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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Daft question but is the valve the right way round? Will it pump just water?
  2. I can see the problems with sailies starting at 5 minute intervals as many don't travel more than 2 metres in 5 minutes......
  3. Where does it go to? Tank or sea toilet? Are there any other valves in the plumbing like a diverter valve that gives tank/sea option.
  4. Nowt to do with ruts in the floor, that's just an old age thing! I'm getting a hi-speed stairlift fitted so I can get upstairs before I forget what I'm going up there for.
  5. I'll be using pubs where I can but taking supplies in case I find one too busy for my liking just in case. I bet it pi55es down on July 4th.....
  6. For the aluminium frame to grp I use self adhesive expaned neoprene tape, easily available in various thicknesses and widths off fleabay, I used 3mm x 20mm and stuck to the frame with the ends overlapped, so far so good and much less messy than trying to wrestle the windows back in with gooey sealant around them.
  7. If you can get the thing off the bottom you can drag a tarp underneath to stop holes re-flooding it for long enough to get it to a slip or crane.
  8. That's one way to do a deep clean.
  9. Unfortunately in modern life it is very close, as I've mentioned in another thread unless we all want to go back to hunter/gatherers (a lot do) money is everything as everything we expect requires it, and lack of it can create a bigger death toll than a virus, how close the actual numbers are no-one knows till afterwards. It's no use surviving a virus if you are going to starve or keel over from something that was fully survivable before the hospitals got clogged up. Without a herd immunity or annually researched jab flu would probably still far outdo the death toll of covid but that has had centuries to settle to the rate it has now and we only understand the numbers we are used to, how does 10 years of average flu deaths compare to covid deaths bearing in mind we have a level of immunity and a regularly changing jab (that is still just an educated guess as to which strains are going to be prevalent). I'm not ready to willingly accept death or of any family or friends but the reality of nature is it happens and there's sod all we can do about it, I have a few issues that put me up the risk catagory a bit but the world keeps turning whatever. Sometimes the belief of "it always happens to someone else" can be a wonderful thing as if it's going to be me I don't want to have to worry about it before it happens 'cos it will still happen regardless. Anyway on a positive note.........
  10. If diesel isn't flammable please explain how boats keep moving around the broads.... Leave the flappy things out of this, they are not normal!
  11. You do talk a load of old ballcocks! Take no notice OBB, just solder on and keep going.
  12. When I finally get an overnight on the boat I'll do some research, I have giffgaff (o2), 3, and 1p (EE) payg sims as looking for the best option, I will be trying all 3 next time on boat, so far at home I'm not impressed with the EE one but on broads may be different matter.
  13. I'll book a regular spot! Slow wifi would be good so no-one can stream annoying films or that stupid football thing but could still check windguru for sea trips or general weather forecasts. And add dark spiced rum to that top shelf. I might even chip in 20p towards the lotto ticket. One of the other glitches about the berney is that you can't drink the water from the tap, the kitchen has a big reverse osmosis unit for cooking water as the stuff that comes from the borehole is way over (something like x10) the WHO levels for manganese (I think).
  14. I'm not as brave as you lot, when I reshuffled my hols I went for the first week in august as my early week and early sept for 2 weeks, prolly carry the rest over to next year.
  15. My stocks & shares isa has certainly taken a hit, worth less now than it started with, I daresay it will recover to some extent but it effectively locks the savings away till the markets recover as it's a big loss to withdraw, better to sit tight and wait.
  16. My job is very non-essential and I've been working all the way through, we furloughed half the workshop (oldies and infirm) and took a few extra precautions, we probably do get way too close sometimes as you just can't help it. The only essential bit is turning rich boys money into paye/ni/vat/import tax that is going to be vital in the long run, it's no use saving lives just to watch them starve down the line, unless we all go back to being hunter/gatherers it's all got to be paid for.
  17. There was a film about a guy with an old phone that dealt with electricity supplies, I think it was jurassic spark......
  18. The thing with powder ones is to give them a good shake every so often as constant vibration settles the powder solid. Just checking the gauge isn't enough.
  19. I would have thought the first thing you would do spotting a fire near your engine would be to turn off the things that may be pumping fuel and adding heat.
  20. Whatever you end up doing good luck to you and SWMBO Andy. Sometimes it takes something drastic going on to make the decision you maybe should have made a while ago, it's often too easy to just carry on doing what you are doing than make the leap. I hope you are going to keep one of the boats and make it to the ferryhouse yourself more often.
  21. I thought the change.org petitions were about getting things debated in parliament and sod all to do with BA, it's not something I want debated so won't sign it, I don't see it as a navigation hazard anyway so as much as I find it an eyesore I don't see it's any of my business.
  22. All the "webteam" were asked is can the boat be left at anchor overnight, I don't believe staying on it was mentioned and if they are not clued up on sailing they wouldn't know whats involved, the guidelines are very clear on the no overnighting bit, it's just peoples wishful thinking that is confusing. I will happily be on the boat the weekend of 4th/5th july as long as infections keep falling or stay stable but the demos are not going to help the situation, and now the far right morons have found a cause I recon they will carry on for a while.
  23. So if you can ignore a user can you ignore a thread? There are quite a few I really cba reading through but get in the way of the recents list. I don't want to put any users on an ignore list, just a few topics. PS. Sorry about the thread drift.
  24. Now now, no need to sexist! It would be modern personkind to avoid offending anyone, and there's a few on here that may find "modern" offensive too.
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