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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I have a deep dislike of the all electric approach, just makes for more running engines at anti social hours wether main engine or generator and both have the same risks as gas with exhaust gasses. Gas has been working fine for years.
  2. Track and trace just to pick up water seems a bit over the top, it's not like you are mixing with people to do it.
  3. One of my locals has this sign up for his one way system, I think he missed something...
  4. And a happy new beer to you too.
  5. Is a tourist boom what happens when holiday makers break the speed of sound? That's gonna get the rangers paddles waving.
  6. You could always fit a sea toilet to your glider and pretend to be a lancaster bomber...
  7. I watched the two seater spitfire being fueled up last week, I was on the apron outside brookland engineering trying to find an oil leak on a beechcraft bonanza. Good job you are not doing it at felthorpe, there is a replica spitfire there and if you are looking forward to the sound of a merlin an O-200-A just aint going to impress. Have fun Griff, I will be jealous, and before you get trigger happy remember the war is over....
  8. Is that "Go Away" in shorthand?
  9. You could always make you own paddle and wave back, be polite now kiddies....
  10. Now come on Timbo, with the jokes thread under threat in case it offends a snowflake there's no place for horror stories in the main section, especially when they're this dark and scary.....
  11. In theory with all those new parts inside your average age is now lower.
  12. 124 pints! That's gonna take all weekend FFS!
  13. There's nowt wrong with liveaboards, there's far more liveaboards than there are problem liveaboards.
  14. I've been shouted at on great house for speeding by an inspector with a speed gun on a boat travelling towards me, I did shout back about closing speed along with a rude remark.
  15. Is it not better to implement an over 18's only clause to a section instead of sanitising the whole world just in case and resulting in people being even more prone to being offended by something they didn't have to look at in the first place and was never intended to be offensive.
  16. Hey Ian, I got two now.... How many have you got?
  17. I think you'll find the hard water is actually the bottom of the river, best to stay in the softer bit near the surface.
  18. As for the beecham arms or is that beauchamps? I thought it was potter'ham too.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if some bookings sacrifice their deposit once overseas travel comes back online.
  20. Was that like the old FS1E's where the pedals could be flipped round and locked as regular footpegs?
  21. Exactly how it should be, we do tend to indulge in a roll mid afternoon to see us through and soak up some alcohol though. And the perfect finale! For us the current boat was for good sea keeping, a reasonable turn of speed, not too big, and an electric anchor windlass (my hands don't work as well they should and I've nearly caugt them in a chain gypsy a few times), and not too hard for an old dog to get on and off. Everything else was negotiable.
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