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Everything posted by Londonlad1985

  1. Just caught up with the 1st winters tale! Looking forward to your blog. It'll be good to have something to look out for after the last busy few days on the forum!
  2. "let it be enacted pursuant to "The Act 2018" that this day 6th February 2018 be forever more known locally and nationally as INDEPENDENCE DAY in perpetuity."
  3. What an amazing forum with amazing people. Never ceases to amaze! So many helpful selfless acts in one thread from skippering a mate's boat round the South coast to fixing blinds and everything in between. I love this place. Well done everyone.
  4. Well done everyone. Thanks for the updates and photos to all that have been doing so on board and ashore. This has probably been the most entertaining thing on the internet since the Captains Blog's tin opener scene. Well done again!!! See you all for lads week!
  5. Hilarious! Not many cockneys left round these parts they'v all moved ouy along the Medway or into Essex as far as i can tell! Still hos forecast was in the right area!!
  6. Is Folkstone an option? There were plans for a fancy marina there...I don't think it happened.... would make the last leg a long one.
  7. Just trawled through the last 60 or so posts that appeared since I left the office! Ideal for the drunks tube! Sounds like quite the afternoon. Well done lads. I'll check the social media now!
  8. A month of boredom and misery for one tiny moment of smug satisfaction at the end before you realise all the other people that have been drinking are no poorer, no fatter, and more jovial. I'v booked a table at a hot gin bar in soho tonight. And I won't be home untill tomorrow.
  9. 1 month down! How are we all getting on? I succeeded in dry January - and generally eating less I've gotta keep it up now! I've not learnt to sail yet though... my other resolution
  10. Yes OK sorry I've posted again on the old thread! ... getting a bit over excited haha To clarify 1700L total divded equally so 425L per leg then I don't want to get complicated. I feel Grendal is going to be a bit more scientific!
  11. To clarify 1700L total divded equally so 425L per leg then I don't want to get complicated. I feel Grendal is going to be a bit more scientific!
  12. I'm gonna open the bidding at 1700 litres. This is based on what I have gleaned from the last 30 pages of this thread... without looking back through it though. PS have a wicked time you lot! I'm so envious!
  13. What's the cut off age? I can't say i followed fashion but I would think twice about wearing electric blue contact lesnses and having blue tips dyed on my Gary Rhodes style spikey this was in 200..... not that long ago! That may have been a phase rather than anything as grand as style or fashion TBH. I used River Island then then and i use them now though maybe i need to wait until River Island go out of business before making a judgement.
  14. Down the Road from me then... Plaistow here (not born and bred though)
  15. Woohoo! More Londoners It sounds like the bug has bitten. I expect the "We're thinking about buying a boat" thread is just around the corner! Welcome!
  16. Yes I've just been googling. Apparently there are 3 types of microbe?! I'm not particularly boaty and i didn't even know such a thing existed until recently. Every day is a school day. Thanks for the pics.
  17. So it's actually a living organism?
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