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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Or a hooked Stanley blade on a long stick.
  2. Looks like prop access to me for clearance.
  3. As a tidal waterway/haven the broads should be open to ALL within a set of rules, toll, and insurance liability if needed, but no one group should be restricted, well maybe with the exception of the flappy ones...... Insurance companies also need to grow a pair and tell uninsured people hurt by THEIR own stupidity to sod off and not just blame the bigger insured craft if they did nothing wrong instead of paying out "because it's cheaper than defending" .
  4. SSSSShhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! We don't want them!
  5. I have to say in most pubs I have been in over the last week most people were behaving well and keeping a distance, there's always the odd one or two but you can generally keep a good distance from them yourself. Remember the difference between caution and blind panic.
  6. Photo pretty much critical or we'll keep giving stupid answers, could be anything, my money is a cryo chamber to preserve to contents of the holding tank till it can be cured and live a long and healthy life and work as a shelf stacker in tescos....
  7. In the last week cruising the broads we got two calls involving deaths, both semi expected, neither covid related. Get on with life within your comfort zone and enjoy it, covid is only a minor part of what is out to get you, it's just what's in the news.
  8. At last I've had a YouTube vid go viral! It Was just me licking a shopping trolley....
  9. A bit of grease around the CCTV cameras or ptfe spray keeps them off as they can't grip on. Anyone that's been shielding and araknaphobic may as well just sell their boat going by my canopy on first return.
  10. Smoggy


    Well after a week of veg options being peas or beans I'm back at the Reed cutter and had a roast Turkey with 6 different veg, superb! And at £8 an absolute bargain, would recommend.
  11. The biggest hazard is Tolly having a private rave, but he's not got a day off till 11/8 so you will be safe, take beer/rum and he will probably let you join in.... It'll only be a one boat rave so don't panic.
  12. Smoggy


    Just a few observations, reedcutters at cantley has good limited menu and lends itself well to covid restrictions, ship at reedham basic food but well laid out, fishermans inn basic menu but well laid out with nice new terrace, some money has been spent.
  13. I'm out and about for a week as of this afternoon, about sodding time as it's the first time I've had this year apart from weekends/bank holidays.
  14. Although I have a deep mistrust of the BA in general I nothing but respect for the bunch that actually do the work on the ground.
  15. I'm sure a ranger will appear as soon as it hits the water and sort me out, it usually works that way...... I have to find out how the dog gets on with it yet, now that could be a lot of fun!
  16. @Griff, if you are thinking using a gps tracker while training your new pooch I will have one going up for sale in september when the subscription is due as Tina is now well and truly a home dog not the flighty wild street dog she once was, it's a tracktive with collar mount (works well on a harness) with two batteries and two charging leads, I got spares so I could leave a battery and lead on the boat. I will use it for our september hols (first two weeks) then cancel the subscription as it is due to auto renew a week later, it's given us a lot more confidence for the first off lead walkies, that first unclipping is terrifying even with a 10metre trailing lead on. She may have dodgy recall still but it's because she is playing/scrounging/scavenging rather than looking to do a proper runner, she now knows she has a very cushy life.
  17. You could always hang a curtain under a face shield as an extra catcher of gunk, by curtain I mean a small fabric thing not one nicked from your living room......
  18. You mean you do the handover for the boat that cost you a fortune then spend the next 4 hours playing with an empty cardboard box and some screwed up paper?
  19. Can the rangers launches still issue a short visit toll? I may use my dinghy next week but not about to toll it before hand as there's a good chance it won't get out of the lazarette, I know it's less than a tenner but that's a couple of beers! Gotta prioritize in these tough times.....
  20. Did he happen to ride an old yamaha twin with that name?
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