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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Fit the hull to superstructure using a zip and all airdraft issues solved, first big hire boat to clear PH bridge has got to be a winner. Gonna need a bloody good user manual to reassemble though.
  2. Most times I plug in there's enough left on a post to last me all night anyway as it's usually just to keep the batteries topped up and fridge on higher power setting (goes on boost when volts are up).
  3. So most will just delete the app, it's not compulsory to have it. People need a security net or they will just ignore it.
  4. I'm with you MM, at one point itv1 and itv4 were showing the same footy game at the same time, why ffs????? Footy final night we were in wells and chuffed to first hear the council had banned the pubs from showing it due to the average iq number dipping below the R number only to find out all the pubs decided to shut entirely (except the globe which had a crap qr code thing on the outside tables) as well as both chippies closing, it was like a ghost town on a summer weekend night, we ended up back on the boat watching a crap film we had recorded for just such an emergency. And I CBA with the olympics either.......
  5. It runs under haven pretty damn quick Griff, I've seen a 12" (ish, you know how blokes measure) level drop through the bridge before, luckily approaching against the tide on the way in so plenty of oomph kept it centred going under, much slower either side though. Those bridge piers are pretty restrictive, also seen a standing wave under there. With the bridge out of action so often I usually end up going under near half tide when it's running hardest, half tide on the ebb makes good timing for wells early entry for me without faffing about with the anchor.
  6. Craftinsure are always well worth a quote, I had a claim with them once and they were very good and quick.
  7. There's not many that would have issues against the flow other than taking longer and more fuel, engine failures are very rare and proper marine engines should be able to lose all electrical power and keep going as long as they get air and fuel. If really worried have the coastgaurd number in your phone and you won't get past the lifeboat station whatever goes wrong.
  8. Smoggy


    Slight drizzle a couple of times briefly in south cambs but mostly sod all, not enough to bother bringing the washing in.
  9. If you fit a bleed screw or two in convenient places you could suck the coolant through with an oil sucker (pela type) and be fully mess free as all the coolant will be in the oil sucker ready to be tipped straight back into header. I use one for bleeding my diesel system at filter changes, makes the job an absolute doddle.
  10. Now were back home I have to get the cycles out of the garage for the trip to the pub and back tonight, be ready for the next updates to this thread.....
  11. The hot water circuit should really be on a bypass of the thermostat so the water gets heat long before the keel cooler gets any hot water, while the engine is under temp no hot coolant shoud flow through the keel cooler or it would take forever to warm up.
  12. Sod the food, try the stout! Mr winters vanilla latte stout is bloody lovely and probably counts as a meal anyway, we had to go back and double check it was still good.
  13. Most of my injuries need external input, beer usually.
  14. Smoggy

    Like Buses!

    You wait ages for a Nyx then two come past at once..... Guess old Nyx is off to a new home then, waved going the other way just downstream of beauchamps.
  15. What use question still relevant, for rivers only I wouldn't look at any twin whatever fuel. Even if you only use one they handle like a pig when singleing, touch reverse with one engine on mine and you'll do an unwanted 90 degree turn on the river, I found when having a fuel filter problem.
  16. What do you want to use the boat for? For rivers only I wouldn't touch a twin petrol, probably not for sea either, would be better with a 30hp outboard and loads of extra storage where the engines used to be.
  17. Southwold and red lion is working to old rules as young staff not fully jabbed, all others are staffed mostly masked by choice and most customers doing the same. Works for me, it was never a let loose day it was a use your own sense day.
  18. Spoke too soon, lucks gone downhill! Bell inn at walberswick has no kraken! B'stards!
  19. Just to add to the run of bad luck.... Got into southwold Sunday and tried to get beer in harbour inn, not taking more walkins.... Wandered up to red lion and swmbo overheard all the other pubs were shutting at 6.00 to rearrange tables, booked a table there and then for evening and had lovely meal and got well watered while watching hungry people get turned away. Just going soooo wrong...
  20. My wipers fell off if that makes you feel better! Ok so fixed later that day in time for a good trip to wells next day.... But found all the pubs and chippies were shut for that stupid game thingy Calm run back to yarmouth next day as weather closing in followed by a week on the broads with friends topped off with a lovely run to southwold for 3 nights. ok so you've had it worse.....
  21. Smoggy


    Greetings to the world of spiraling poverty boat ownership.
  22. I was never advocating leaving water in the tank, if it's there it needs shifting, but the racor should still show the problem if it is there by the bowl filling with water. When I did a fuel tank cleaning job on my last boat I used 10" string wound filters in clear housings and a good rocking shifted loads more crud than sat still, if it's not stirred up it won't come out.
  23. A racor filter should show water straight away assuming it's a turbine type, the faster the fuel flow the better they work as they spin the fuel as it goes through and water being heavier spins to the outside and into the bowl. If you have a vent fitting opposite end to the filler that is the best place to return the fuel.
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