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Everything posted by Londonlad1985

  1. https://www.16personalities.com I did this personality test at the request of my boss (not a serious request just a bit of an office diversion) it was very interesting I'm not sure I agree with all the points but apparently my type is Entrepreneur and my perosnality only makes up 4% of population. What did you come out at? It's takes about 10-15 mins.
  2. Looking forward to your tale! Hope the moorings get easier!
  3. Very funny! Good to see a return of the classics.
  4. It's all to do with the Big Bang. The universe is expanding around us, therefore we are shrinking comparatively. A brief history of the Atkins Diet explains it all.
  5. Too true Siddy. I don't worry when I'm socialising, special occasions, or on holiday. I was in Munich last weekend for the spring beer festival. Not conducive to healthy eating. But I'm back on the wagon now.
  6. Bread and spuds were my fav things. Buttered chip butty... they've been hardest to cut down.
  7. I did mine yesterday. I've been on a very strict diet for 4 months. I was nearly 19 stone before Christmas despite cycling 14 miles a day. I'm now 15,10 and STILL in the obese bracket. My healthy weight will be 11,11 if I can ever get there. It really is hard if you love food and drink. But to me JM it sounds like you are probabaly healthier than the BBC gives you credit for. If you feel OK and do actually move a bit you'll be better than many. I Certianly don't feel obese.
  8. I'm sure with great age comes great wisdom...
  9. Midge Ure - If I Was Not his best work.
  10. Just caught up with this thread! Really enjoying it! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Recipes too this thread gets better! Helen, I've been avoiding dairy and tomatoes as an experiment with eating habbits and found pasta with olive oil and finely chopped fresh herbs to be quite a good alternative. It's nice with some big prawns and a squeeze of lemon thrown in. You can sort of substiute parmisan with a pinch smoked Himalayan salt to liven it up too.
  12. It's interesting I thought perhaps that as the camera is relatively high compared to the river it gives the impression you're looking straight at the bridge from boat level while simultaneously looking over the bridge.
  13. I'm stumped. 2 looks so familiar though.
  14. It doesn't look as cool as smoking, so I think the kids that are taking it up over smoking are missing out on valuable street cred!
  15. You took the words out of my mouth.
  16. I'm not really up on shooting even living in the wild east of London, but I always thought the term driven shoot was the act of beating and driving birds onto the guns. How do you drive a clay pigeon?
  17. When you said "Alexa" your video set my echo dot off! "I can't find Netflix on amazon prime"
  18. Excellent! That's got to be the tip of the tale! No faffing with rhond anchors! Thanks again.
  19. Fab, thanks I've not noticed that one before I shall look out for it, did you put the mooring stakes in or are they there already?
  20. Great write up Jay. You'll have to wangle some more 2 week stints for us pub lovers. I've been enjoying guess the pub and you've encouraged me to visit the ones I've not managed to yet.
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