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Everything posted by Londonlad1985

  1. It is more or less. I think that stretch is on the arm which that runs past Paddington station to the basin
  2. I went to college round there (about 9 years ago) i don't think you could even walk the tow path the buildings went up to the water. I'll have to have a wander round there soon.
  3. I wasn't a member during Iain's time however I have gone back and looked through some of his posts after discovering the origin of the lounge name. It's clear to see what an asset he has been and that his legacy is continuing.
  4. I'd like to put that theory to the test someday! Hopefully see you Easter!
  5. Yes you are right. I thought it had been updated. Sadly it is not observed by motorists or cyclists very often round these parts.
  6. Officially called Parallel Crossings, they are sometimes called tiger crossings and are now approved by DfT and in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions. They are a standard tool to link cycle routes accross roads. I believe motorists are obliged to give way under rule 183. However I think the code struggles to keep up with improvements to cycle design design standards.
  7. I'm on Siesta for 3 nights easter weekend. Hopefully see you all out and afloat.
  8. I would say "you can take the boy out of East London"... but I wasn't!
  9. Always room for a jazz hand in a boat heads... I said Jazz hand.
  10. How are you getting on? I got stuck in a self assemble aquarium aboard a Prestige 520. Lucky@LondonRascal was on hand to capture the moment and release me. I assume it's for keeping captured mermaids. It's too small to use as a shower!
  11. Welcome I look forward to reading about your escapades
  12. I can't resist a tart. Probs why I'm sigle and overweight..
  13. 7 days into the new year, and 7th day without a bevvy and not one baked confection has passed my lips. I'm patting myself on the back. "Pride comes before a fall" shouts someone!!
  14. I'v just booked my tickets to Farnborough this year - £30 as a previous attendee. That is compared to £50 for Fairford (Royal International Air Tattoo) that's with an early bird discount too. Ive not missed Fairford for a few years but at £50 a pop I'm going to see what aircraft they attract before committing. Are any other forumites aircraft enthusiasts as well as boats? Anyone got any airshows in the pipeline?
  15. Reeds Skipper's Handbook... work secret santa... maybe I do bang on about boating a bit in the office! I just need the boat to go with it now! Merry Christmas Everyone!
  16. I booked with Hunters through airbnb in the summer and I've used them loads for city breaks. It seems like a good system. I don't think it would do Hoseasons any harm to modernise a bit. It could introduce a new raft of potential tourists to the broads... of the more tech savvy types that may not have heard of Hoseasons.
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