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Everything posted by Londonlad1985

  1. Hi Shaun, I do hope syndicate boats are the way to go too. Today is the completion date for my purchase of a share in Evening Shaow. I take her out for yhe 1st time on 17th March. Evening shadow's chairman is Also a member of the this forum. As far as your questions go ill have a stab at answering as a novice; 1. You don't have to go through BCBM but they can act as an agent. In hindsight I would have found the share holder and contacted them directly. I found BCBM a bit difficult. 2. Yearly maintenance cost is set at the AGM. As I understnd it you may be required to weigh out for a large unexpected cost if one arises. Check the syndicate fund reserves and specific rules. 3. Cleaning - this depends on the boat. On ES the owners are required to clean outside to the rubbing strake and inside after their holiday. There is an option to have this done by boat yard and a valet and pay cash at end of holiday. 4. Fuel - You must return the boat to the yard with a full fuel tank and having been pumped out after your holiday. I believe this is standard practice. For the gas, on ES owner buys a bottle and claims cost back from syndicate. 5. As for bedding. ES has duvets and pillows. Owners bring their own linen. 6. Same responsibilities as private boat ownership. Or anyone helming a boat. However there maybe added responsibility as the boat is not just your pride and joy it's 11 other families' too! Hope this helps, FYI there are several shares for sale and at least 3 syndicate boats based at Richardsons Horning. Feel free to PM me for anything else. I'll post a link to my 1st syndicate post. There was some great info there. I expect the others will soon have plenty of good info soon too. Andy
  2. This was a pleasant thread at the beginning. But people seem determined to pick arguments and post "comment bait" I've obviously taken the bait, but I hate waking up to 20 e mail notifications telling me how petty the internet is. Happy Tuesday everyone.
  3. Couple of hipsters from Hackney Wick on the River Lea navigation.
  4. We are not such a cynical society that holidays are cancelled by a holiday company due to to the risk of paedophila surely. Lets keep some perspective.
  5. This is a real shame. It puts an end to some well known YouTuber's opportunities too.
  6. Oh a private equity firm. I'm sure they'll put the holiday makers at the heart of their decisions.
  7. I'll let you know how I get on!
  8. Well I wouldn't have watched a perfume review before joining the NBN. Excelent introduction Timbo very esoteric for a Thursday bus ride.
  9. Don't be. It's very friendly here, unbelievably so as the average forum goes. Why not tell us a bit about yourself in the new members section (or here we won't mind).
  10. I've always called that sort of thing a ratchet
  11. Was there any need to bring boating into the article? Having had plenty of dealings with local authorities this seems like the kind of tactic employed to sow the seeds for unpopular change. The people affected won't be able to say "we didn't know anything about it" I also learnt a new word "Turbid"
  12. The perils of the typed word! It's one of those things in modern life i guess! I spend all day at work communicating via e mail. And a lot of time outside of work. I does and has lead to misunderstandings an example of which I will share in another thread later I expect.
  13. That's why it wouldn't let me add a "haha" emoji earlier!
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