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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. If a 747 tried to land on your boat trust me, you'd ruddy duck alright.
  2. Is that the order you plan to visit them all on the 12th JF?
  3. The site I recently took over was due to an unexpected death and the son was very happy for me to keep his work alive and useful.
  4. Is that allowing for the EU's little dummy spitting episode and India stopping exports for a month or based on previous supply rate? Let's hope we can keep up the pace.
  5. My blood test showed no sign of any chips but there was a battered sausage and traces of curry sauce evident. Luckily they didn't check for beer.
  6. Fuel prices may rise due to tankers stuck in the Suez. Any excuse and all that.
  7. I've never liked the idea of too much big brother.
  8. It does seem to be a different system for second appt depending on how you were contacted, mine came through gp and no second date, swmbo's came through nhs and got both dates.
  9. Half the it departments consist of a bloke that can switch it off and back on again....
  10. Or.... Mention "no jab no pint" and faceache comes alive and half of the morons who think they know better go into panic and have the jab as they never really believed the crap they were spreading anyway, a no outlay way of boosting vaccine take up. Stupid can't be trained but it can be coerced, my dog will sit and wait for a biscuit but she won't do it to avoid a 2 ton vehicle hurtling at her....
  11. I seem to recall sars1 hit the healthiest hardest due to the immune system doing more harm than the disease, happy to be corrected.
  12. They bought another hamster wheel I believe, a much faster one, cost the toll payer £240 million. Disclaimer: Not an actual fact!
  13. You'll be able to buy it back next year for half the price.... If all goes well.
  14. "the new normal" is a phrase that many dread but every day is the new normal and always has been, to many of us the new normal is mobile phones and internet, to some it's a change of shift pattern or lack of local pub, we still have folk alive that lived without electric at all. Let's carry on as we always have done, it's only scary because people keep banging on about how different it will be of social media and the likes, we are already used to massive changes. Oh yeah and happy birthday Ian, no candles please it'll be a fire hazard....
  15. When we were dogless for a while I did go for "kids size" option in the ferryhouse a few times as I do hate seeing heaps of food go to waste, I've never really been a big eater.
  16. Nah! Thing of wobbliness.... Link for anyone visiting st.neots, sorry it's a face ache page. https://www.facebook.com/thealetasterstneots/
  17. Sounds like stokes ferry, the head of the tributaries are the best bit of the Ely end of the gt.ouse, upstream of Earith is much prettier. Cardington lock can be a catcher as it tapers as it goes upstream and has an overhang on the walls, I went through with an ocean 30 once that had been bought from upstream of the lock, as the water rose the rubbing strake was peel out of the aluminium trim, we had to drop the water and change places so he could be at the back of the lock.
  18. My local has "the fridge of doom" and it is very popular (and good for expiry dates), basically the rear corridor of the pub is 3 double door glass fronted fridges packed full of all sorts of weird and wonderful options. May see you this year but the thought of all the staycationers is putting me off turning left at yarmouth this year more than ever, not sure I'm even looking forward to the southern broads.
  19. I seem to remember ovrc having a mooring somewhere on the cam, near waterbeach I think. The main ones are goba member moorings which some of the hire boats can use due to corporate membership.
  20. To be fair to MM I think they are all green now, I know mine is well on the way.
  21. I've moored at reedham before and found someone had left £2 credit on the post we had plugged into, it was well below zero that night so I had a fan heater running on low as well as immersion still on and it was morning before the power went off, a £1 card does fine for summer nights unless you are daft with power.
  22. That sounds like John, yes he's gone and Joe (it's a nickname not his real name) now runs it and is doing a good job, well worth a visit so I too hope it re-opens ok, got a good outside area so the chances for april are good.
  23. Everytime I go north in summer by the first evenings mooring I can't wait to head back south (mainly because I like to moor near a pub), a good season to me is one where I don't go on the northern rivers at all as it means the weather has been good enough to get out to sea. I just find the northern rivers stressful in summer.
  24. Blimey that looks more "old man ish" than my TDM.... Hope you enjoy it Mouldy.
  25. Just around the corner from twenty pence if I remember rightly, all wooden boats so not quite as bad as grp, at least they will mostly rot away eventually.
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