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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Have you got the broads map for mmtracker? I can share if needed, it's old but the water is in the right place.
  2. I drink too much! I'm now drinking less than half what I did before and have dropped to the level of mere pi**head, I dread to think what level I was before but can't wait to get back to it.
  3. Ian must have some good otter recipes, give the bat curry a miss though.
  4. I'm sooo glad I splashed out for a decent fridge on my boat, especially as the old one is now in my back room acting as the beer fridge while the pubs are shut, it's doing a cracking job on 240v but was a bit hefty on 12v despite being a compressor type (old school compressor not modern danfoss). Gotta buy a 12v telly now though, didn't want to put one on this boat but with pubs shut I'm not going to lower myself to reading books, that's for those educated types not us plebs! I spotted a reasonable looking fergusson that comes with cigarette lighter type adaptor that should cope with automotive voltages and battery chargers and it's made in UK, prolly all chinese components but at least the labour can be spent here.
  5. Oh dear I now have a vision of Nyx cruising along the river towing 24 cans of beer and 5 remaining hot dog sausages to keep them cool after opening the tin, now's not the time to mention sea toilets......
  6. Sod that! I break out into a cold sweat as soon as I get inside the M25.
  7. Where I work we furloughed 7 at the end of april, one of them and his other half (works in a care home) was tested positive the day after (may 1st) and didn't bother to tell us till 12 days later, we were anything but happy! But after 12 days and no-one showing any symptoms it really wasn't worth shutting down to isolate as the few of us left would have shared it around anyway by then, I guess we must be distancing and washing everything down well enough although it's not always possible to do the full 2m. I don't know if that particular guy will be making it back as the guvnor wasn't to chuffed either, fair play to the guvnor he did come out straight away and say anyone wanting to go home for the rest of the 14 day period would be on full pay.
  8. DIY actually stand for Don't Involve Yourself.
  9. Much simpler solution than that, I only measured the edges, boating wasn't allowed during the lockdown....
  10. I built a self levelling pond with no problems, the water level came out dead flat on each side.
  11. That's how I understood it, the bit in law is very restrictive with the government able to use which bits it feels is needed, but all with a 2 year limitation so they can't just decide to become a dictatorship without a further act of parliment.
  12. You can't stay over night on your boat, unless you are night fishing of course.... There's an interesting loophole, except it won't work till June 16th.
  13. Didn't sars show symptoms before it was really contageous? Makes containment a whole lot easier when there's something to see/feel to tell you that you're contageous.
  14. Progressed or mutated? Gotta admit I saw mine yesterday and it's not looking pretty.
  15. You might still not see your boat again, that layer of green has probably got ownership rights by now.
  16. Remember that moorings owned by pubs are still out of bounds as they are part of the licenced premises, I know some pubs have permanently moored boats which are ok but to use the moorings and garden is a no-no for most of us.
  17. That's good news indeed! I checked mine yesterday and the bilges were the driest I've seen them and batteries fine so I'll leave it alone till June now and see what the numbers do.
  18. They'd have a job to check mine, from one side anyway as the stickers they supplied have almost completely faded in very few years, oddly it's the side that is normally in shade for most of the time.
  19. If it was down to the pub not being open it would have shut several years ago.
  20. What size stick did you hit it with?
  21. My plans have not changed, go and check boat tommorow as driving that way for work anyway so may as well do the last 10 minutes to make sure all is ok, marina are ok with this, but no plans on taking boat off it's mooring till I see how the next step pans out over the next few weeks, maybe consider june. If number rocket then I'll stop at home otherwise I'll consider the trip to work on it but no runs out, I rarely see anyone else at my marina anyway.
  22. I suggest you do the washing up first......
  23. I believe that happened at beford police hq a few years back.
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