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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Good for social distancing though, everyone stays away.... (a good chewy stout also works well)
  2. If you are happy with vodafone signal go for lebara but go through the moneysavingexpert site, they do unlimited calls and texts + 100 international minutes + 2GB for a fiver.
  3. That is exactly how we do it, usually with at least one shower on the go if not both, we only have about 25 litre calorifier and it's only that big because the base 'prolapsed' after I changed the pump pressure and prv and added insulation, I'm still waiting for it to split but been like that two years now.
  4. To take some sag off 'curly cable' you could always run shock cord down the middle and anchor each end by cup hooks, a very cheap reinforcement and you should be able to get it in a matching colour.
  5. I quite like Islanders solution as it's simple and tidy, just have the sockets inline with the direction of travel for when you forget to unplug. So do open circuit panels in bright sun get damaged?
  6. If a boat had a full size hot water tank there would be no room for beer! I'd rather be smelly.
  7. How about running the cables through e-chain? Have you got somewhere it could hide and run freely? This has got me thinking now.... (there's a first) I'd quite like a solar panel on my sunroof but it's always the wiring that is the problem so never done it, I wonder if e-chain would run tidily in the runners.
  8. Or a pair of carbon brushes running on copper tracks, best with one each side so it's less likely to short.
  9. A couple of seasons back a group (I think from Jones marina) were going out in canoes and kayaks collecting it by hand as teasing it out was the best way to remove it, as said as soon as you cut or break it you have twice as many growing plants.
  10. Give it a top job in a quango!
  11. A manky boat moored outside a pub while you drink beer is worth 10 gleaming perfect boats sat in a marina MM, run it for a season and carry a couple of jerry cans as a backup, no point in fixing something that may not turn out to be a problem, after a season you'll know which problems to sort first (the beer fridge and heating!) and which problems didn't exist. On an ex hire boat I would have thought insulation is a first thought, they were not fitted out for a uk winter.
  12. That sounds fair enough, a music fest did sound strange. Good luck with it.
  13. As long as you enjoy the journey it's recreation not travelling...
  14. Guidance changed or law changed? Guidance is irrelevant, Law counts.
  15. Floating pennywort was (and I believe still is) a huge problem on gt.ouse and cam, it grows so quick it just clogs huge areas and cutting makes it grow quicker as the cut bits carry on, I remember zigzagging along the cam avoiding what looked like roundabouts in the river floating along, it gather across wiers and blocks them as well. Our local brook was getting full of himalayan balsam this summer blocking everything else out. At least a regime of regular spraying can get rid of japanese knotweed.
  16. That weekend is still in lockdown and you won't be able to have a musicfest for a long time afterwards even assuming lockdown is not extended, are you sure you are on the same planet or am I missing something here? Confused of cambridgeshire.
  17. Now there's a plan, I could not go to Wetherspoons as well, that would make a good night in, and the pig'n'falcon is always good to not go to as I get to not see all the druggies'n'dickheads. Looks like it's a pub not crawl tonight, and I get to not have a hangover in the morning, except for that stack of blackshore at home....
  18. I have a tricky choice with not being able to go to the pub, out of my two local regulars one has cheaper beer but a miserable landlord, the other has nice landlord/landlady but dearer beer, so which do I not go to? It will be less depressing to not go to the pub with miserable landlord. I will save more money by not going to the pub with dearer beer. Decisions decisions.......
  19. For lower data users lebara do a deal through moneysavingexpert website of unlimited calls and texts, 100 international minutes, and 2gb data for a fiver a month rolling contract. It's the vodafone network.
  20. That's a result then I don't have a conscience.... Oh crap I just found I have a survival instinct, stop at home it is then!
  21. No reason why it should get a better signal than a regular smartphone or tablet, it's just a 4g signal.
  22. One benefit of gloves is you can use alcohol gel as often as like without drying your skin, just sanitize the gloves, when I'm out on delivery/collections in the works van I wear gloves each place I go and squirt down with brake cleaner before taking them off, saves using loads of gloves and filling the landfills with single use plastics.
  23. What are your reasons for fresh water flush? You pay out a chunk of cash and have to carry more water/top up more often, is river water flush that big an issue? I wouldn't change for fresh flush, so the first flush smells a bit when boat has stood and you get a bit of silt in the pan, you get far worse in the pan anyway. Between fresh flush and electric loo I've never seen the point, you are on a boat not in a hotel.
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