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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I don't suppose you know which type of vhb tape you used Robin? It seems to range from fairly cheap to eye watering depending on the type. Looks good stuff though.
  2. Anything with a CAV injector pump won't take kindly to veg oil unless mixed in low proportions as they are prone to welding the pump rotor solid very quickly, bosch pumps tend to be fine.
  3. Isn't the timing chain at the front on a bmc (happy to be corrected as not worked on one for years)? Be hard to not notice the complete lack of resistance turning the pulley if broken that far forward and the starter still wouldn't turn it as it's at the back.
  4. If I remember correctly the 1.5 is a 5 bearing crank and the 1.8 is only a 3 bearing crank so the 1.5 will be the sturdier engine, not that they are highly stressed in a broads cruiser, I doubt the extra 300cc has much benefit on the rivers. Surely it didn't eat the bearings overnight, that would only happen while actually running but you said it was running fine when you turned it off, would be noisy too. One of the common problems on the stuff I work on is cam failure on low hour engines due to condensation causing corrosion on the lobes but it's normally only a couple of lobes not all at once and a solid tappet engine would get very noisy first.
  5. Have the pushrods shrunk in the cold? We all have that problem.
  6. A drain valve also doubles up as a temprary sight gauge if fuel gauges are duff, mine have a length of clear pipe attached for this job with a scale marked on the tank beside, when I replaced my tanks I refilled from 20 litre jerry cans marking every 20 litres so I can check exactly how much I can put in, valves are only open when checking.
  7. Very good point, and probably a much cheaper fix. I'm too used to dealing with angled valves.
  8. Because you already filled the tank.
  9. If camchain has jumped and clearances are as big as you say I would think valves are bent for sure. Chain probably held on by tension only till it stopped then dropped loose.
  10. Thanks for the input guys, at 130w max I'm not sure mppt will make a great deal of difference over pwm, it seems to be recommended for bigger arrays. That is quite a big consideration as my free battery supplier is no longer in the same job and I would have to change my battery box to go back to regular leisure battery size or lose a bit of capacity, the batteries I have at the moment would be several hundred each to replace and I don't have shore power at my mooring, just leaving fully charged each time would be a step forward.
  11. It doesn't have to, you can have a valve before the plug.
  12. Boat always has it's own tool kit, I just transport power tools when I need them.
  13. I won't be going framed as I don't want to change the lines of the boat so semi flexible is the only way to go, I don't plan to just moor up and be self sufficient for power but would like to be able to go for several days without having to run engines to top up batteries, I don't have space for more panels either and I don't plan on mooring and putting up extra panels.
  14. The moral of the story is always have a toolkit on board so you can go through the basics before having to call someone. Also spare fuel filters and impellors.
  15. Crap in the fuel? How often do I need to do that?
  16. In winter you get a bit longer either side of sunrise/sunset as long as the sky is clear as the sun is moving at a shallower angle to the horizon.
  17. I'm looking for any real world experiences of semi flexible solar panels from photonic universe, I'm considering going for a 130w panel (space issues) with dual battery controller (including remote monitor), I know they are rated with pefect sun in mind but what to expect at 52 degrees north in normal uk weather? I do have a 12v compressor fridge but don't use an inverter if that is any use.
  18. May not work the same with modern waterproof membranes inside.
  19. But only if you are a bunch on ****.....
  20. Don't let the hangover subside till it's warmed up.
  21. If this is any use to you let me know before 12.00 tomorrow and I'll bring it to the boat with me, I'll be at surlingham ferryhouse most of the weekend. There's no W terminal but the green and yellow wire is the same as I had to fit a phase tap for tacho, it was working ok when removed, originally off peugeot xud9 engine.
  22. Looks like a valeo, I may have one in my shed but would be micro vee so pulley would need swapping.
  23. I assume the seacock on the bog inlet is open, that would cause the issue. As for the fridge issue, just change your name to warmcat.
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