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Everything posted by Wyndham

  1. OK, worked it out. While I'm back partying with Bill Hayley and Eddie Cochrane I'll have a word with that William Hartnell bloke. Set him straight.
  2. I wanted to but Mrs W don't like me talking to other women.
  3. When we travel do we have to live in that time or just have a look at what's going on? If we're looking what's going on, well, just about anytime, but if we have to live in it then late 50's early 60's when music changed.....but only if I can go as a teenager. And don't anyone be silly and say they want to travel forward in time, it's a fact that you can't do that as the future hasn't happened yet.
  4. I would echo Mr Nog. Forecasters err on the safe side and have done since Mr Fish fffed up all them years ago, ( although to be fair to him he was only a spokesman for the met office).
  5. I think it's easy, but then I was there. Whatever, someone will get the " I got it first feeling"
  6. I don't now you, but I read what you write and see I see your pictures, I feel your pleasure. Lovely photos. We've never been to Beccles or Geldeston.......soon, fingers crossed.
  7. Loved it and especially your early morning (drunk) Ranworth ramblings. Mrs W and I manage that on our own with wine and Bacardi, what state would we be in if we had friends on boats Looking forward to the next instalment.
  8. So, if I have read this right it would explain a situation I was in earlier this year. I was on a wild mooring and it was very shallow. When leaving the mooring I turned the wheel hard to starboard ( the bank) , gave a burst of forward expecting the stern to kick out from the bank and nothing happened, tried again, nothing happened. The boat hook was my friend! Have I understood correctly? Is that the effect you're talking about?
  9. .....better than Mrs W, and she won't even clump me for saying so. Regarding speeding, by far the majority observe the limits, a few go too quick, just like on the roads. it's not right but it's the way things are, IMO of course.
  10. There will be a few upset people if that's the future of woodies on the broads!! Can it really be called a boat, just because it floats?
  11. Nice pictures. It's certainly up there with the best. We spent our first ever night afloat there.
  12. That's the bit I knew, but to be honest I did have some help.
  13. I know what it's a view of but not where it was taken exactly.
  14. Enjoyed that Mr Rascal, thanks. Bathtubs are so underrated. You really feel a connection with the water when on one, something you miss on other designs. Riccos have so many like you were on and sadly they are mostly coloured like a mid 80's bathroom suite which makes them , well. IMO opinion, less desirable. It shouldn't be that way but it is, it's the society we live in. (It's orange......) We were out the week before you on an NBD bling boat, lovely boat, lovely yard, but I looked at every passing bathtub thinking to myself " you can get under Wroxham, you can get under Wayford" Great footage at Ranworth, and humility to show it. Probably you don't realise it, but normal people (me) seeing experienced people (you) get it wrong sends out a message.....
  15. I've always wondered why that happens. When I come into a stern on mooring on my port side I swing the stern round, go astern and the stern starts to then drift back where it came from (if you see what I mean) Looking forward to trying next stern mooring. Roll on October.
  16. A couple of years ago we were heading north crossing Barton and a speedboat was having some fun there. He probably shouldn't have been but it was quiet, hardly any boats around so not harming anyone. We carried on up the Ant and was amazed when he came past us a minute later having not slowed down at all. It's pretty bendy up that stretch!! It's no excuse but I suppose when you've got the power it's hard not to get carried away.
  17. Does anyone know when this will be on TV? Sure I heard somewhere that they used to travel from theatre to theatre along the canals when they were working. I may be confused though. Can't look at Pru without hearing " Basil" "Basil"
  18. I think that is part of the problem. (If there is a problem) Because of the nature of the broads, the peacefulness, the tranquillity, the wildlife, the beauty, we (don't ask me to define "we") expect it to be like that all the time, it's why so many enjoy going out of season, when the crowds are not there, but it is somewhere to be enjoyed by everyone, even if their idea of enjoyment isn't in line with others. I have never, in my relatively short time on the broads, had a problem with anyone and I actually enjoy seeing groups having fun. Of course having said that, antisocial behaviour is wrong wherever it happens and should be dealt with.
  19. Let me know when you've finished today and I'll pop round with my new hoover and clear up. It's a Dyson.
  20. Finally got round to watching your video, brilliant, well done. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Who am I to correct someone with your talent but do you mind if I be pedantic, you can have a digital caliper or a vernier caliper, you can't have a digital vernier, but I know you know that. Edited to add... sanding to 3000 grit, impressive. For those who don't know it's like trying to rub something down with a crisp packet.
  22. Took a look this morning and the sun was not helping the image, could barely see the bridge at all. I'm sure it's fine later in the day.
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