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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. But you are not allowed to enjoy it and have to make hard work of it.
  2. When you get to a certain age chilled bog roll is more soothing, not so sure of frozen though...
  3. Would make a good 'puma spotted in broadland' article, they normally get piccies like that. (even if it was in kent)
  4. Wouldn't a barrier to keep water out be a 'coffer' rather than a wier? A barrier with openable section is sometimes called a 'staunch'.
  5. The problem is most NHS numbers show up as private number, I've apologised to NHS staff before for answering rudely, they understood where I was coming from.
  6. The broads with a connection to the canal network, trust me you'd hate it, narrowboats would soon clog the available moorings.
  7. We'll be having a new year gathering tonight, so far we've gathered 2 cases of southwold bitter and 2 cases of blackshore stout and 2 bottles of Kraken rum, that's my sort of gathering........ (and I'm not sharing)
  8. I trust you've looked at some of Alan Millyard's creations, love the 6 pot Z.
  9. Oops! A problem methinks....
  10. This is always useful. https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/station/6205
  11. One of the best saviours of a smart tv is looking up an old live gig on youtube and casting it to the tv, we ended the night to dire straights last night, well had to keep it mellow as my Mum is here.
  12. I too looked out the window this morning to see the road covered in water, 7 of our neighbours have been flooded, we got away with it by about 5 inches, it nearly made the patio and did get in my shed by an inch, I think my immediate neighbour got away with it looking at damp lines and door level but he is hardly ever there and no-one has his number to let him know. It's now receeding luckily.
  13. They have plenty of labour just waiting to come over......
  14. To save space the decanters you need are called drinking straws, just poke on in the top of the bottle, job done!
  15. The broads will still be here in 50 years time, they might be deeper and the bridges lower though.....
  16. And if the bilge is constantly slopping with water it can come from inside as well especially with exposed glass fibres that can wick into the layup.
  17. But antifoul is usually porous surely so no real water barrier.
  18. The best question I even heard about slipways was "do you have to reverse down?" Depends if you want to use the car again....
  19. Would it be easier to antifoul the topsides MM?
  20. For southern rivers Cantley has a good slip beside the pub.
  21. That's what worries us all about MM on a boat Grendel, saves a fortune on pumpouts though.
  22. I would get some anti-freeze through the raw water system if I were you, may be a while till you are allowed back. I can see another lockdown by 2nd week in jan till most of the way through feb after the Christmas numbnuts go stupid.
  23. Please please please correct that typo.
  24. I'm just not going to watch whatever the outcome, I never did like Noel Edmunds...... And no-one likes a banker!
  25. Cranes are generally rated "at a radius".
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