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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Far better to use it than let it go to waste, "sorry you're not on the list so we'll bin it" would be so wrong.
  2. Could be convenient for the owners...
  3. The most vulnerable already get an annual flu jab so done at the same time is no extra logistical issue just a supply issue maybe.
  4. If it was a pub I could get my boat to fairly often or local to me I would certainly be buying in without worrying about the return but as it is it's not for me, I can't get under the old beccles bridge and rarely venture down that way. I can see a few more pubs going this way after covid and may well chip in on the right ones but not this one thanks, I'll leave it for the locals.
  5. I'm planning nowt till April but should have a delivery/collection run right past the boat next week so have a new bilge pump coming as I know one is not working, no way I'm driving 100 miles to not do the last 5 mins in to sort it, will be happy to leave it till April then, probably give the stern glands an extra nip too.
  6. May depend on the flood bank level, north tides are not as big as south tides. I was going by info from the old boy at hardley that does the tours, well worthwhile if you get the chance, he's very knowledgeable.
  7. As it is I don't think the windpumps are even allowed to pump water these days except for show, hardley mill when it runs just pumps from the marsh dykes up into a ditch where it ends up back in the marsh dykes, they are not allowed an opening through the floodbanks, the electric pumps have pipework over the banks with anti-syphon loops so failures don't cause flooding.
  8. They are not windmills they are wind pumps, a windmill has a millstone above ground level for milling, a wind pump has a pump below water level for pumping, it would take a massive re-work to convert and would be pointless and would be destroying its heritage.
  9. The broads will have more history in 50 years time as will be 50 years older. History is never lost it's just the evidence that is lost, and most of what is there now hid or lost the evidence of the previous history. I like the american approach to historic artifact preservation, elect it and give it bodyguards.
  10. Smoggy


    You may be surprised to find it has actually snowed on boats before and they were fine, it may be white and fluffy but it's just rain that got a bit colder, and we've all done rain before.... </sarcasm mode off>
  11. Great pics and write up, thanks indeed, it's very interesting to see just how much workmanship goes into renovating these things, I wouldn't have a clue where to start or the patience for the job. It's also fully reinforced my love of grp.
  12. Finished at £360, that's expensive firewood.
  13. With all those movements heading down the yare I'd recommend a stop off by a pumpout too.
  14. I could do some sounds for gt.yarmouth in 3-5 movements....... I'll do 2 more later.
  15. I think 'self isolation orders' would do a better job than fines, start at 2 weeks and double for each repeat offence backed up with an ankle tag (or electric shock collar).
  16. The one with the grenade was probably Jayfire in the jokes section.....
  17. And Lydd being london ashford airport, which is closer to france than it is london.
  18. No semi about, every sodding visit! For me it's normally somewhere between newmarket and thetford when I remember something I was going to take or bring back, once got all the way to thorpe and realised we didn't have the key, luckily we learnt a long time ago to always have a spare secreted somewhere, not going to tell you where though......
  19. It was from ScrumpyCheddar on monday in the 'Not good' thread, 2nd page in.
  20. The thing to remember is yes the first jab will give a much lower risk of serious illness and even lower risk of death from covid but it takes up to 3 weeks before it works, it's not the vaccine destroying covid it's your body learning to destroy covid and takes time.
  21. Get that magnetic fishing game mentioned in the other thread.
  22. Probably (hopefully) only saline but if caught they should try 4 or 5 shots of "vaccine" out on him just to test it for safety. How low can people stoop FFS?
  23. I've done the towing a toboggan thing but not on a frozen broad, it was kimbolton airfield many moons ago, and yes it was a lot of fun indeed taking it in turn to drive and be dragged, that was behind a mk1 escort estate in a fetching shade of black smoothrite which was anything but new.
  24. Good to see we are all taking it seriously again........
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