander around the streets of Norwich. We thought the Royal Arcade was lovely... and there were some interesting stalls in the Market. We had wanted to visit the Bridewell Museum (free entry), but found it was shut on Mondays. Feeling quite tired, we decided to return to the boat. Before I changed from my wet things, Graham asked me to help him move the boat on her ropes as he had found that the nearest water hose wouldn’t reach. I thought there was a water hose nearer the electric points last year…am I imagining that? We almost lost our spot, as another couple who had moored further down had come along to check out the credit on the posts. Once we had filled up and returned the boat to her original position near the electric, Graham went off for a shower. I made potato and celeriac mash, sausages and kale this evening, after which we watched ‘Autumn Watch’ before turning in for the night.
  3. I don’t think so Jay...it was the porkie burger! I have an early memory of my Nain (Nan/Grandma, whatever) telling my Mum not to worry, but enjoy the pork roast she’d served up ‘just enjoy it whilst you can Ena’.
  4. Hi Jean, We weren't that fussed about the lack of a bow thruster to be honest, our last couple of hires on Fair Regent also being without that facility, and we feel that's it's made us more confident in mooring without having to rely on them. I was glad that Harry was learning the craft of mooring and getting off moorings without the aid of a bow thruster. The first couple of motor cruisers that Graham and I hired did have bow thrusters, so when we were faced with a boat that didn't have them we were slightly worried - without reason of course. I agree - helming this boat was lovely!
  5. My first experience of camping was aged 17, backpacking with our Venture Scout unit in the wilds of Snowdonia, with no facilities whatsoever (I vividly recall trying to find a suitable place to go to the loo one morning after we'd camped on the causeway across Llyn Llydaw, part way up the Miner's Track up Snowdon...not easy!). After that, I thought that 'proper' campsites were quite luxurious. Of course, as you get older your perspective changes somewhat. I can't see us camping again. It was great when the kids were little, but we've grown to like our creature comforts too much to want to go camping again.
  6. The lifejacket was a bit redundant then...
  7. Sunday 14th October I didn’t have a good night’s sleep last night, despite going to bed so early. Had really bad indigestion, and was up until around midnight, and even after that I kept waking up thinking it was dawning. It was a very mild night too, and I was far too hot under the warm duvet. Got up shortly after 6.30am, Graham took Seren out and we got on our way around 7.30, shortly after dawn. The sunrise was beautiful. Here's one taken at Stokesby just before we started off, and another as we were passing Stracey Arms. By the time we got to Yarmouth it was overcast. I was quite pleased with this, as I had thought from the advance weather forecast that we'd have a lot of rain this morning. Fairly still on Breydon Water though, like a mill pond really. Harry took us though Yarmouth. Not the easiest passage as a boat in front of our convoy was going very slowly and the orange Rico's bathtub behind us was obviously itching to overtake, which he did (on our starboard side) as soon as we passed the yellow post. Harry had to drop speed again to fall behind him to get under the final bridge. Of course, once on Breydon we left him and the other boats from our convoy miles behind. For a little boat, Bronze Emblem packs quite a punch. We stopped at Berney Arms for half an hour or so to give Seren some exercise before continuing on our way to Loddon. The passage through Reedham was a bit special. As we were approaching the swing bridge started to open, obviously not for us! Cantley factory was at full blast today. Quite a sight from a distance, and a lovely beet smell overtook our senses when we later went past. Before that though, we took a bit of a detour. Harry enjoyed helming the boat up the Chet... and did his first stern mooring (actually, his first ever cruiser mooring) at Loddon Staithe. The only downside to this boat was Seren not being able to see out the front. Never mind about having a parrot on your shoulder...Graham is setting a new precedent for old sea dogs! We went to The White Horse for lunch, having had a lovely meal there last year. It’s a very welcoming pub, especially if you have a dog with you. Seren was given some biscuits and a bowl of water. Graham and I both had their Roast Sirloin. The veg and home-made roasties were lovely, but unfortunately the Yorkshires were a bit overdone…mine tasted positively burnt, so I asked the waitress if they could replace it – which they did, but the replacement wasn’t great either. Never mind, all restaurants have the occasional hiccup and everything else was lovely – including Harry’s Sea Bass with Lemon Burre Blanc. After lunch we left Loddon, Harry again enjoying helming down the narrow Chet. When we joined the Yare it started drizzling and we had a fairly gloomy passage up to Bramerton. We moored up at Bramerton (our first mooring there!) in front of Moonlight Shadow, on the electric post furthest upstream. The only credit was on the larger socket that we can’t normally use with the connection provided with the boat. However, Graham had bought an adaptor, so we can now use any of the sockets! We didn't go and introduce ourselves to the crew on Moonlight Shadow - it was a bit too wet for that! Graham took Seren for a good walk around the common, then we settled down for a game of Monopoly whilst our potatoes baked in the oven. We had these with venison steaks (from Roys) and heritage purple carrots (also from Roys). I couldn’t find a peeler on board, so scaping purple carrots turned out a bit messy. On reflection, I don't think purple carrots are worth the effort, as they didn't taste as sweet as the usual orange ones - at least not to my taste. I always like to try different foods though, and thought that Roy's had some interesting and slightly unusual locally produced veg on offer. After dinner we watched a DVD - ‘Whisky Galore’ (the recent one with Gregor Fisher and Eddie Izzard) before turning into bed. The TV signal wasn’t very strong at Bramerton, but at least we were able to watch the weather forecast.
