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Everything posted by KaptinKev

  1. Personally I say take no notice of these keyboard captain's. You go about restoring a boat in your own way, and that way if all goes well, you can give yourself a pat on the back. If you make a mistake, we all live and learn and at the end of the day, it's your project. You will get a lot of enthusiasm along the way with your boat rebuild with members on this site, and pictures along with likes and forum responses will help if you want to take them on board.
  2. Surely you aren't talking about wife here. Shields have been raised and photon torpedoes are at the ready!
  3. Is it also true that Yorkshire folk reuse their teabags, or is it just a rumour?
  4. You can tell Griff was enlisted, or he is on certain medication and if that is so, can he direct me to his pharmacy.
  5. Now I have pulled this one out of the air so to speak, but I think the going rate is about 15 to 20 pence per KWH. I know they have overheads regarding cost to keep your supply up to date and safe, but I think that is the going rate.
  6. Now if you were talking about football, we don't need luck, we need a miracle.
  7. I personally don't care what they call it, for me it will always be known as "The Broads" and as long as I can cruise these wonderful waterways, I really don't give a toilet version for any political correctness.
  8. The RCD is only there to protect against earth leakage so to speak, and will always be rated the same or higher than the MCB that protects against short circuit or over current protection. Unless of course a RCBO has been used that has a combined RCD and MCB.
  9. I see that the Alpha Spitfire was soon snapped up form their NBS site. Unfortunately I wasn't able to move enough money around in my offshore bank accounts now I wouldn't have minded that boat as I have hired it before.
  10. It looks like Broad Ambition(Griff) are Thanking you for not posting.
  11. It's a shame pubs don't do buy 2 pints and get the 3rd free.
  12. Hi MorrisMinor! I hope you find somewhere decent to put you slippers at night and if you don't, you could always temporarily live on your boat.
  13. Congratulations Timbo, but I'm quite happy to wait to become a grandad as from what I believe is that when you do become one, you age 10 years overnight.
  14. With all this talk of heating a boat, I assume your salty boat is the same as B.A on the Broads at Christmas. Once the heating goes off, heat retention is non existent and it ends up being "Bloody Cold".
  15. Concerning M and W, this has to be my favourite clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqn2lnx9SbI
  16. It's like the question that, if the insurance companies know that there are more than a million motorists out there that are driving on our roads uninsured, why isn't this knowledge being used to combat it. I know, the resource to combat this outweighs the risk.
  17. I have to state that pond life have more intelligence than the low life in public.
  18. Since our boys in blue are under staffed and under paid for what they have to put up with in their job, I think enquiries will be ongoing through 2020 for this finding. But by then, alot of people will have forgotten about it.
  19. My era was the 80's and was a colourful time, with the look of Duran Duran being on how to dress(oh dear). I even had the streaked blonde hair was a bit painful to have done sometimes, which takes me back to when I did have hair. Now when I watch some of the music video's from that era, I do sometimes find them very cringe worthy.
  20. All the best Robin on your new boat, and if you don't have a girlfriend at the end of this, where you will be going there are always plenty more fish in the sea.
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