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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Wild mooring is better avoided on the southern rivers as the tide is much bigger range.
  2. Use them but don't overuse them, they are very useful but the sound of long blasts always fills me with dread when moored nearby.
  3. I've signed purely on the public money spent on private land point, I don't care about fishing so not on that point. And a stilted up broad ends up as Carr woodland which is also valuable habitat and no less natural than a broad.
  4. That pretty much sums it up, just remember to tie off the mudweight rope before chucking it in, on a running tide a mudweight might slow you but don't expect it to stop you.
  5. Around high water (especially about an hour after) the tide will go slack just as it does at low water, and the flood tide is generally weaker than the ebb so with good timing you should be able to avoid the strongest tidal flows, half tide is the worst time to run against tides as they are strongest. Running against the tide you will have more steering control than some of the things you see bobbing sideways towards the yarmouth bridges with the tide taking them as they try to keep the speed down, most boats should be able to push against the tide just won't get anywhere fast, and if headroom is low you are better going under a bridge against the tide as you can stop far quicker by dropping the throttle, the other way round (with the tide up your bum) you just career under a bit slower instead of stopping, might use less fuel but can use more toilet roll..... Remember the bure runs out for about an hour longer than the yare, I assume the opposite is true at high water.
  6. It's due when it's due so better to get it checked earlier, they used to be able to add your old time on (up to a year I believe) so nothing lost by early checking and leaving plenty of fixing time. Retesting cost is probably up to the tester, often with little things they will just sort with you as they find them within reason so always good to be present for the test.
  7. Nowt stops the horse flies, I've been bit throgh jeans before leaving a blood stain, vicious little shgits.
  8. If you're at the new inn they have Kraken, never mind lambs...... And they are not known for early closing, in fact they are not known for closing at all....
  9. If I had an issue on breydon I would have a good bit of faith in my 10kg bruce holding me but absolutely sod all chance of a mudweight holding me in a running tide, but of course there's unlikey to be any roots to foul on with breydon.
  10. I've used my anchor on the broads but if there's tree roots it's asking for problems.
  11. Yeah, that's the trouble with those porn chat lines......
  12. I have rarely mudweighted but have anchored in some fairly brisk water and the theory is the first 5 metres should be chain as the anchor is just the stop at the end of the rode, the next 5 metres laying on the bed is what does the stopping and 3-4 times the depth at high tide plus the distance from water to bow roller is minimum to hold you, a bit of a blow needs more. I'm not convinced a thrown mudweight makes any odds as the splash as it hits the water takes most of the energy out of the equation, and there's nowt worse than back pain.... You'll sleep better gently dragging across a broad when nothing really bad is going to happen as a result than you will with sciatica.
  13. If she can work from home she can work from a boat under a good signal or wifi........ Just saying!
  14. Post the address to the portapotti owners club and offer to pay the postage..........
  15. That's crap Griff, well done for walking away. An agreement should be exactly that and stuck to.
  16. Expanding foam will as said soak up water if trimmed and end up with plants growing from it, best avoided.
  17. Anyone with half a brain should have seen short notice travel problems for anywhere for the rest of the year coming 6 months ago let alone 2 weeks ago, travel by all means but don't start whining when an issue crops up FFS! I see sympathy is very thin on the ground..... There's plenty to do and see in UK and our guys need the business.
  18. Pure sine is how your household mains is oscillating between +& -, modified and quasi is usually a squared off version and much cheaper to create. Some items need pure to run (microwaves for instance) but basic stuff runs ok on the cheaper system.
  19. There was no excess of water, it was just in the wrong place.
  20. I seem to recall a lot of the electrical bits were replaced a couple of years ago, luckily for me I can drop my arch easily and go under anything below half tide with good clearance, there's a pretty big gap under there at LWS. As much as I'd quite like a flybridge I'm glad I didn't go that way.
  21. You would not want to be mooring a cruiser in the outer harbour, too much swell and big stuff, it's no place for leisure craft. Peel ports operate haven, nowt to do with ba.
  22. Smoggy


    They just look like normal archant headlines.
  23. Standard practice for harbours is to raft if told by the harbour master against the boat they tell you to but take your own shore lines to take a share of the load, it's the HM's choice not yours and they will normally take into account size/shape/weight/dogs before instructing you. You don't generally get hire cruisers full of novices in harbours though.
  24. Last time someone moored against MM they thought it WAS the bank.......
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