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Everything posted by Wyndham

  1. A nice piece...... for cruising down the Ant on a sunny afternoon?? not so sure. Reminded me of the "Big Man" Clarence and Roy Bittan Just not as good (IMO)
  2. Mrs W and I have some varied and different music tastes, but when plodding along on the rivers some songs ( for us ) just fit. This is actually inspired from one of Robins videos when he had a section with Christine and the Queens..... Tilted.... great cruising music. A couple of many songs we just love one the rivers,...what's yours? .....I hope this works,
  3. Great tale Bof. Early in our hiring time we had something similar, ( nowhere near as bad though) But you (we) still keep coming back. Those dam hire yards can try to put us off but they won't win!!
  4. I once had 12 golf balls in my hand luggage and was made to check them Into the hold as they could be offensive weapons.
  5. Oh dear, my youth relived, in my early 20s it's all I did, jump out of planes, you all think boating is expensive!!. Never from a de Haviland but a Cessna sounds similar, step out onto the strut. You make lots of friends and play silly games hanging around a DZ when the weather is poo. Netheravon was a proper squaddies DZ, but civvies were welcome.(ish) You know the strange thing is the scariest flight I ever took was when we weren't allowed to get out. They were training a new jump pilot and needed a full load of jumpers to put the pilot through some scenarios....I was glad when we landed. Is it better than sex ?? I don't know what to say. It does leave an indelible scar on your memory which doesn't go away. It's a good scar mind. Without hesitation I would recommend it to everyone. Sorry.. off topic ramblings
  6. It's really just recycled off a MK1 Ford Cortina.
  7. You should have had a word with that Grendel chap. I hear he's pretty good with wood things.
  8. Just don't come anywhere near me. I'm fed up with the likes of you lot giving me nothing to film/complain about.
  9. Sorry, must have missed this gem last night, sums it up perfectly. In my defence I was half on the forum, half on you tube and half watching The Green Mile, if you can have 3 halves.
  10. Interesting to hear everyone's costs. Thanks.
  11. Wow Trev... what boat you got and where you moor it, I might need a rethink. Thing is some people spend that much on a car each month...I don't know why. Jonzo, I understand syndicate ownership is good value but wouldn't work for us just not enough flexibility.
  12. Ha Ha Now I know why I can't work out what your all doing... you don't know yourselves.
  13. Is owning a boat expensive though? As I’ve said before, we are thinking about it and if my figures are way off, please, more knowledgeable people put me right. We figure if we buy something for 15 – 20 thousand depreciation will be minimal, assuming we look after it. Costs for mooring, tolls, insurance and some for maintenance/ repairs around £3000 a year, £250 per month. Given what you get for that, the freedom to just go and spend some time on the river whenever you want, I would say it’s pretty good value. Between us we will visit 4 times this year and will have nearly spent that much. No freedom though. I suppose like everything in life, if you enjoy what you get out and can afford it, it’s not expensive.
  14. Keep going....I'm waiting below the window with a big bag collecting. Has something gone wrong?
  15. You could always hire a dinghy and row across from Percy's Island. Could be an anniversary to remember for different reasons.
  16. Lovely read Glenn. It's always interesting to hear others stories and we can all relate to something in there. Sounds like you struck lucky missing the storm!
  17. Would I be right in assuming you don't have a lot of cooking facilities on board?
  18. I love the sailies...because I haven't got a clue what they're doing, adds that bit of edge to the cruise down the river. Not had a collision yet.
  19. What was it like? Someone told me earlier this year it's not what it used to be.
  20. yeah I know that, but I don't see that "norty" one. Anyhows, heels are for girls, hills are for men.
  21. Flats are 4" heels that Louboutin loving girls change into when their feet hurt. ..and where you get that emoji from?
  22. Bet you'd take your flats with you though....( later .. for dancing)
  23. Steve O... as in Jackass Steve O?
  24. Hi karrass1, I'm fairly new here too, but not to the broads. You have had some really good advice but just to add my bit.. hope it helps. Get a good map, there is an OS one just for the broads and you may be surprised where you can moor and walk to. As has been said, How Hill has plentiful moorings with extensive walks, Ludham bridge too, you can moor south of the bridge for a fee and they're rarely full. Paddy's Lane is another good one, Quite and as there is no pub slower to fill up. Salhouse is lovely. But also, don't forget the boatyards, at busy times there will be plenty of space in them. Easy access to rubbish disposal, supplies , water, showers and when the curtains are drawn you could be anywhere. Fishing often good there too. Have a lovely holiday.
  25. The words " at last one I'm happy with" People who use their hands will understand completely. Loving the progress.
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