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Everything posted by KaptinKev

  1. Please help me on this one but what are you trying to say? Drinking, holding flag and saying no no means not a lot to me
  2. Now I have to say that after being on here for a while now, but I seem to get the jist that after viewing many comments about the BA, the IQ isn't that high in that department!
  3. You're not an idiot John, you just need thicker skin for the forums. Just take a page out of Ricardo's book perhaps!
  4. I have heard about a similar problem in my field and I'm sure other trades have the same problem. Youngsters are growing up with the skills of operating a game pad and making sure they are keeping up with social media and not interested in what the old boy is doing. I grew up with interacting with my mates like riding our bikes and playing football, where nowadays it's all done electronically. Most importantly Blue Peter has a lot to answer for, as I always use to watch this programme and had a lot of pleasure making things, which I think helped me in my future job. Although I do have to use drill and screws to fix things and not double sided sticky tape.
  5. Because lycra and sunglasses are the Tour de France thing at the moment, or is it because they like to ride their bikes towards me on a t junction and blame me for being there.
  6. Something that won't be on my list is to be a grumpy old man!
  7. A three week holiday and only a few beers, what you a light weight? :)
  8. I think you forgot to mention that cyclists are colour blind and traffic lights don't register in their heads. But on another note, any cyclist or car driver that wears dark sunglasses on a full cloudy dark day, seriously needs their heads tested.
  9. Like with most companies, if you can build cheaper and make more money elsewhere, loyalty to your country doesn't come into it!
  10. Sorry Robin but for me, that is one ugly looking boat.
  11. So from one fellow tradesman to another, I do have a lot of respect for you, as I have heard how you are good at your respected trade and seen what a good job you do of BA, but I think you might be missing a little thing from your post! If Robin wasn't up to adverse advice or criticism, he wouldn't have gone the youtube route. I do tend to think Robin likes the attention he gets from his adventures on the seas and the Norfolk Broads and if he wants to make his boat adventures open to all, he will have to take the rough with the smooth.
  12. I really do feel sorry for you Robin, the ultimate trip in your lifetime and a phase of anxiety overcomes you!
  13. So is it possible that if a moderator doesn't agree with what you say, their opinions carry a lot more weight than what we say and may be subject for approval?
  14. Unfortunately you were misled my friend(if I may call you that) to joining the league of moderators. May the force be with you!!
  15. Unfortunately if you carry the word "Moderator" above your name, you don't have the right to voice your opinions, it comes with the job!
  16. I beg to differ, if the moderators have their opinions known, anyone who would oppose what they think would have their posts quashed! Moderators need to be neutral and NOT post, they are simply there to keep the peace.
  17. Can I just say as a moderator, you are meant to take a back seat, not a front seat!
  18. But I'm quite sure that Robin got extra toilet paper for his first day out on his Trader!
  19. I must admit that I doubt our scenarios of "Independence" come close to Robin's intelligence. I've never met him but he strikes me as definitely not being stupid.
  20. I'm glad Robin knows how to spell "Independence" because if he changed that E for a U, the picture would be hilarious!
  21. All I can say is echo what other people are saying and the boat is looking fantastic, but how do work or find anything amongst that clutter on the workbench. If I am repairing or making up something, I have to have space and tidiness while I work.
  22. It sounds like you want to get into a discussion of not getting involved, is there a difference?
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