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Everything posted by KaptinKev

  1. With Robins last YouTube update which involving a hair dryer that was removed rather quickly, it makes me wonder if he is losing interest or his mojo? I miss your videos Rob!
  2. If shares ever come up for B.A, you can count me out.
  3. I didn't think something the size of Titanic could sail on the Broads? :)
  4. I did notice how they showed Distant Horizon in it's catalogue form, and perhaps not showing the aged wrinkles it has today!
  5. Do I really have to spell it out,
  6. Sorry Gracie, but on this occasion your loyalty doesn't cut it!
  7. Excuse me, but are we on the same page here?
  8. The more I look at it, more things seem to emerge as seeming not quite right.
  9. Seriously, I think you need to go to specsavers!
  10. Can anyone tell me why the rear door of this boat looks false?
  11. I do like you Robin, but youtube and google doesn't make you an expert!
  12. Can you reveal the identity of the so called informer, as you are a married man!
  13. Sorry, but I really don't have a clue what you are saying here. The only thing I understand here is Lewis Hamilton, possibly dating someone famous, F1 and basically that ends there!
  14. In reality it is, but in your own mind it takes half the time!
  15. Unfortunately I believe there are a few flappy boaters out there that regard the broads their own and the diesel stinkers shouldn't exist.
  16. Are you getting discount for your quote!
  17. That is so sad, an old man trying to stay in with the in crowd.
  18. I think you will find a grill or other style of heating element is resistive, inductive normally boils down to motors, old style ballasts and anything else that uses coiled wire in its operation.
  19. Cor blimey! with all this talk about who is at fault with this this ferry it's not rocket science. With my first ever trip on the broads without the parents! coming across this ferry I waited until it was at least two thirds across and went in between. No problems there while on Distant Horizon.
  20. Sometimes even parents can be stupid. With all this hot weather we have been having they warn you about keeping animals aswell as children in a car with windows closed. Today in the news I came across how a woman forced open a car due to a baby she observed sweating in a car and someone working for the supermarket refused to take any action fearing he would lose his job. Ambulance and Police were called and the mother turned up 50 minutes later looking at the ground while the good Samaritan had a well deserved verbal attack on her. Even parents can be more stupid than children!
  21. I do feel sorry for you as 'TOWIE" really didn't do any favours for you in the IQ department.
  22. with psychicsurveyor's reaction to my post, I do believe we have at least one on these forums!
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