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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Im just grateful we could go to the boat yesterday and check her over.
  2. I will never take freedom for granted Not being allowed to see and hug my family has been the hardest part. Thank goodness for FaceTime. At least my 1 year old granddaughter seems to recognise me on the screen. Working from home works really well and hope I can continue to do that at least a few times a week after things get back to ‘normal’ , or whatever normal will look like. Ive been lucky to have been able to keep working but it has been extra stressful. The situation has just made us want to try and bring our retirement plans forward and not waste a moment. I dont know if that will be possible but we are working on it.
  3. It might be worth checking that the marina is open for the whole of the time you want to be there Griff. Some maybe only be open on reduced hours.
  4. We are lucky we can get to the marina and back in a day. We moved to a different marina the week before lockdown as I had a gut feeling we would be stuck the following week. We got to the old marina early, cruised to the new marina, flung her in the berth and left. It was all a rush that day so it will be a relief do some proper maintenance and bring back the bedding as there will be no point in leaving it on board.
  5. Lulu

    My Day

    So we actually did something boaty! We got Luna’s winter cover out as we had taken it off in a bit of a rush in damp weather and wanted to check it hadnt gone mouldy then refolded it so its easier to put back on. It’s very heavy and 30ft long but as you can see we had an additional deckhand to assist ... then back in situ under the stairs ready for the winter.
  6. Lulu


    Working from home, the three of us in the team have daily Zoom meetings and it works a treat. Our respective hounds often make an appearance. This week myself and four friends used Zoom to have a good old gossip for over an hour. It was lovely to see everyone and we are going to make it a regular event. We are probably going to do a quiz too. It was great nosing around each others houses and criticising the state of our hair
  7. Reallly lovely video Jean. The speed of that woodie going under Potter!
  8. I recently purchased an old book called A Guide to the Norfolk Broads from 1923 and come across some very interesting pages, considering our current situation. Not sure if these will be readable, if not I will type them up.
  9. Its been great following your holiday this week. A perfect Broads holiday. Thank you for letting us tag along :)
  10. Lulu

    My Day

    It is slightly worrying!
  11. Well who what have thought it, we must have just missed each other!
  12. This was a worry that I had at the weekend. My daughter wanted photos of her with her grandmother. I dug out quite a few from the albums from the 1990’s to early 2000 then suddenly, no more hardcopy photos. “Why arent there anymore mum?” “Umm, we must have gone digital after that and they are either on your brother’s laptop or my ancient one which I havent used for years”. So for us there is a worrying gap and hope that these photos havent been lost. Now any I take are on my ipad backed up on the cloud but none are printed. It was a nice couple of hours thumbing through old photo albums
  13. Lulu

    My Day

    The scene looks very ominous...
  14. I love this virtual holiday. Looking forward to the next instalment :)
  15. Lulu

    My Day

    Happy Anniversary to you both! We are just about to go and sit in the garden in the sunshine and will raise a glass to you
  16. Lulu

    My Day

    My son attended his grandmother’s funeral yesterday. My daughter lives in Scotland so she couldnt go all the way to Hampshire and back in a day (any other time she could have stopped at ours on the way there and back) so my son called her on FaceTime as the service started and set the phone beside him on the pew so she could ‘be there’ with the rest of the family who were allowed to attend. Again, very surreal for them all.
  17. The River Lark taken last year. We were almost tempted to move Luna there but have decided we love Norfolk too much.
  18. Oh dear, did you have an argument?
  19. Really?! I thought when you throw it overboard, it was for making your boat lighter so it drifts quicker back into the main shipping lane at Oulton Broad....
  20. A very random combination of businesses!
  21. I cut Selsie’s hair......... and his ear. Way too stressful and too much responsibility!
  22. Great video Jean, thank you!
  23. Ive been set the task to cut Selsies hair. This could be a complete disaster and he has been warned. I watched a few YouTube videos on how to put layers in my hair myself and it turned out ok :)
  24. When we first moved to our house, the apple tree produced masses of fruit so i collected loads, stewed them and froze the batches. The following year and every year since then each apple had a weavel thing in it and I couldnt use any. I will check again this year but not hopeful.
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