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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Not on an old school diesel, it's not needed for anything.
  2. A lot of car mpg readings are worked out by the ecu, not many old boat engines have anything like.
  3. If you can get the flow meters at the right price you could have a play with raspberry pi/arduino/picaxe or something, you'd just need to work a way of calibrating the pulses per litre, the display should be the easy bit once you have the numbers sorted.
  4. Will be pricey as you will need 4 flow meters so you can do flow & return for each engine, then need something to subtract the return from the flow, then need a display.
  5. Aha a proper link, now why didn't I think of that.
  6. With any luck lapland will still be under lockdown come december......
  7. Where's the beer? I can only see budweiser. I just ordered 6 cases of belhaven black from the greene king online shop.
  8. A filter in the balance line would be a good idea, not a setup I have ever seen mind, even better two filters with check valves in parallel facing opposite directions if you have beer tokens spare.
  9. The two seasons before I replaced my tanks I'd done more one engine on low power entrances than I care to remember, I'd cleared most of he bug but had rust coming through too, on the last run out I changed 6 pairs of pre-filters, there's no way I'd have linked tanks. On my previous boat I'd had both tanks out and cut open to replace rotten steel and got them clean enough to use the house vacuum cleaner inside without violence from swmbo before welding back up, all fuel had been filtered and traeted going back in, I'd only picked up at one marina after that before a sea trip and had fuel issues, found a flake of crud wedged in a pickup pipe that certainly wasn't there before. We ended up being towed in to kings lynn by skeggy lifeboat as a steering arm snapped on one outdrive, of course it had to be the one still running!!!!!! Could've gone round in circles all day if I'd wanted. I love seperate tanks.
  10. Not for sea Griff, you can have full confidence as "it's never done that before" but you only find out about fuel problems when you least need them, you can have tanks full of crud on the rivers and never know it but the first bit of lumpy water and it all grinds to an abrupt halt. It takes a fair amout of fuel level difference to make any noticable list to most twin diesel boats, mine have been 100 litres different many times with no real effects, I just assume swmbo has been on the cakes again.....
  11. I'd have settled for "answers on the back of a tenner".
  12. For rivers only use open is fine, for sea use close the valve (all the time even on rivers) and keep the tanks separate in case of fuel contamination, that way you only lose one engine and keep going.
  13. To lower the number of accidents stop messing about with seatbelts and airbags and fit a 6" spike to the centre of steering wheels, accidents will soon decrease.
  14. No bloody chance! That's not how they work.
  15. I had to go out in the van last friday at work to pick up avgas and was quite surprised just how easy it was to lose the sense of danger once out of town on desrted roads with a bit of music playing, it was quite disconcerting considering I'm normally quite happy to drive and ride like a bit of a tw*t.
  16. Mine was paid before lockdown, I don't care, it's the least of my worries. That was simple....
  17. Not going out will be a winner.
  18. I'm with Griff on that one, the rational folk won't get to read the "sod off" message as they'll be at home, the kn0bheads can be as offended as they like, and if they have a holiday home there they'll be back anyway. Besides that sign is not in any way offensive anyway, just to the point, it says nothing Boris has not said on national TV.
  19. If that don't work it must be an electrical fault!
  20. This one is the good one for me this weekend, my mum's wifi has fecked up gone wrong leaving her with no option of online food deliveries so I had to go over to see if I could sort it for her today, I think the wifi side of her homehub has died but still connecting to the internet on the ethernet ports, so I have to go back tommorow with a wifi router to link it and see if I can get her going again. It was good to be told that she had cleaned the door handles and was going to do it again after I'd gone, I checked my temperature before heading over too which I have been doing daily for a while, 36.8 seems pretty good to me. As I don't own a car I had to take the bike in the sunshine with clear roads and it was sheer bliss, I have noticed that I am riding/driving like less of a tw*t than normal as I don't want to be taking any a&e time when I get it wrong. Tommorow mornings dog walk will be via car and out to a country footpath (only a few miles) as the normal route will be busy going by the weather forecast, I'd rather be away from crowds as there's always someone that can't get 2 metres as a minimum.
  21. Now so many politicians are being interviewed from home we get to see their choice of decor, I'm waiting for Diane abbott to do an interview so we can see what sort of padding she has on her walls....
  22. tonytugboats has an excellent reputation.
  23. I wouldn't make any plans around it.....
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