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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. They should have left them there, seven plants in a marsh are obviously not organised commercial activity but someones personal crop that surely takes cash away from the drugs gangs, if someone want to grow their own I say let them do it, they'll only buy it otherwise and feed the problem and more likely to get skunk types that are causing so much more problem than the old school weed that used to be around. And yes I used to love a bit of old school weed before you ask, not a hint of interest in the stuff about nowadays.
  2. Stange as peterborough probably comes up as most popular place on a survey carried out in eastern europe.
  3. Maybe as an honor for Captain Tom our Boris could give us a bank holiday for VJ day! I just fancy an extra bank holiday......
  4. Whatever is announced I will be checking my boat tuesday, I have to drive a 180 mile round trip for a work job taking me to norwich so I'm not going to miss a chance like that to check the bilge and batteries, before anyone starts I won't be taking it out or working on it other than maybe swapping batteries over and have contacted the marina to check they are happy with me doing it.
  5. Proper corks not plastic "corks" I hope.
  6. Oh crap were dooooooomed!
  7. Yes Trev I did also have a claim with craftinsure that went well. Which reminds me I have to check with GJW what the score is with not being able to keep an eye on the boat at the moment, I may have a delivery for work that way soon in which case I will be popping in to check, I sometimes double as the van driver and seeing as 7 were furloughed friday deliveries/collections will come my way.
  8. Or gjw direct, I've found them good in a claim.
  9. Is that while they inject disinfectant and shine a very bright light into a suitable orifice?
  10. I work by that theory too, I stopped ticking the gift aid box a long time ago for that reason.
  11. How the hell does a phone check your oxygen levels? I assume an add-on must be needed or do you just take a selfie and see how blue your toungue is?
  12. I think they will be desparate for a loud busy weekend by then.
  13. Last seen somewhere in france, position unknown! Sorry that was Bonnie Tiler.....
  14. I believe it's this weekend that folk need to buy his charity record to give it a chance of being no.1 for his 100th, I know it was there last week but for his 100th would be well deserved, I bought it twice despite having no desire to listen to it. And it's only a quid, itunes or amazon.
  15. The problem is when the batteries have sat at 11.5v or less for a month they stand a good chance of being knackered or seriously impared, and the lack of capacity to run an auto bilge pump. When I left my boat just before lockdown I took the fuses out of the eberspacher and radio memory as they bypass the isolators knowing it could be a while till the next visit, next time I will be taking the spares just in case, also gave the stern glands an extra nip up.(no greasers)
  16. And usually the ones that shouldn't I would guess.
  17. Now there's an idea for a new topic, Who would you smack in the mouth first? Maybe with a poll at the end, There maybe a few ToS issues though......
  18. Before you can kill off a virus you have to work out if it is actually 'alive' in the first place, I think the science is still out on wether they are actually life or not.
  19. My beer delivery still turned up next working day.
  20. Without the TV coverage he would have probably made a few grand and would have been no less a hero for what he's doing but the TV has latched on to a good news story that is much needed right now and it's snowballed from there. It is just the sort of story that everyone needs to cheer them up and must give the NHS workers such a lift when it must be very mentally stressful. Downside being all the other charities will probably miss out on similar amounts as it's all gone to this one, I bet justgiving are making a packet out of it too, they are after all an IT company not a charity organisation.
  21. Maybe darwinism will kick in and solve climate change.
  22. I would hope his telegram from the queen is guaranteed, what an absolute bloody hero! Nice one Tom
  23. Anyone expecting less than another 3 weeks is not in the real world, let's hope easing happens soon. I can manage a boaty visit without a pub but it will be very strange, I've lost a bit of weight though! (probably just my liver shrinking)
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