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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. But how many deaths per 17 million covid cases? I've been pfizered but would happily take the AZ vaccine if it was offered, there was talk of trials for mixing vaccines, I would be part of it if asked.
  2. Mine is going to do that over thorpe, I may warn the fire brigade in case someone reports a huge fire. Being a volvo thing it's mostly white smoke on startup so may just send the pope into a panic thinking he's been replaced.
  3. Lots are moored up in brundall never to move again.... Or so it seems.
  4. Last I heard from surlingham ferryhouse was planning on garden service 11.00am to 8.00pm with limited menu, that will do for me till the big open up, at least we'll be able to moor up and get fed and slaughtered watered with leccy plugged in so my poor batteries get a toasting, I'll just have to take the telly again.
  5. Yes as CC says, low bridges no problem, shallow water no big problem, it would be fine on breydon but I wouldn't fancy taking it out to sea but it would probably be ok in good conditions with a decent engine on the back. One bit to watch on normans is the wood inside the transom (sandwiched in the grp), worth a few drillings from inside to see if it's good or rotten/water soaked, not a big problem up to about 10hp but dodgy with a bigger motor hanging on it, you can cut out and replace from inside and re-glass over if needed but best checked before fitting cockpit out so you have good access.
  6. Bit of a project maybe but all the makings of a trailerable go anywhere weekend boat, the hulls on the old normans were built pretty sturdy, I had an 18.5 for a couple of years before getting a 25 for a few years.
  7. Those window frames still don't look right for an 18 to me, the 18.5 had opening side windows but the fronts were still rubber fitted, the 20 had ali frames.
  8. Are you sure it's only 5 metres? The lack of porthole behind the side window and the shape of the cockpit side with damage to the down slope makes me think Norman conquest with aft cabin chopped off but that would be 20' 3". Also the ali framed windows rules out the early Norman 18 as they had rubbered fitted windows.
  9. That looks very much like a norman, have a look at normanboats.co.uk and click the Norman Brochures button and you should be able to find it.
  10. Smoggy

    How Much????

    Don't look to have many openable windows and never liked the black glass, it's a boating holiday not a drug deal going on, ok if the sun shines but this is UK.
  11. My other half has been doing a few vax centres but has managed to be on inside jobs so far, it's surprisingly hard to get on them as a volunteer as it's all done through the RVS app around here and there's no notification when they come in and they get jumped on pretty quick, unlike the regular volunteer stuff like shopping and prescriptions that have a loud siren and people saying they have been trying for a couple of days to get the help, it seems a lot of folk have signed up purely for the vax clinics.
  12. Smoggy

    How Much????

    I doubt it, they already know that a lot of hirers tend to eat and drink on board these days so they won't want to scare off those that still use the pubs. 50% markup on a meal and drinks is far more than 300% markup on nothing.
  13. On the broads they would be called stairlifts not elevators..... I only have 3 steps on board but I gotta get one.
  14. Me and Ali drive a skoda, that is why I added it.
  15. Don't be daft every audi has a dipstick, have you checked behind the steering wheel? That's where you normally find it. They also use this feature on skodas......
  16. You won't know because you won't be able to find it....
  17. That's a bit ironic with a bilge pumps job. The tv itself will probably be fine, the content will still be questionable at best. As Andy says the biggest killers of 240v electronic gear is poor inverters, the biggest killer of 12v tv's is direct 12v connection as 12v is often up to 16v and spiky and led backlighting don't like it, should always be through a voltage stabiliser.
  18. I thought navy rations were rum not rohypnol. Gotta catch up with last years boat jobs first before this years can start, is there actually such a thing as "caught up with boat jobs"?
  19. Come on dish the dirt, what is it going to be? Sod all this car talk, it's about time it got round to proper things.
  20. You missed the other catagory, boaters that can't count to three catagories.
  21. Private and syndicate boats have always done winter cruising, it's the owners choice as usual. By next winter going abroad may be business as usual depending on what happens where.
  22. On my princess 30ds I have a poormans flybridge, just pop open the sunroof and stand on the helm seat for a good commanding view, with a minor shufle I can perch on the edge of the roof and steer with my foot.
  23. I hope you mean stern gland, you don't grease a cutless bearing as it needs water flow to lube it.
  24. Don't do it! I just got rid of the diesel bug to get a fuel tank full of cat sh*t! Oh you mean fresh cat litter don't you..... (what is the eu's stance on brown diesel?)
  25. The boats mentioned so far are fine for a week or two never mind just a night or two, no point buying a cruiser for just weekend use. There is no perfect boat, they are are all a comprimise especially when it comes to internal space and bridge access, I had to sacrifice a slobby comfy cabin on my old boat as I wanted better sea keeping and the engines take up the central space in my new(er) boat.
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