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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I printed a couple of copies of the tide calculator and cut out and laminated years ago and put a rivet through the middle, very handy.
  2. The problem with short dyke at rockland is when you are sat in the pub watching a huge storm build to suddenly remember the sunroof and hatch are open and it's now torrential rain and lightning everywhere, although I think the cyclists that had just made a bolt back for brundall via postwick viaduct had a much wetter time of it, we arrived the next day in bright sun at the ferryhouse with the mattress strapped across the roof drying out......
  3. I was thinking that but it depends on where the peak torque is produced maybe, although a full revving engine is still going through peak torque anyway, an over propped engine will never reach it's rated hp due to lack of rpm. Over revving an engine with little load is no better than running at idle at the same load, only benefit is the alternator rpm for charging, the bores are still likely to glaze eventually and lose compression/burn oil.
  4. For about a tenner you can get a digital optical tacho off fleabay, put a splat of reflective tape on the crank pulley and aim it at it, tippex or white paint does just as well.
  5. Lightweights... Poor show, the other hand is for the rum, they have other bits to steer with... (feet you filthy minded gits) Now you are getting the hang of boating.
  6. Ouch! That rates pretty high on the daft-things-to-do-ometer. Get sorted soon.
  7. What's really needed is a cockney cull, come on chris packham get a petition going.
  8. I can see the glorious weather through an obscured workshop window, shut up will you. That said the bank holiday was great and now I need to hide a bit till the red bits subside. If you are lucky enough to be on a boat remember the uv comes from below as well on the water so you get twice as much.
  9. Does that radar arch fold down at all? Mine flips over easily on my 30DS and usually goes under ludham no problem at most states of tide, I can get down to 8'8" (don't believe the gauge boards, go under on foot with a tape measure).
  10. When I read the title I thought you'd followed Ian under ludham bridge.
  11. If the opportunity arises I can highly recommend the white horse's comedy night that they do monthly, and if you come across any chance to see Phil Nichol live do it, funny as ****! (or just plain mental, close run thing) I think the lion at thurne may also do the same thing going by the backdrop, well recommended for sure.
  12. Sometimes you wonder what people are waving frantically at you for and think they are just going to miss you while you're gone, then you hear a loud twang, then your shore power plug overtakes you far quicker than your boat could ever go with part of the socket still attached, then you look back to see half the people clapping a full round of applause and the other half rolling around laughing. Don't ask how I know this.... I was told by someone that knows..........
  13. Yes you waved, I was shocked you had a hand free. Clever dick...
  14. Would have been about 3.00ish +- half hour, I was the smokey 30DS waving.
  15. Saw a dodgy looking Freeman just upstream of waters edge, bang goes the neighbourhood...
  16. I'll be aiming for Loddon saturday night, the white horse has a comedy night in the garden and I have tickets. Sounds worth supporting to me.
  17. Each time I have been there it's ben pretty much spot on.
  18. Me too, not to cast blame just to understand the symptoms as they were a bit confusing.
  19. Are they paying for that or you being as it had not done many hours since sale?
  20. Is the one behind still growing?
  21. Most of those buildings are 4 storey, only the top storey is left showing after they sunk.... Honest like. Disclaimer: I may have made that up.
  22. So what is used for a kettle? Genny or inverter, 2x 110ah seems low for that sort of usage. I'm thinking of a late night brew after the pub and a genny kicking in to cheer up the neighbours.
  23. For those not ready to visit the pubs, you have till midnight 23rd may to use these codes. 10% off * when you spend £50 or more with the code BEACHHUT10 ------------------ 15% off * when you spend £100 or more with the code LIGHTHOUSE15 ------------- 20% off * when you spend £150 or more with the code HARBOUR20 For the rest of you, get into the pubs, they need your support!
  24. Yes there were some that got moaned about as the genny was louder than the main engine, can't remember who's fleet though.
  25. When I had to pull my cooker out it was mostly milk bottle tops and dog biscuits, all our own mess so not a problem. P.s. No I don't have dog biscuits as breakfast cereal... Yet!
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