  8. Thanks Jean...we booked Bronze Emblem on your recommendation! She was lovely, very responsive engine (we were told it was replaced last year) and responsive steering and we had a really lovely week on her. Seren was a bit frustrated though, she couldn't see out as easily as on Fair Regent, but you'll see from some photos much later in the week that she found her own solution! Helen
  9. Just back from our own break on the Broads and very much enjoyed your account. Spectacular photos! Helen
  10. Saturday 13th October Me, hubby Graham, our eldest son Harry and collie dog Seren on this trip. When we originally booked we thought it would be just me and Graham, but Harry has managed to book the week off work and is intending sleeping on the sofa-bed. We left MK just before 8am, and stopped off at our usual Costa’s coffee break at Caxton Gibbet – toasted teacake for me this time as I’ve decided that having a toastie messes up my appetite. Harry had a wrap of some sort and Graham a Danish and a muffin. (Now that’s just greedy!) Once on our way again we had a very good journey. Lovely weather today too, sunny and a very pleasant 21°C even before 10am. We got to Wroxham and Hoveton around 10:30. Graham took Seren for a walk and then joined us in Roy’s for the fresh food shop. After we’d stashed away the food in the car we went to check the bridge – 7½ ‘, which sounds like plenty for the boat we’ve hired this week – Bronze Emblem, which has 7’1” air-draft with canopy and screens down (well, that’s the ‘official’ figure). I emailed them a few weeks ago to ask what the air-draft is with canopy up – they kindly measured her for me – 7’9”. We toyed with the idea of going to the Station Smokehouse for lunch and started off in that direction. However, none of us were very hungry, so as we were passing Massingham’s butchers we changed our minds and popped in to buy a pie/pasty each and some water, which we ate sitting on one of the benches facing Hoveton St John moorings. They were very tasty…lovely pastry and good filling, but slightly salty for our taste (probably because we have been trying to cut down on salt). By this time, it was getting on for noon, so we thought it would be worth phoning up the yard to see if we might pick up the boat early. Not only was she ready, but the receptionist said that she’d been trying to contact me earlier to say that we could pick up the boat early. (Note to self…make sure the boatyard has your latest mobile number!) We had the usual very friendly welcome at the yard. The receptionist insisted we bring Seren in so she could make a fuss of her. Ian (the guy who had done the handover for our first trip with Ferry Marina in 2016) gave us a quick and very efficient handover, so it wasn’t long before we were on our way. I took the helm to leave the Marina, and handed over to Harry just after Cockshoot Dyke. Harry has sailed the Broads on several Hunter’s boats, but he’s never been on a motor cruiser before, so this was a new experience for him. Don’t know whether it was the fresh oncoming breeze, but the steering needed a lot of input initially to keep in a (relatively) straight line. We stopped at St Benet’s for Seren to have a run. I thought it would be more sheltered inside the old mill, but it was remarkably windy inside it. The wind was blowing directly into the doorway and then blowing around it. When we got on our way again the wind seemed to be strengthening. Once we passed Thurne Mouth the river became much quieter (boat wise). I was surprised that there weren't many boats moored at Acle and when we got to Stokesby there was a space on the BA 24hr moorings, and 34p left on one of the electric points. We were tickled to find we were moored in front of Fair Regent 3, which is the boat we hired last Autumn. Finished unpacking and then sat for a while watching telly/reading until almost 6pm before making our way into the Ferry Inn. Seren got a lovely welcome from the landlady (who also has a collie). Graham thought Christmas had come early – he was offered a low alcohol Ghostship (also a 0% Bitburger Drive, which he also likes). Harry had an IPA (can’t remember which) and I had a full-fat Ghostship. The meals were enjoyed too – standard pub food, but done well. I had a lovely Pork and Apple Burger, Graham had Scampi and Chips and Harry had their Fish and Chips. We watched the first hour or so of ‘The Fellowship of the Rings’ on ITV when we got back to the boat (how is it that every time Graham and I are on holiday one of the Lord of the Rings films seems to be on ITV2?) but my eyes started to droop and we were set for a dawn start tomorrow, so we settled for an early night shortly after 8pm.
