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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Indeed, as are those with a tractor anchor, I always found the combine harvester also made a good safe anchorage unlikely to move in a breeze.
  2. You only get a hangover if you sober up, that's the secret.
  3. I am certainly not embracing anyones mudweight after the great easement! I find a harpoon gun far moor effective, just aim it at the water and shoot, gives a good anchorage all night long and if you are lucky when you haul it back in you may find a whale on the end, well that's breakfast sorted.
  4. You need to keep practising, I seem to remember leaving a certain broadland pub on my mums 80th birthday wondering why it seemed light, then realised it was the sun coming up, my mum was doing fine, mind you she'd been snoozing most of the afternoon.
  5. I'm with TheQ on this one. Not been in a maccy d's since they crinkle cut the gherkins, at least when they were straight cut you could flick them at the doors and race them to the bottom.... Maybe that is why we got chucked out.
  6. The benefit of polypropylene ropes is it's cheap and floats, but it's bloody horrible stuff, I usually go for double braid nylon inner with polyester outer as they wear well with a bit of stretch, I carry spare 16mm nylon 3 strand for bumpy coastal moorings as it snatches less. I find chucking mooring lines in a pillowcase before washing saves on wear.
  7. Smoggy


    All dumb animals should be on leads, just hope the dog has him well trained.
  8. I got as far as fye bridge but with 8'2" airdraft on a rising tide and new to the system I wussed it and moored up to some loops down at water level, found the ribs and the mischief though.
  9. Smoggy


    So first day of a partial open up and the best the papers can do is "man runs with dog", can't even claim wildlife issues as dog is on lead.
  10. So that is what cummings (and goings) was up to all along..... I see this (Novavax) was originally meant to be bottled in EU but now happening on home shores, let's hope it gets approval.
  11. Hell yeah! Completely and utterly jealous here at work. Oh yeah I'm meant to be doing some work, hey ho!
  12. Nooooo! Not after the last time. Mind you if you need rescueing they have had some practise in egypt..... Boy am I in trouble now.
  13. How about fye bridge, yet again not for hirers but I've moored near it before so definately navigable.
  14. Haven Mutford road Mutford foot (over lock, don't really count) Carlton rail Lowestoft bascule Not for hirers but on the system.
  15. If they built the container ships like they could just go around the blockage, Mmmm a PH bridge cure....
  16. I'd like to see how it was set up, I've never heard of an outboard heating water.
  17. Looks like we should easily clear the 30 million first doses today, pretty bloody impressive I recon. Well done and big thanks to all the vaccinators/staff/volunteer stewards/nhs in general!
  18. Outboards are ok but no hot water and less battery charging, they will charge batteries but at a slower rate than a god alternator, bss regs are not that bad for an outboard really, any spare fuel must be in a drained fire resistant locker but that is the same for diesel and gas, if a portable tank is connected it can be anywhere as it's 'in use', have a spare portable tank on bayonet fittings and you can change over while running with no mess, there's far more bss regs about inboard with fixed tank wether petrol or diesel. Gas fridges are a no-no with petrol (unless fully room sealed) but they are crap compared to a modern 12v compressor fridge anyway. My old norman 25 had a 4 stroke mariner 9.9hp and it would keep my 2x 110Ah batteries good with compressor fridge running and also had a webasto heater, hot water was from a morco gas heater, I could do 2 weeks on that with no problems although I did do long days of running back then. For a small weekender sized boat outboards are great, just makes stern on mooring tricky but not impossible.
  19. To be fair Grendel the nbn should not be advising anyone at all as that would be putting yet another interpretation on the law.
  20. Unfortunately some just did the least they could to tick a few boxes and carried on as normal, one of my locals did that and we just stopped going in there after the first visit, the pub around the corner were brilliant in there measures and often had to turn customers away as they were full, the landlady had started wiping tables/seats/door handles (thoroughly not the usual token gesture) well before restrictions came into force last march.
  21. That's the trouble, there is confusion as the latest published legislation repeals the previous laws and only mentions commercial properties for overnighting, the roadmap says different, one is law and one is guidance, I'll say no more on this to avoid getting a smacked botty from the mods, although that in itself has it's appeal..... I'm still hanging back till 12/4/21.
  22. That is what hand sanitizer is about, my local had a traffic light system on the bogs last summer and it worked very well with a sanitizer dispenser just by the switch.
  23. I'll be hanging on till 12th april when there's a chance of being fed by a pub even if it's on board.
  24. The problem with online databases is once the payments lapse the data is soon lost.
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