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Everything posted by KaptinKev

  1. Now I know that I might be putting myself out here to ridicule, and when it is said that BA are responsible for the moorings that they lease. But if they have a stretch of land available for mooring, do they have to provide posts, suitable standing area for health and safety reasons, or can't there be it where boaters have to get out their rhond anchors as the maintenance cost would be far lower for these moorings.
  2. Perhaps we can have a thread of NBN members with their dogs, or post on this one?
  3. I have worked for a few organisations that or though these people do give up their time voluntarily for a good cause, sometimes it can be that these people are similar to syndicates that own pretty much a boat. There are quite a few people who like to say how things should be done, but not lift a finger to contribute. I'm not saying all syndicates are the same, but human nature predicts that this can prevail in many.
  4. And for my second. Breydon showing it's more beautiful side.
  5. My first one and for me, a lovey sight on the broads.
  6. I know exactly where you are coming from, but for me it's been more than 2 years.
  7. Many thanks for your reply Griff, and I can understand how more times than often there can be only one driving force in a syndicate. But if you need an extra fender, I'm sure that Robin can accommodate, but please don't tell him I said that.
  8. I think it does, the kids of course buy the merchandise that has the name of the wearer of their favourite footballer, who in turn wears the name of said manufacturer, the public purse is opened.
  9. That's the moment when you have one of the Rag-n-Stick flotilla in front of you that you shout down below, "Load tubes 1 and 2"
  10. I don't wish to offend anyone on this forum and being a hirer myself, I know what it is like to be a newbie. But a bit of banter and fun is good for the forums, right?
  11. Some football players earn this in a week, and I still can't get my head around this.
  12. That I was, so I do hope you lot are tolerant to any L driver on the road and think, that was me at one time.
  13. I have a funny feeling that you think 99% of hire's on the broads are stupid.
  14. When I started watching this programme I quite enjoyed it, but what peeved me off was Tim's constant referal to Pru's, shall we call it, forgetfulness. I assume they are getting in on the reality tv thing.
  15. All this talk about air conditioning reminded me of many of a comment said about this in vehicles and possibly boats, "Open the friggin window".
  16. Hi Griff, one thing that I would like to know when you have a boat that is in a syndicate, do all the people involved have to put in as many hours as you do to keep the boat in tip top condition, or do your labour hours go to the maintenance cost of things that the syndicate pays towards? I'm interested to know how these things work, when there are a few people about to keep one boat afloat.
  17. I totally agree with you, but my post is how these plonka's see it.
  18. If I did buy one of these, I would only use it to rest my tea mug on.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised that more money is being put towards anti terrorism and it does have to come from somewhere, so the cuts will come from your local Bobby.
  20. I have been following this thread before I was a member and have found it really interesting, so please keep us posted and pictures when convenient. I work with many other tradesman who use lithium batteries in their tools and so far haven't come across anyone who has had trouble with these batteries, so it would be nice to know if Grendel has had any issues. But I think as long as they are kept cool, you shouldn't have any problems. Also do you plan to install PV cells?
  21. I couldn't put it better than James, but one thing he missed out and I might be wrong on this and if so, the engineers on here can put me right. Hydraulic drive has the added advantage that if the propeller was to snag, I believe there might be high pressure relief valves to prevent too much damage. Where if it is direct drive, the result could be more damage to the propeller shaft and gearbox.
  22. Blimey,at those prices I'll have 2 of everything, When you see something like this, it easy to forget what eating out cost not so long ago..
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