  11. We’re on the Broads next week too (on Bronze Emblem). Hope to see you!
  12. If the whole mooring fee is redeemable that casts a different light on it. We stopped there for lunch the first year they opened and enjoyed our meal there very much.
  13. Thanks for the lovely detailed tale...have taken note of the expensive Pedro's moorings at Acle, which we'll try to avoid when we are afloat next week. Like you, we're planning to go through Yarmouth on an early slack tide. Lovely photos too - especially the one of the heron. Looking forward to hearing more! Helen
  14. I’m convinced I failed the first time because the examiner thought I was too confident. Just make sure you put it behind you for the next test, don’t over think it, and you’ll sail through! (Yes sail!)
  15. Jean, you’ve no idea how chuffed we felt when forum member Sue introduced herself whilst we were at Norwich last year. If you see an NBN pennant or poster I heartily recommend introducing yourself!
  16. I failed first time too, was really miffed when Graham passed first time as he was far less confident a driver when he took his test than I had been when I took mine. I failed on going too near parked vehicles and not looking into my rear view mirror, which I didn’t think had been the case. Second time I made sure I moved my head slightly when checking the mirror!
  17. p.s. lovely choice of music too! Very relaxing vibe!
  18. Lovely Jean. Really enjoyed your video. Helen
  19. We need more Holiday Tales!
  20. I’m missing Gracie too, though I must admit to having been a bit sporadic in engaging with the forum recently, so sympathise if she’s taking a break from posting.
  21. We are indeed Jean. Only a fortnight Saturday, so we’re really starting to get excited! My eldest son is hoping to join us, so I expect he will want to do a lot of the helming. He’s been sailing on the Broads on Hunter’s yachts several times but it will be his first trip in a motor cruiser. We’re hoping to spend most of the time on the Southern Broads as Harry hasn’t been anywhere downstream of Acle. Have started making lists! The only thing I’m worrying about is what to do with the cat. I’m hoping our neighbour will feed him, but I’ll have to first ask her how she would feel if he ‘popped his clogs’ whilst we are away. He’s so ancient (20) that we’ve started keeping him indoors. Helen
  22. Enjoy! Looking forward to your holiday tale, and lots more tales in the future from your Moonlight Shadow adventure. Wish it was us that could sign up for the syndicate!
  23. At least in Beccles the Tesco is near the centre, so it’s easy to visit other shops too. Far better than an edge of town development in my opinion. It may even bring in extra custom to nearby stores. If there wasn’t a Supermarket in Beccles I wouldn’t be surprised if lots of people would go to Lowestoft or wherever has the nearest supermarket. The sad reality if that I can’t see a working Mum or Dad doing all or most of their shopping in small local shops nowadays, even though I’m all for preserving town centres. I love Beccles, it’s got character, a lovely range of shops and seems a very friendly place. Helen
  24. I must admit that Santander were very good with me after my Mum’s death. I called in personally at the local branch, with my Mum’s death cert and proof of my ID, and everything was sorted very professionally and sympathetically.
  25. Wish we could. Didn’t know you knew any Welsh!
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